Who is the is base imposter?
The Blue Meanie was trawling through the AI member's directory today (we didn't have anything fancy like that in the old days on this site - it was all fields round here when I was a lad). And what's this he finds? Some member called "bluemeanie"? Who is this base imposter? Declare yourself sir!
Feel better?
Such, in any case, are the words I managed to discern from between der Kopf's puckered and bearded lips. I lay them before you in the hopes they will vastly improve your respective lives.
Originally posted by Placebo
No...no one comes close to you...may I ask why you were looking through the directory? Just checking your self out?
The Blue Meanie was indeed ego-surfing when he chanced upon the mystery name-squatter in question.
Originally posted by Placebo
Hey meanie- you probably registered 20 variations of yourself out of paranoia and then forgot about it.
Hey, I used to be paranoid but then I finished with my woman because she couldn't help me with my mind
Originally posted by Placebo
Hey meanie- you probably registered 20 variations of yourself out of paranoia and then forgot about it.
Seriously though, I used to be paranoid, but then *THEY* got to me
Originally posted by Placebo
Hey meanie- you probably registered 20 variations of yourself out of paranoia and then forgot about it.
How do I know you're not a figment of my imagination, Placebo? 8)
Originally posted by Longhorn
Maybe you referred to yourself in the third person so often your ego registered itself.
Good one.
This is ridiculous