Holocaust inspired by Martin Luther?



  • Reply 21 of 28
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    Originally posted by segovius

    No, better to ask you to step up to the plate instead.

    Let's have the quotes you are thinking of. Referenced from Qu'ran and Hadith. And start a new thread - not here.

    You know Islam, so you should be aware of such things.


    Originally posted by segovius

    Really your hate for Islam is something in the nature of a neurosis, isn't it ?

    babydoll, it isn't a hatret of Islam that drives me. But when a bunch of anti-christian threads and polls show up, one must wonder how much anger similar threads would create if say they were bashing Islam. But, you don't really see those do you? Not overtly anyway, it's not PC to bash Islam.


    Originally posted by segovius

    This thread is about Martin Luther get back OT.

    Yes boss, right away boss
  • Reply 22 of 28
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Oops ..See below for full text reply ...
  • Reply 23 of 28
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by segovius

    Ok. I know I really shouldn't, but once more into the breach (sigh).....

    Planning to fill it with English dead eh ? you Welshman you .. Still haven't forgiven all them upstart Normans...?

    "Actually, the thing to remember is that the Bible is inherently contradictory and can therefore be used to condone all sorts of unpallatable views. Like Luther's. In fact it is the root cause of 90% plus of the west's cultural paradigms and prejudices rather than the remedy."

    I'm with you on this issue so far....

    "Admittedly this is probably due to the fact it was in the sole hands of the Catholic church for almost a millenium and dispensed to the peasants by 'educated' monks who kept the populace illiterate. These same monks were somewhat '" ree" in their tampering with 'God's word'. The fruit of their unholy labours is the intolerable and self-contradictory mishmash we inherit today."

    Kinda of..But I think It goes back much further to the time of Constantine..& the Council of Nicea....

    " I would argue that fundamentalist Christians are still anti-Jewish. We all know they're anti-Muslim but they don't count so they don't bother to hide that. The anti-Jewish aspect becomes more apparent when you research the fundie's beliefs re what happens to Jews post rapture."

    Yes..but not all...

    " Islam teaches Jews and Christians go to heaven as you know, I think you'll find Christianity is less, shall we say...forgiving."

    Like I have said before..I consider most modern "Christians" to be Paulians in that they follow Pauls' edicts & interpretations rather than the true source..Jesus Christ..

    And the Koran is equally filled with contradictions: re the treatment of other faiths...

    "But I guess if they weren't recognized as Jews and taxed you'd say 'they were not allowed to be recognized as Jews or live together in the same area"

    Nice spin...

    " I think you'll also find that usury (ie making money out of money without it being the produce of work) predates the period you imply it originated in the Jewish community. You will also discover that it is regarded as reprehensible by all monotheistic traditions and is proscribed as unlawful in religious codes of differing traditions also. For obvious reasons."

    Yes..I do believe it unlawful even for Jews..but was a role more often than not forced onto Jewish comunities by external circumstances beyond their control.

    " ...the modern banking system was created by the Templars in Jerusalem.."

    Who copied it from the chinese...evidently the Chinese Emperor Kao-Tsung who also invented "flying money" sought out trade with the middle east at the time the Knights Templar were around.. It was a fruitful interaction by all accounts...

    And as to the question of " usury " the Templars got around that by charging a "handling fee " instead of applying interest. Clever Bunnies....
  • Reply 24 of 28
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    "Damn...and I was so looking forward to an argument !!!


    " I'm sorry..times up "

    " But that wasn't the full 5 minutes of argument"

    "Oh yes it was "

    " Oh no it wasn't ! "

    " Yes it was "

    " No it wasn't "

    " Yes it was "

    " look your just contradicting me..that isn't an argument...I paid for a real argument "

    " No you didn't "

    "Yes I did "

    Oh I've had enought of this...
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