First your SUV, now your home, radical environmentalists



  • Reply 21 of 28

    No, I get pissed about insurance fraud too. I also was not pleased with Enron, and in general I don't support corruption and lies. Lastly, I don't support vandalism.

    So it's very consistent with my general views that I should consider ELF to be a bane of society.

    People did vote for Bush. That's why he is the prez. People voted for him, and he and his administration spent 250 billion on the war. That's part of what a republic is all about. But we don't live in a country where it's OK to burn houses.

    And lastly, hammering home that last line in the PM I just sent you, the campaign funding by Seagrams, which uses oil, was just a link to the fact that both parties are oil dependent in big ways, just as is the population in total.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    They've actually been burning down houses longer than vandalizing SUV dealerships. Thing is I'm betting most of these criminals are suburban teens whose own parents them to the mall every week ... in SUVs.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel


    No, I get pissed about insurance fraud too. I also was not pleased with Enron, and in general I don't support corruption and lies. Lastly, I don't support vandalism.

    So it's very consistent with my general views that I should consider ELF to be a bane of society.

    People did vote for Bush. That's why he is the prez. People voted for him, and he and his administration spent 250 billion on the war. That's part of what a republic is all about. But we don't live in a country where it's OK to burn houses.

    And lastly, hammering home that last line in the PM I just sent you, the campaign funding by Seagrams, which uses oil, was just a link to the fact that both parties are oil dependent in big ways, just as is the population in total.

    $0.33. Enjoy that nickel.

    They're criminals. Put 'em in jail if they're caught. People are acting like they deserve more than this, but they don't.

    If the police only have a finite amount of resources, they can't catch everyone. So, do they go after someone that's burned a house down, or a murderer? Assuming the house burned down without casualties, some of you are suggesting the police put their effort into catching the arsonist rather than the murderer.

    That's not right.

    Cry all you want, pretend I'm being silly or illogical, but this is basic stuff we're discussing and some people here are crying wolf.

    Try reading this.


    They cited a 2000 study by Abt Associates, a group the EPA has used to gauge health effects of pollution, showing that the amount of pollution from the plant is responsible for 293 premature deaths, 5,740 asthma attacks and 50,298 lost workdays each year. They also cited an EPA model of Bush's initiative that showed the plant was not forecast to cut its sulfur dioxide.

    So, we've got almost 300 deaths a year, but you're crying over a nickel a year. That's five measly cents. Condescending PMs don't change this.
  • Reply 24 of 28
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    They try to advance their cause through threats and actions designed to intimidate.

    I thought you were talking about Rumsfeld.
  • Reply 25 of 28

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    No, we're not.

    They try to advance their cause through threats and actions designed to intimidate.

    You know, like terrorists! Imagine that!

    Would you care for me (or anyone) to make a list of all the parties on this planet who advance their cause through threats and actions designed to intimidate. Think about that one very very carefully
  • Reply 26 of 28

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    Would you care for me (or anyone) to make a list of all the parties on this planet who advance their cause through threats and actions designed to intimidate. Think about that one very very carefully

    You know what, I'd write out what I meant in that brief 3 line post as a 30 page essay which would equate the ELF, ALF, ALB, and so on, with terrorism, but even then you'd find some bizarre semantic catch to trip me up on.

    You know exactly what I meant with that post.

    Here's a nice quote from your pals at the 'Animal Liberation Brigade - Revolutionary Cells':


    "There will be no quarter given, no more half measures taken. You might be able to protect your buildings, but can you protect the homes of every employee?"

    Justify that.

    Read this before you post again:

    FBI Congressional report on terrorism, especially the section on 'domestic terrorism'.
  • Reply 27 of 28
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Here's a nice quote from your pals at the 'Animal Liberation Brigade - Revolutionary Cells':

    My Pals? WTF? Please explain yourself. I made it abundantly plain, if you care to read my previous posts, that vandalism, of *all* varieties, meets with my total disapproval. I said that the ELF deserve having the book thrown at them for that kind of tactic. Why do you think, therefore, that the Animal Liberation Brigade", who use a similar method, are "pals" of mine? In case you may be logically challenged, let me re-iterate...this time about the ALB. I think that they are also wildly out of whack in their methods...for example, throwing paint on fur coats in Beverly Hills stores, or "liberating" mink from fur farms are criminal acts and should be treated accordingly. In the same breath (altho somewhat beside the point), I have no time for the people who the ALB is acting against, many of which (IMHO) are ethically in the gutter...but to destroy and vandalize property is equally loathsome. I have no sympathy for those louts either in the ALB or the industries that are being targeted, who both often display a typically childish black-and-white world view nonsense. Just because I happen to espouse a liberal viewpoint, you automatically assume that I am some fringe extremist who resorts to dumbass behavior. Puhleease, go knee jerk at someone else.

    My point was about terrorism, and who you designate as such. If you took the FBI definition of terrorism literally, you would be surpised at the number and indentity of the parties who would fit that definition.
  • Reply 28 of 28

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    My point was about terrorism, and who you designate as such. If you took the FBI definition of terrorism literally, you would be surpised at the number and indentity of the parties who would fit that definition.

    Note whom the FBI cites as groups who have used terrorist activity, in that document.

    Who/What/Where should I consult when determining a valid term to label the actions of the ELF, ALF, etc? You?

    You stil didn't justify why the ALB-RC quote is not a terrorist threat.

    [Oh, btw, calm down about the 'pals' comment. I was kind enough not to call you a social-liberal, and I thought it was funny. You should have seen the edits I made before I posted it. ]
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