Advice needed on PowerMac G5 memory upgrade

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I haven't received the unit yet, but I am planning a memory upgrade already for it. I am getting a PowerMac G5 1.6 Ghz with 256 MB of RAM. As we all know that OS X like lot of RAM, how much would be enough for it. I don't want to go overboard with the memory upgrade. Should I be getting 2*256 MB upgrade or 2*512 MB upgrade. Please advice. Thanks y'all.


  • Reply 1 of 31
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    No matter what you do, you can NEVER have enough RAM...!
  • Reply 2 of 31
    I for one wouldn't buy anything except 1 Gig modules. I never do one definative memory upgrade, I just buy a module every now and then until my computer is maxed out. I would do the same in this case and when I filled everything except the 256 MB module, I would rip it out and throw it away and fill that slot with a 1 Gig module, I really love RAM! By the way, are 1 Gigabyte modules even available yet? My Quicksilver 2002 only accepted 512 MB modules, but when I get a new G5 in Feb, I want the full 8 Gigabytes!
  • Reply 3 of 31

    Originally posted by markiv

    I don't want to go overboard with the memory upgrade.

    Its hard to go overboard with OSX, especially if you using say... photoshop, its more about how much money you can spend. Although I guess 8 gigs of ram if your just using internet, mail, and word would be a tad overboard What are you going to do on the machene?
  • Reply 4 of 31
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Just dont forget you need to upgrade in pairs (or is that only on the 1.8 and 2.0 models)?
  • Reply 5 of 31
    markivmarkiv Posts: 180member
    I would be playing some games, writing papers, surfing etc, College stuff. Might use Photoshop once in a while. I have only 4 slots in the 1.6 Ghz machine, had to go for that because of the money constraints, also have to pay for the college fee this semester. I was think more on the lines of getting 2*256 MB RAM modules or 2*512 MB RAM modules. Would it matter if I had 768 MB RAM or 1.25 GB of RAM for the work that I am going to be doing. I am really tight on money as I already bought a 20" LCD from Apple. Your advice is appreciated. Thanks y'all.
  • Reply 6 of 31
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member

    Originally posted by markiv

    I would be playing some games, writing papers, surfing etc, College stuff. Might use Photoshop once in a while. I have only 4 slots in the 1.6 Ghz machine, had to go for that because of the money constraints, also have to pay for the college fee this semester. I was think more on the lines of getting 2*256 MB RAM modules or 2*512 MB RAM modules. Would it matter if I had 768 MB RAM or 1.25 GB of RAM for the work that I am going to be doing. I am really tight on money as I already bought a 20" LCD from Apple. Your advice is appreciated. Thanks y'all.

    Get 2x512MB. 768MB may be OK for now, but the extra RAM will probably help with the next generation games.

    If you're really tight on cash, you shouldn't have gotten the 20" Apple LCD. You could've saved ~$400(or gotten the mid-range G5) by getting a non-Apple 20", unless widescreen is really important for you.
  • Reply 7 of 31
    big macbig mac Posts: 480member
    I can't think of any reason why normal users would need to max out at 4+GBs, and even 1024GBs sounds excessive. RAM is cheap, though, and everyone loves to say that OS X's performance increases with lots of RAM. And to a point that's obviously true, but once you have enough RAM to minimize serious paging, I don't really see the upside. Plus, since he (along with many of us) is opting for the 1.6GHz, the RAM he buys isn't going to be compatible with a 1.8 or 2.0GHz, and it certainly won't be compatible with the machine that will eventually replace his 1.6. I'm planning to go 2X256 and leave it at that.
  • Reply 8 of 31
    markivmarkiv Posts: 180member
    Thanks a lot guys. I would probably go for 2*256 and have a total of 768 MB RAM, maybe later during the semester I would go fo a higher upgrade.
  • Reply 9 of 31

    I for one wouldn't buy anything except 1 Gig modules. I never do one definative memory upgrade, I just buy a module every now and then until my computer is maxed out. I would do the same in this case and when I filled everything except the 256 MB module, I would rip it out and throw it away and fill that slot with a 1 Gig module,

    Due to the G5s dual channel Memory architecture you have to buy 2 dimms at once at the same size. You cannot buy one and stick it on then add another one later.


    the RAM he buys isn't going to be compatible with a 1.8 or 2.0GHz

    Well, Thats not entirely true. He could buy 400MHz DDR RAM and stick it in the 1.6 though I don`t see why anyone would do this. The 1.6 would not see any improvement in it and it would just be a waste of money.

    Now my question is what are you going to be doing on this machine? If your going to be pushing some huge files in Photoshop or something like that then I would suggest the 2*512. If your going to be doing everyday stuff like word processing and internet, e-mail and even building the occasional web page then 2*256 is more than enough, It would probably be more than enough with out the stock 2*128 in there to.
  • Reply 10 of 31

    Originally posted by markiv

    Thanks a lot guys. I would probably go for 2*256 and have a total of 768 MB RAM, maybe later during the semester I would go fo a higher upgrade.

    I believe this is a false economy, as you will have to throw out the 2x 128MB modules that are factory- fitted if you want to do an upgrade after your intial one.

    The 1GB modules are too expensive, and it doesn't sound like you need them.

