Cougar next? Will it include Classic?



  • Reply 21 of 61
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    Too bad you can't see much of that girl, Not Unlike Myself. She looks hot! And she's a redhead! EDIT: Uh oh, I think she's like 13 or something... now I feel dirty

    well if gives you the cat, then for the girl maybe you should try ....
  • Reply 22 of 61

    Originally posted by giant

    well if gives you the cat, then for the girl maybe you should try ....

    That is...naaaasty!
  • Reply 23 of 61

    Originally posted by ZO

    that could easily be done in a 10.3.x update... no real need for a whole 10.x update

    Indeed, but ...

    I am one of a group working on an application that requires a 64-bit user virtual address space. (Actually, it's a port from the Alpha.) I've been told by Apple


    Will Panther support process virtual address spaces larger than 4GB?

    No. At least not the first 10.3 release. It's possible that an update to Panther may enable 64-bit virtual addressing support but it's more likely that we won't do this until a future major release. I wouldn't expect to see this within the next year.

    The above exchange occured in late August...
  • Reply 24 of 61
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member

    Originally posted by giant

    well if gives you the cat, then for the girl maybe you should try ....

    You are evil and I will not fall for that. Don't think I haven't been around the internet enough to know what that is.
  • Reply 25 of 61
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Wow, this thread has to set an outside-AO record for the death spiral in a minimum number of posts.


    Now that that's done with... \

    Topical posts anyone?
  • Reply 26 of 61

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Topical posts anyone?

    Rinse and repeat.
  • Reply 27 of 61
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    I actually wonder if Apple will ever do away with the Classic environment. Perhaps they just won't include an OS 9 system folder anymore, but I still think the Classic Environment will remain, perhaps until the next BIG update (the next one that is as big as OS 9-OS X). I mean, OS 9 can still run plenty of old programs designed for 68ks running system 7. Not all of them run perfectly, but they'll usually work. I don't see any reason to remove that compatability from OS X unless it's having some real harm on further development of the main OS.
  • Reply 28 of 61
    Until they can make Entourage a true Outlook replacement, I NEED classic support for Outlook 2001.
  • Reply 29 of 61
    I'm all for the death of classic. It seems like such a.... old thing...
  • Reply 30 of 61
    Until they can make Entourage a true Outlook replacement, I NEED classic support for Outlook 2001.
  • Reply 31 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Classic takes up less then 100 megs. It will be around for years, maybe a decade. Why not?

    I mean how else am I going to play all those old games like DomeWars damnit! Actually dome wars doesn't seem to run in classic..
  • Reply 32 of 61
    kanekane Posts: 392member
    Gentlemen I give you: Cat in a bottle...

  • Reply 33 of 61
    I don't know if Apple is going to call the next version of OSX Cougar, when the term obviously refers to HOT middle aged women (which I'm totally into by the way)
  • Reply 34 of 61

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    The last OS that can run on a 68040 is 8.1, and the last OS that can run on a 68030 or lower is 7.5.5. However, 8.5 through 9.2.2, which are PowerPC only, still are mostly 68k code as far as I know. And I think that's why they got progressively slower with each release instead of faster.


    I meant can run 68K programs, not be 68k. Also, Mac OS 9.2 appears to be at least 90% PPC code.
  • Reply 35 of 61
    A Puma (10.1) and a Cougar are the same cat, just different names. That is why I doubt they will name it Cougar, more likely Lynx.
  • Reply 36 of 61
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member

    Originally posted by Addison

    As Panther approaches FC what is next Cougar it seems that getting rid of Classic is going to be the next logical step in the transition. Supporting Classic must be diverting resources away from developing OSX and they must have made some compromises on speed and efficiency to facilitate Classic. Getting rid of Classic would allow Apple to concentrate on the future.

    I would assume that the next version is going to be October 2004, but maybe march/April 2005, would that the right time to finally put OS9 to bed?

    They don't need to put Classic to bed. If they do, that would seriously anger people and they'd probably lose sales. Just leave it there; it's not bothering anyone. And I need it for ResEdit most importantly, as well as any other application that only runs in OS 9 that I come across.

    Because of the leap that Apple took from 9 to X, I think we'll have to stay with the Classic environment as part of the system.
  • Reply 37 of 61

    Originally posted by KANE

    Gentlemen I give you: Cat in a bottle...


    Well I guess that's one way to keep it from shedding all over everything.
  • Reply 38 of 61
    Ouch, the poor cat
  • Reply 39 of 61

    Originally posted by MajorMatt

    Ouch, the poor cat

    Very, very old hoax.
  • Reply 40 of 61
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