Quality control issues with new PowerBooks...particularly the 15"?



  • Reply 101 of 588

    Originally posted by PB

    The heat in the 12" was an initial issue under 10.2.3, less of an issue under the next 10.2.x, x>3. Also, you seem to forget that the 12" powerbook 867 MHz, suffered from a number of other issues, apart heat: (1) case warping (2) non-uniform gap between display and computer when the display is closed (3) latch problem, to the same extend as in the 15" model, perhaps worse (4) battery not properly aligned with the bottom surface of the computer. I remember reading about such problems for one or two months after the first 12" shipped. Then silence... I don't know, I have the feeling that after 1-2 months and after receiving many units for replacement, Apple finally improves its fabrication process to reduce or eliminate such problems. Something like quiet revision. The 17" model had much less problems, but that's what appears to happen (don't forget that MUCH less people choose the 17" over the 12", so there is indeed a bias of statistical origin here; simply I don't know in what extend).

    That said, I am a bit surpised to see the history to repeat itself in the 15". I would say, if you can, wait for a month or so and then buy.

    PS: Oh, I forgot the sticky trackpad button in many of the original 12" powerbooks!

    I must say that I think they have fixed any issues. I just got mine yesterday and it is perfect! I mean that with all seriousness. It is perfect!
  • Reply 102 of 588
    spykyspyky Posts: 55member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Well in a month or so I want to see someone who got a new AlBook and see if it looks likes mine. If theirs doesn't have a gap then I an returning mine.

    Can someone else check their backlit keyboard to see if your top row of F-keys and arrow keys light up as well as the other keys, as mine do not.

    And although I guess I knew that it would be white I would have loved the blue backlit keyboard that was on the 17"

    F-Keys do not light as well, arrow keys are better, but not as good as middle keys. I didn't notice until I specifically looked.

    I have an even gap all the way around (top of screen can be squeezed slighly closer before the pads touch. I would say this looks normal.

    If your gap is uneven (when not pressing down on the screen) talk to apple.
  • Reply 103 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by PB

    I bet you talk about the latch mechanism. The hinge of the aluminium models is far superior compared the one of the titanium models.

    Yes, I meant the latch.
  • Reply 104 of 588
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Spyky

    F-Keys do not light as well, arrow keys are better, but not as good as middle keys. I didn't notice until I specifically looked.

    I have an even gap all the way around (top of screen can be squeezed slighly closer before the pads touch. I would say this looks normal.

    If your gap is uneven (when not pressing down on the screen) talk to apple.

    I don't think my gap is even. I will wait a little longer before I ask for a new machine. Do I just say that I want to replace it because my gap is uneven meaning that the screen is warped? Will they replace it for that? Also how long do you think it will take to get replaced?

    I wouldn't have to but I think I may call to get it replaced as I really would like perfection, and even though my latch works as long as I close it with a slight bit of force I shouldn't have to.
  • Reply 105 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    I don't think my gap is even. I will wait a little longer before I ask for a new machine. Do I just say that I want to replace it because my gap is uneven meaning that the screen is warped? Will they replace it for that? Also how long do you think it will take to get replaced?

    I wouldn't have to but I think I may call to get it replaced as I really would like perfection, and even though my latch works as long as I close it with a slight bit of force I shouldn't have to.

    My gap is uneven also. PowerBooks at my local Apple Store (Tysons Corner) do not have perfectly even gaps. I don't think this is something to worry about. In my case the gap on the right side of the latch is maybe a millimeter wider than on the left. This is one "defect" that does not bother me at all.
  • Reply 106 of 588
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Well actually looking now it's uniform on either side. But my ends are maybe like 1mm (maybe more or less it's just slightly noticable) farther away then where the latch is. Is this how everyone's is. Think I should not worry about my latch problem (since it isn't really a problem?)
  • Reply 107 of 588
    rolorolo Posts: 686member

    Originally posted by EDS66

    My gap is uneven also. PowerBooks at my local Apple Store (Tysons Corner) do not have perfectly even gaps. I don't think this is something to worry about. In my case the gap on the right side of the latch is maybe a millimeter wider than on the left. This is one "defect" that does not bother me at all.

    Hmm, I've looked at those Tysons PBs and didn't notice a gap gap on the 15 at the front ot the store on the left. That doesn't mean there wasn't one, just that I didn't notice.

    My new 15 seemed bowed and still is a bit. When closed, the 2 ends are higher than the center latch area. I tried to compensate by bending the bezel and it worked somewhat but I don't recommend any trying this because you could crack the display. I was very careful.

