Quality control issues with new PowerBooks...particularly the 15"?



  • Reply 201 of 588
    kanekane Posts: 392member

    Originally posted by gar

    maybe you can buy some nice stuff with your name on it

    to enjoy yourself while you're waiting for rev b.

    Actually my name is Gabriel. But thanks for the tip!
  • Reply 202 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member
    My Powerbook 15 1.25 has been with the dealer for three days now waiting for a new display. They are all on back order according to Apple.
  • Reply 203 of 588
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 568member
    yup, just spoke to AppleCare after mine went back again 7 days ago and they said it's awaiting the LCD.

    I registered a complaint.
  • Reply 204 of 588
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Doesn't this just about seem right: I FINALLY get to the point where I have the money to get the 15" PowerBook (technically, next Tuesday - a week from today, my next paycheck - I will be there...and then some) and I'll be at the Panther rollout in Atlanta three days later, just DYING to pick one up.

    And what if they're on backorder because Apple is fixing them? And if I get one on the 24th, I'll no doubt get the most ****ed-up, lemonesque model EVER made because it'll be one from the initial batch of 15" models they had laying around in the Atlanta store.

    Strangely enough, I'm on my fourth day of being without a Mac and I've yet to flip out or crawl out of my skin! I'm impressed.

    I'd love for Apple to come out and say "okay, we're on it..." and KNOW that they're getting looked into (the screens, latches, etc.) and that a second wave of perfect (well, as near perfect as something like this can be) of 15" PowerBooks were making their way to stores...


    Ultimately, what is smartest for Apple: to deal with, as they come, one complaint after another and deal with returns, exchanges, refunds, irked customers, etc. OR - at some point - put their hands up and seriously look into what's obviously some sort of manufacturing/material/workmanship/quality issue?

    In other words, how many more months do you think it would take for Apple to consider this a problem worth looking into?

    I don't know.
  • Reply 205 of 588
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Welcome to liability hell.

    See, the best thing for Apple to do with the legal climate as it is is pretend innocence while frantically trying to fix the problem behind the scenes, and to withhold any formal acknowledgment of the problem until they have a solution in hand or imminent.

    This is a rotten state of affairs, but it makes their lawyers happy.
  • Reply 206 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Doesn't this just about seem right: I FINALLY get to the point where I have the money to get the 15" PowerBook (technically, next Tuesday - a week from today, my next paycheck - I will be there...and then some) and I'll be at the Panther rollout in Atlanta three days later, just DYING to pick one up.

    And what if they're on backorder because Apple is fixing them? And if I get one on the 24th, I'll no doubt get the most ****ed-up, lemonesque model EVER made because it'll be one from the initial batch of 15" models they had laying around in the Atlanta store.

    Strangely enough, I'm on my fourth day of being without a Mac and I've yet to flip out or crawl out of my skin! I'm impressed.

    I'd love for Apple to come out and say "okay, we're on it..." and KNOW that they're getting looked into (the screens, latches, etc.) and that a second wave of perfect (well, as near perfect as something like this can be) of 15" PowerBooks were making their way to stores...


    Ultimately, what is smartest for Apple: to deal with, as they come, one complaint after another and deal with returns, exchanges, refunds, irked customers, etc. OR - at some point - put their hands up and seriously look into what's obviously some sort of manufacturing/material/workmanship/quality issue?

    In other words, how many more months do you think it would take for Apple to consider this a problem worth looking into?

    I don't know.

    I am very disappointed in Apple also. Kind of wish I had waited and gotten the 12-incher instead. I have absolutely no confidence anymore in the 15-inch model. I think the design itself is flawed somehow, and all of the problems Apple is having are symptoms caused by the flaw(s).
  • Reply 207 of 588

    Originally posted by EDS66

    I am very disappointed in Apple also. Kind of wish I had waited and gotten the 12-incher instead. I have absolutely no confidence anymore in the 15-inch model. I think the design itself is flawed somehow, and all of the problems Apple is having are symptoms caused by the flaw(s).

    I don't think it needs to be that serious. I think Apple engineers need to figure out where to reinforce or modify the framework inside the lid so that it doesn't make contact with the LCD like it does and make those spots. Right now, they are just going to keep running through perfectly fine LCDs (what a waste!) to keep people happy.

    This has happened in the past with compaq laptops and thinkpads and dells and they all survived...Apple will figure this out.

    They (the engineers) need to take defective units and experiment and see what works in the modification and people will see white spots and send the units in and Apple may even be able to fix the situation without trashing the LCD.

    It may be like when they figured out how to put electrical tape behind the keyboard of the Pismos to make them more solid-feeling.
  • Reply 208 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by Sammy Davis

    I don't think it needs to be that serious. I think Apple engineers need to figure out where to reinforce or modify the framework inside the lid so that it doesn't make contact with the LCD like it does and make those spots. Right now, they are just going to keep running through perfectly fine LCDs (what a waste!) to keep people happy.

    This has happened in the past with compaq laptops and thinkpads and dells and they all survived...Apple will figure this out.

    They (the engineers) need to take defective units and experiment and see what works in the modification and people will see white spots and send the units in and Apple may even be able to fix the situation without trashing the LCD.

    It may be like when they figured out how to put electrical tape behind the keyboard of the Pismos to make them more solid-feeling.

    They had 9 months to release a decent product. They released an inferior one. I have been to both the Clarendon and Tysons stores and all of the 15 inchers have one defect or another: white spots, latches, etc. In fact I have not even seen one yet that was perfect. Most of the people who are not complaining probably do not know about white spots. It is a huge problem.
  • Reply 209 of 588
    EDS66, feel free to stop by and see my new 15" Al PB. There's nothing wrong with it. Everything works perfectly.
  • Reply 210 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by Brian Green

    EDS66, feel free to stop by and see my new 15" Al PB. There's nothing wrong with it. Everything works perfectly.

