Wait Time Between Al 15 Order and Actually Getting the Box?



  • Reply 21 of 22
    Regarding waiting for the AlBook15, it's like the wait-for-the-bus dilemma. The longer you wait, the more likely the bus (i.e. AlBook) is to arrive, but the more you should walk (i.e. buy something else) because the friggin' "bus" isn't coming.

    I'm very close to doing what pscates did and caving in for a 12". But if I do, in a month (or so, plus the aforementioned delivery limbo) I'll have to work very hard to avoid turning green when my colleagues show up to work with their shiny new AlBook15's.

    Come on, bus!
  • Reply 22 of 22
    kestralkestral Posts: 310member
    I never thought I'd be forced into this game either.

    Here's the deal: my current employer supplies me with a 12" Powerbook G4, and I don't own a computer of my own. I'm being courted by another company right now (who is an all WinTel shop) so I am going to need to buy a Powerbook for myself.

    Don't want to count the chickens before they hatch but the prognosis looks very good (99.99999999999% that the new company will be making an offer very soon and ther CEO has asked me whether I can jump ship faster than a two-week notice time.

    But I may be able to stretch things out so that I have about a 3 week window before I give up the 12" Powerbook.

    So what I'd love is for a new machine to be announced next week (or even better, TOMORROW) so then I can make a decision form there.

    Ideally what I want is a 15" Alubook. But depending on pricing/timing/other factors, I may go for a 12" Powerbook (hopefully a new one gets announced).

    So it really is a "race against the clock" here for me. I don't want to cave but I only have a limited timespan to make a smooth transition for myself. So I guess in the "Waiting for a Laptop in the Year of the Laptop" club
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