    OK, back to battery life. As I keep reconditioning the battery, I'm getting longer and longer lifespans. The best so far is 2:43 but I'll keep working on it. I'm jealous of the 3 hr. doods.

    But hey, it shouldn't be this way. We shouldn't have to try so hard to squeeze out a few extra minutes. I'll be happy when NewerTech makes a replacement battery for this thing that can restore the lost 32%.

    Also, aside from this very minor problem, this new PB rocks! Definitely worth getting!
  • Reply 108 of 588
    cj3209cj3209 Posts: 158member
    I'm not sure what all the hullabaloo is about the 'gap' on the outer parts of the LCD lid. I'm new to APPLE and the gaps I see on the outer edges of my 15" AL PB, I've seen in countless Wintel notebooks (DELL INSPIRONS, LATITUDES, etc.); and this is within the past three years!

    It's really no big deal. Now the 2 1/2 hour battery life - that's a BIG deal...

  • Reply 109 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by Rolo

    Hmm, I've looked at those Tysons PBs and didn't notice a gap gap on the 15 at the front ot the store on the left. That doesn't mean there wasn't one, just that I didn't notice.

    My new 15 seemed bowed and still is a bit. When closed, the 2 ends are higher than the center latch area. I tried to compensate by bending the bezel and it worked somewhat but I don't recommend any trying this because you could crack the display. I was very careful.

    OK, back to battery life. As I keep reconditioning the battery, I'm getting longer and longer lifespans. The best so far is 2:43 but I'll keep working on it. I'm jealous of the 3 hr. doods.

    But hey, it shouldn't be this way. We shouldn't have to try so hard to squeeze out a few extra minutes. I'll be happy when NewerTech makes a replacement battery for this thing that can restore the lost 32%.

    Also, aside from this very minor problem, this new PB rocks! Definitely worth getting!


    They all have gaps. Some are bigger some are smaller. I really thing it's by design. Mine bow upward at the ends also, by the way.

    I get three hours out of my battery when I use automatic settings. I think that even 3 hours is below par for the course these days, but it's not bad. I am confident that once panther ships we will all get more out of our batteries.

    There is another thing I noticed today: the right side of my display appears to be brighter than the left. The farther from the right edge you go, the less bright the display gets. This is particularly visible when I use lower brightness settings and is most pronounced when viewing white backgrounds. At the highest setting, the problem is barely perceptible. Maybe the backlight is on the right side. Anyone else noticed this?
  • Reply 110 of 588
    Pushing all the quirky 15" AlBook issues aside (not to mention the current disappointing battery life) the thing that worries me the most is the current display problem(s). It seems that Apple has a bad batch of 15.2" displays as new buyers are popping up left and right stating they have these 'white' or 'light' spots on their displays (one of my TiBooks had this so I know exactly what they are talking about).

    You really can't blow this off as the usual manufacturer defects that happen once in a while and the message boards that attract people who want to complain about these issues. This sounds more like an obvious epidemic and Apple needs to do something about it.

    Just take a look at this thread in the MacNN forums and see how many people are returning their 15" AlBooks. Apple needs to grab a hold of this LCD manufacturer and either have them correct the problem, or shop around for a new LCD maker for this model. I certainly hope this isn't yet another area where Apple is trying to cut corners.


    Obviously (as noted in this thread) not everyone is having problems with this model, but these LCD issues that are popping up seem a bit overwhelming for a notebook that was JUST released. Imagine all the people who have these issues and don't even realize it, or who don't think about going to a message forum to voice them.

    I am truly bummed that I've waited so long for the 15" AlBook and SO many issues are keeping me from getting one. I am assuming Apple will go forward with a quiet revision while manufacturing these, so hopefully by the time Panther is released, all will be sorted out.

  • Reply 111 of 588
    lfroglfrog Posts: 16member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    My only complaint is that I had to borrow a gorilla from the zoo to get the screws out of the RAM access panel. Man, those things were torqued down like nobody's business!

    Can I borrow your gorilla? Seriously, how did you get the screws loose without stripping the screw heads? On a side note, Apple forgot one of my screws on the access panel. At least I do not have to try to get that one loose.
  • Reply 112 of 588
    yeah the white spots are my number one concern. what worries me the most is that someone mentioned when they first got the machine, the screen was fine, but then it DEVELOPED the spots...and it's getting worse. so even if i get a seemingly good screen out of the box, it could develop spots. ugh.

    the amount of negative posts wouldn't concern me if the powerbooks had been out for months and months, but people have just started receiving them and they were only released a couple weeks ago! i'm conflicted on whether i should cancel or not. anyone know if i have to return my printer (which i got with the $99 off deal) and ipod (which i got with the $200 off deal) if i cancel my powerbook order?

    has apple in the past done completely silent updates to fix hardware problems or would they just wait till the next major powerbook upgrade to fix them?
  • Reply 113 of 588
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    Considering that Apple is swapping PowerBooks with these "spotty" displays for new ones, I'd say they are doing much more than they normally would do for a non-DOA product.

