How anal are you about your iTunes music?



  • Reply 21 of 24
    I'm pleased to see that I'm not alone in being rediculously anal about labeling my iTunes library. The link to the capitalization rules will probably cause me several days of editing.

    My main problem is probably with genres. I don't really care for the idea of pigeonholing music to begin with, I disagree with 90% of the CDDB classifications, and there are certain genres that I just can't bring myself to use ('trip hop' is one, 'classic rock' is another). However, having genre labels is just too useful for iPod listening to dispense with. I have somehow ended up with a Byzantine system that incorporates every genre or sub-genre that a track could possibly fit into (for example - 'Push Things Forward' by The Streets is classified as 2-Step / UK Garage / Hip-Hop / Ska). I then use smart playlists to cover all permutations and combinations of the genres listed. It?s messy, and increases the amount of tine spent when importing music, but it works okay.

    I also strip out year (I hate it when the reissue year of a CD is used), composer (I don't listen to enough classical music to group by orchestra or conductor, so the composer goes in the artist box), CD and track numbers (everything is always on shuffle anyway).

    By the way, for any of you that are encoding vinyl, I find the track and time listings from the All Music Guide to be a huge help. They?re generally as accurate as the CDDB track names and copying / pasting the track titles in saves you some typing.
  • Reply 22 of 24
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by shetline

    Do you do this after having ripped a track as AAC? If you do, does QT Pro directly edit AAC directly, or does it decompress it, then recompress when you export from QT Pro?

    To play it safe, I rip tracks like these to AIFF so I can edit (using Amadeus II, as I mentioned earlier) and not worry about adding an extra generation of compression. AAC only gets applied after editing the uncompressed audio.

    I just copy the CD file (aiff original) to my desktop, open it in QT Pro from there, then cut and paste the portions to new files and export each piece as mp4. I figure it's one less source of error if I use the aiff.
  • Reply 23 of 24
    klinuxklinux Posts: 453member

    Originally posted by shetline

    Change artist names to "Last name, First name" format -- because, damn it, that's how I like things sorted. Daphnis et Chloé, not Daphnis et Chloe.

    I do this too! Except, I only do the last name first thing with composer - scrolling on the iPod through Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart is much more natural than Amadeus, Johannes, and Ludwig. Ditto with the accented characters too. Not much playlist since I listen to albums (classical, opera, musicals, etc).
  • Reply 24 of 24
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    I'm not that picky bout the ripping . . i mean play through and all. but I do catagorize extensively:



    z-Blues & Roots music


    z-Experimental & Visual Atists




    z-Spoken WORD

    z-World Music

    with subcatagories in Rocketisism of:

    z- PUNKISH-Indie

    z-Industrial-experimental rOCK

    z-Pop-and rock



    I just started compiling and now have 15.67 GB . . . . and its a pretty odd mixture O stuff....
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