Face it NO G5's are shipping in No's



  • Reply 21 of 30
    Does anyone remember how to spell FRAUD?
  • Reply 22 of 30

    Originally posted by zoozx27

    Guess what, I'm sick of apple announcing products Months ahead of there availability only to push the date even further when it comes time to ship.

    Its a no win situation, first threads bitching about how apple doesn't announce stuff ahead of time so we have no an idea what's in store. Then when they do, now there's threads bitching that they announced it too early!

    1.6' and 1.8's are out the door, even macmall says if you order you'll have' em by sept 5th. And the duals will follow this month. It's really not as bad as it could be <knocks on wood>
  • Reply 23 of 30

    Originally posted by Locomotive

    Does anyone remember how to spell FRAUD?

    Well, they've always said "estimated" right next to these dates. My complaint is with the phone reps who were over-enthusiastic in the last week or so.

    -- Mark
  • Reply 24 of 30

    Originally posted by Locomotive

    Does anyone remember how to spell FRAUD?

    I think I spelled it right above in my earlier post in this thread. And I still agree.

    As for the "open est. ship" yeah, I agree that isn't so fraud-ish.

    But a week ago Apple told the PRESS that it was on schedule to ship ALL G5 orders this month. For a public company to say that when they knew weeks if not months ago they wouldn't make the dealine, comes pretty close to fraud in my book. But I am only a law student, not a lawyer.
  • Reply 25 of 30
    The Troy, MI apple store seemed to have received atleast 20 G5's. They have one demo and I was the 19th person to purchase one (1.8). I put myself on the wait list about 6 weeks back and was suprised to receive a call this morning telling me a 1.8 was available if I wanted it.

    The packaging shows it was overnighted from california with saturday delivery. Apple is trying.
  • Reply 26 of 30

    Originally posted by craig12co

    I think I spelled it right above in my earlier post in this thread. And I still agree.


    Oops, and you capitalized 'fraud' also. My apologies.

    Now where's that application for the NY Times?
  • Reply 27 of 30
    I don't understand why Apple doesn't realize that most of us love it enough that we'd be a lot more supportive if we were confronted with a little honesty.
  • Reply 28 of 30
    jwri004jwri004 Posts: 626member
    I have no sympathy for anyone who orders a product two or three months before release so they can say "I was one of the first!!"

    What have you achieved?

    If I had the inclination to buy one, which I don't as portability is vital for me, I would wait for the release in-store. No drama, walk in, select machine, throw cash on counter, walk out. 15mins, no heartache.

    "But I was one of the first!!!"

    Who cares? Stop bitching about Apple or buy a Dell.
  • Reply 29 of 30

    Originally posted by jwri004

    I have no sympathy for anyone who orders a product two or three months before release so they can say "I was one of the first!!"

    What have you achieved?

    If I had the inclination to buy one, which I don't as portability is vital for me, I would wait for the release in-store. No drama, walk in, select machine, throw cash on counter, walk out. 15mins, no heartache.

    "But I was one of the first!!!"

    Who cares? Stop bitching about Apple or buy a Dell.

    I don't want to be first. I just really really really want it as soon as possible. And I want to be TOLD THE TRUTH about when I will get it. Not lied to and fed some B.S. excuse at the last minute.
  • Reply 30 of 30

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    Its a no win situation, first threads bitching about how apple doesn't announce stuff ahead of time so we have no an idea what's in store. Then when they do, now there's threads bitching that they announced it too early!

    1.6' and 1.8's are out the door, even macmall says if you order you'll have' em by sept 5th. And the duals will follow this month. It's really not as bad as it could be <knocks on wood>

    No, there's definitely a difference between publishing a roadmap and paper-launching.
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