    I envy you.
  • Reply 211 of 588
    EDS66, it's not about envy as much as it is about luck. If you put your eye of detail toward anything manufactured today you'll find flaws if you really look at them. Whether they are computers, cars, televisions, recliners, even books. Nothing is immune. Apple users have a sharp eye for quality because we demand it far more than Windoze users. There are problems with any product line. But there are also successes. Keep a watchful eye and I'm positive that you'll find a Power Book that you'll happily call your own. One that doesn't have the defects. I was lucky back when I got my 600 MHz iBook, and I was lucky when I got this new Power Book. If all you did was believe that everything was defective all around you, you'd never get anything done. So keep your chin up. You'll find just the one you're looking for.
  • Reply 212 of 588
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 568member
    I registered a complaint to the AppleCare guy, but is there anyone/place I can write to have a serious moan? I feel like after 3 weeks (and continuing) without a brand new machine I deserve some sort of response/acknowledgement/apology.
  • Reply 213 of 588
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Originally posted by pscates


    I'd love for Apple to come out and say "okay, we're on it..." and KNOW that they're getting looked into (the screens, latches, etc.) and that a second wave of perfect (well, as near perfect as something like this can be) of 15" PowerBooks were making their way to stores...


    I don't wanna hear about no moth*fu**in' ifs. All I wanna hear from yo' ass is, "You ain't got no problem, Jules. I'm on the moth*fu**a. Go back in there, chill them boyz out and wait for the calvery which should be coming directly."

    You ain't got no problem Jules. I'm on the moth*fu**a. Go back in there, chill them boyz out and wait for the Wolf who should be coming directly.

    You sendin' the wolf?

    You feel better now moth*fu**a?

    5h!t ya boy, that's all you had to say!

  • Reply 214 of 588
    As a member of the Honda ST1300 Forum (motorcycle) and the Mazda RX8 Forum, any member of either of these forums will tell you I am no apologist for either of these company's. When something is wrong with my bike or my car I bitch and moan about it. Most members don't really like me because I pretty much call them liars if they don't have the same problems with their machines that I experience. I know they do in that their machines were built exactly as mine was.

    That said, with my new 15" Powerbook, I've become one of those who claim to experience no problems whatsoever. I've become one of those guys I hate so much on the other forums! Really! No white spots, no popping lid, and a warm but not hot backside. How can this be? These machines are built to exact standards. As in any manufacturing process, some will get through that shouldn't. But reading this thread one would think its 50-50 as to your odds of receiving a faulty laptop.

    Does it come down to a very small but very vocal minority or is this really an epidemic? Is there a working poll thread concerning this matter?
  • Reply 215 of 588
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
  • Reply 216 of 588
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by EDS66

    Most of the people who are not complaining probably do not know about white spots. It is a huge problem.

    If they don't know about them it's probably because they don't see them
  • Reply 217 of 588
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude

    I don't wanna hear about no moth*fu**in' ifs. All I wanna hear from yo' ass is, "You ain't got no problem, Jules. I'm on the moth*fu**a. Go back in there, chill them boyz out and wait for the calvery which should be coming directly."

    You ain't got no problem Jules. I'm on the moth*fu**a. Go back in there, chill them boyz out and wait for the Wolf who should be coming directly.

    You sendin' the wolf?

    You feel better now moth*fu**a?

    5h!t ya boy, that's all you had to say!

    I need to rent that movie again...been several years.

    "A sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie but I wouldn't know because I'd never eat the filthy mother****er..."

  • Reply 218 of 588
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I need to rent that movie again...been several years.

    "A sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie but I wouldn't know because I'd never eat the filthy mother****er..."

    It's one of the few movies worthy enough to actually own on DVD IMO.
  • Reply 219 of 588
    kanekane Posts: 392member

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude

    I don't wanna hear about no moth*fu**in' ifs. All I wanna hear from yo' ass is, "You ain't got no problem, Jules. I'm on the moth*fu**a. Go back in there, chill them boyz out and wait for the calvery which should be coming directly."

    You ain't got no problem Jules. I'm on the moth*fu**a. Go back in there, chill them boyz out and wait for the Wolf who should be coming directly.

    You sendin' the wolf?

    You feel better now moth*fu**a?

    5h!t ya boy, that's all you had to say!

    What a classic Pulp Fiction scene! Love that movie!
  • Reply 220 of 588

    Originally posted by Tomster1300

    As a member of the Honda ST1300 Forum (motorcycle) and the Mazda RX8 Forum, any member of either of these forums will tell you I am no apologist for either of these company's. When something is wrong with my bike or my car I bitch and moan about it. Most members don't really like me because I pretty much call them liars if they don't have the same problems with their machines that I experience. I know they do in that their machines were built exactly as mine was.

    That said, with my new 15" Powerbook, I've become one of those who claim to experience no problems whatsoever. I've become one of those guys I hate so much on the other forums! Really! No white spots, no popping lid, and a warm but not hot backside. How can this be? These machines are built to exact standards. As in any manufacturing process, some will get through that shouldn't. But reading this thread one would think its 50-50 as to your odds of receiving a faulty laptop.

    Does it come down to a very small but very vocal minority or is this really an epidemic? Is there a working poll thread concerning this matter?

    it is called mass production my friend some are great most are average and a few suck. I am having no issues with mine either. In fact how about a poll?
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