    I'm going for 2x512MB.
  • Reply 11 of 31
    big macbig mac Posts: 480member

    Originally posted by Mount_my_floppy

    Well, Thats not entirely true. He could buy 400MHz DDR RAM and stick it in the 1.6 though I don`t see why anyone would do this. The 1.6 would not see any improvement in it and it would just be a waste of money.

    Yeah, I'm sorry for the error, which I realized I made an hour or so ago. I should have said that buying DDR333 will preclude 1.8 and 2.0 compatibility, but DDR400 would be compatible with all three machines. My point concerning the next generation G5s is most likely valid though, since they'll need something faster than DDR400.
  • Reply 12 of 31
    markivmarkiv Posts: 180member
    Since I would be be using my computer for mainly college stuff, Internet, and games. I think I am going for the 1 GB upgrade I changed my mind again about that. OS X is RAM hungry, so maybe 1.25 GB of total RAM would be kinda good for my PowerMac G5.
  • Reply 13 of 31
    get as much as you can afford, 1.25 sounds good. When I get myne at work ima get 2 gigs to start, but the machine will be doing design print/web, video, etc..
  • Reply 14 of 31
    tidristidris Posts: 214member

    Originally posted by markiv

    I would be playing some games, writing papers, surfing etc, College stuff. Might use Photoshop once in a while. I have only 4 slots in the 1.6 Ghz machine, had to go for that because of the money constraints, also have to pay for the college fee this semester. I was think more on the lines of getting 2*256 MB RAM modules or 2*512 MB RAM modules. Would it matter if I had 768 MB RAM or 1.25 GB of RAM for the work that I am going to be doing. I am really tight on money as I already bought a 20" LCD from Apple. Your advice is appreciated. Thanks y'all.

    Don't buy any memory until you have used the machine for a while. I think you will find 256MB quite adequate for college use, except for maybe Photoshop if you do a lot of work with very large images. Remember that memory should go down in price the longer you wait.
  • Reply 15 of 31
    What exactly is the deal with memory upgrades for the G5's. I have a 1.6 on the way (hopefully) with the stock 256 ram in it. Say I want to add two 256's in it, can i keep the two 128's? Do they all have to be the same, paired, etc?
  • Reply 16 of 31
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    iPhoto can easily consume my entire 1.5 gigs all by itself. iMovie is also RAM limited.

    I wouldn't worry about choosing the 'right' RAM upgrade so long as you don't buy any modules less than 512mb. At some point, you'll likely remove the factory installed modules in favor of higher capacity ones. A couple of 512s would limit you to 3gigs unless at some point, 2gig modules are available/compatible. In this case, you could get all the way to 5gigs without scrapping the 512s.
  • Reply 17 of 31
    tidristidris Posts: 214member

    Originally posted by dfiler

    iPhoto can easily consume my entire 1.5 gigs all by itself. iMovie is also RAM limited.

    But thanks to virtual memory you can use all those apps comfortably with a lot less than 1.5GB RAM.

    On this FAQ,

    Apple says 256MB is adequate for all the iLife apps (iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, iTunes).
  • Reply 18 of 31

    Originally posted by vinnyman29

    What exactly is the deal with memory upgrades for the G5's. I have a 1.6 on the way (hopefully) with the stock 256 ram in it. Say I want to add two 256's in it, can i keep the two 128's? Do they all have to be the same, paired, etc?

    If you buy 2*256 DIMMS you can keep the 128`s also. They have to be in pairs but each pair does not have to be of of the same size.

    There are 2 sets of DDR-SDRAM slots, The RAM in the G5 is dual Channel so it accesses 2 DIMMS at once basically so the RAM needs to be the same size on either bank for the corresponding RAM slot. I know there is more to it than that but you get the gist of it.
  • Reply 19 of 31

    Originally posted by Mount_my_floppy

    If you buy 2*256 DIMMS you can keep the 128`s also. They have to be in pairs but each pair does not have to be of of the same size.

    There are 2 sets of DDR-SDRAM slots, The RAM in the G5 is dual Channel so it accesses 2 DIMMS at once basically so the RAM needs to be the same size on either bank for the corresponding RAM slot. I know there is more to it than that but you get the gist of it.

    That makes sense, thanks.
  • Reply 20 of 31
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member

    Originally posted by markiv

    I would be playing some games, writing papers, surfing etc, College stuff. Might use Photoshop once in a while. I have only 4 slots in the 1.6 Ghz machine, had to go for that because of the money constraints, also have to pay for the college fee this semester. I was think more on the lines of getting 2*256 MB RAM modules or 2*512 MB RAM modules. Would it matter if I had 768 MB RAM or 1.25 GB of RAM for the work that I am going to be doing. I am really tight on money as I already bought a 20" LCD from Apple. Your advice is appreciated. Thanks y'all.

    I already have my two 512 sticks of 333 2700 DDR Kingston RAM for a dual 867/1.25/1.43 MDD/FW800 that I got at Circuit City a couple of weeks ago for $46 each after 50% off rebates including sales tax. Forget about two 256. Get a pair of 512's CHEAP by being patient and studying all the sales in the Sunday paper each week until the DEAL comes along. It will not be a slouch right out of the box.

    UPDATE: These sticks are NOT dual channel compatible. So they will not work in G5 Macs.
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