is NOW a good time to buy an iMAC, or wait till Christmas
hello, i'm interested in purchasing a new 17" iMAC for myself. at the price just dropped $200 dollars and i know that you can wait a lifetime before picking up a new computer, but i was just wondering if now was a good time to buy, or if it was wiser to wait until the christmas season? I was gonna buy it this weekend with the deal was offering, but someone told me to hold off 2 months or so with bigger sales occuring during christmas, saying i'll get the most for my buck at that time. now i know the prices always drop, but there still is a thing called buying smart and i was wondering if now is the smartest time to buy.
Oh, and it's iMac.
Either way, a great machine!
Better deals are had on the older models they are trying to dispose of. As soon as old inventory clears, and they are stocked on the new items, then the freebees return. Either way I don't see the iMacs changing before Xmas. They are good buy for the next months.
Originally posted by STL1025
Anyhow for the person who corrected me from iMAC to iMac.... common bro, pleaseee....
No, it's come on, bro; and please only has one "e."
Originally posted by Res
I'd wait until they put a G5 in it, but that will not be until next year. If you are going to buy one before then, might as well do it now and start enjoying it.
I dont think the iMac will go G5 in 2004, call it a hunch.
Originally posted by C-Bear
No, it's come on, bro; and please only has one "e."
I do believe that 'please' has 2 e's, they're not that hard to count.
Originally posted by STL1025
Anyhow for the person who corrected me from iMAC to iMac.... common bro, pleaseee....
Actually thats a big part of being an Apple evangelist..
It might be worth the wait till next week.
Originally posted by STL1025
hello, i'm interested in purchasing a new 17" iMAC for myself. at the price just dropped $200 dollars and i know that you can wait a lifetime before picking up a new computer, but i was just wondering if now was a good time to buy, or if it was wiser to wait until the christmas season? I was gonna buy it this weekend with the deal was offering, but someone told me to hold off 2 months or so with bigger sales occuring during christmas, saying i'll get the most for my buck at that time. now i know the prices always drop, but there still is a thing called buying smart and i was wondering if now is the smartest time to buy.
Originally posted by STL1025
thanx joe, thats the answer i was looking for. im gonna go ahead and buy this weekend. i just got a phat paycheck
It's "please" with only one "e" at the end.
"Thanx" is supposed to be spelled "thanks".
The word "I", used when one refers to themselves should always be capitalized.
The word "im", though used as a prefix meaning "not" - as in "improper" - is probably, in this context, meant to be a contraction of "I am". It should be spelled "I'm" with an apostrophe separating the letters, used in a sentence, "I'm going to be anal about spelling from now on."
I can only assume that "phat" is a typo. Perhaps you meant "phar" which is an abbreviation for "pharmacy" and you meant to say, "I just received a check from my pharmacy."
"Gonna" is not a word, maybe another typo. Perhaps when you wrote "im gonna go ahead and buy this weekend" you meant, "I'm gooney by this weekend." Meaning by the upcoming weekend you will be a simpleton.
Posters engage in this kind of public service because it makes us feel smart.
I really don't care about spelling/grammar, but if you're going to become part of the Apple clan, you should really be able to use the lingo correctly.
I was only trying to be helpful.
Trust me, if I hadn't said it, someone else would have, and in probably in a much nastier way.
With the money you save on Panther, I'd seriously consider the just-introduced 1.25GHz model. Faster processor, faster system bus, improved graphic subsystem...all make this model a little more future-proof. That being said, there is nothing wrong with the just-discontinued 17-inch 1GHz models. We have a bunch of them in my office and they're great little machines.
Carson is right, some of the resellers are not offering the free* (*install fee applies, rebate required) RAM with the new models yet. You definitely want an extra 512MB, it will make a world of difference in performance. But RAM is cheap and very easy to install.
[B]No, it's come on, bro; and please only has one "e."
That is fu*#@!g hilarious!!