    Normally you would have to have the screen replaced. But for this error, they are giving new laptops. Obviously they must consider this a serious problem also.

    I've been using my new 15" PB for over a week now and no spots. The post where they started cropping up on a previously perfect screen bothers me as well. I'm running pixel check every once in a while to give the screen a thorough check and so far, no "spots" (crosses fingers).
  • Reply 114 of 588
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Mine is noticably brighter on the right side as compared to the left also.
  • Reply 115 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Mine is noticably brighter on the right side as compared to the left also.

    Yea, I think they are all like that. The backlight must be located on the right side. I checked at my local Apple store, and it's the same thing. The difference is only noticeable when the display is dim.
  • Reply 116 of 588

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Are you calling me an idiot? Can someone tell me how long I have till I can't purchase the ACP plan for my 15" anymore? Am I correct that I can until the one year point of when I bought it?

    Also the 15" is beautiful, I have no problems, well besides the latch, but as long as I don't close it like a baby it is perfect.

    What does the free 1 year support cover? I mean I guess if I drop it they won't replace broken parts for me, but would I get it any cheaper? They only replace faulty parts the mysteriously stop working right?

    No, not calling anyone an idiot. Just making a joke based on a prior comment in this thread. I even put in a little smiley-face. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

    I do think the ACP is worth it, though, quick-turnovers aside. I like not having to worry about when I can't cry Mayday anymore. Unfortunately I don't know the post-purchase window (wrong term? ), if any.

    As for the "problems" with the 15", it seems a bit like people are looking very hard for something to complain about. Maybe the written communication of a thread magnifies this impression, but that's the feeling I get. Now that the latch seems fixable, the other stuff seems a bit trivial; trace asymmetry in brightness, gap variation measurable by micrometer. People, this is the machine we were all salivating for, and now it's not "perfect" so we don't want it? As ast3r3x said, it's beautiful, and I've got no problems in the real sense of the word. My humble advice for those still on the fence is that the 15" AlBook is a fantastic computer that will make owners pleased and non-owners positively green. This quality control stuff is a blown-up bunch of hooey. Get one and I'm sure you'll be happy you did. I think I'm done with this thread.
  • Reply 117 of 588
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I was being playful, I forgot the smiley, sorry \
  • Reply 118 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    No, not calling anyone an idiot. Just making a joke based on a prior comment in this thread. I even put in a little smiley-face. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

    I do think the ACP is worth it, though, quick-turnovers aside. I like not having to worry about when I can't cry Mayday anymore. Unfortunately I don't know the post-purchase window (wrong term? ), if any.

    As for the "problems" with the 15", it seems a bit like people are looking very hard for something to complain about. Maybe the written communication of a thread magnifies this impression, but that's the feeling I get. Now that the latch seems fixable, the other stuff seems a bit trivial; trace asymmetry in brightness, gap variation measurable by micrometer. People, this is the machine we were all salivating for, and now it's not "perfect" so we don't want it? As ast3r3x said, it's beautiful, and I've got no problems in the real sense of the word. My humble advice for those still on the fence is that the 15" AlBook is a fantastic computer that will make owners pleased and non-owners positively green. This quality control stuff is a blown-up bunch of hooey. Get one and I'm sure you'll be happy you did. I think I'm done with this thread.

    I'm not at all worried about the gap and so on, but I got spots, they showed up today. It isn't a blown-up bunch of hooey. I'll go through the replacement tap-dance, I suppose.

    But I'd still reccommend that people by one. What I'd be interested in knowing is if the spots will be engineered out (really fixed), or if Apple is hoping they won't show up again. I'm figuring the former, but we'll see.
  • Reply 119 of 588
    does anyone know if apple does silent fixes to a product line or would they wait till the next revision and then incorporate the fixes. in other words would they silently fix this white spot issue or would they wait and release the fix in the next powerbook update. have they done anything like this in the past?
  • Reply 120 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by booyaka

    does anyone know if apple does silent fixes to a product line or would they wait till the next revision and then incorporate the fixes. in other words would they silently fix this white spot issue or would they wait and release the fix in the next powerbook update. have they done anything like this in the past?

    I must assume that they are fixing this on the assembly line. Perhaps this is (a?) the reason PB shipping times suddenly jumped this week?

    Mine's going back for repair Monday or Tuesday. I'm pretty bummed about it, but in the end it will be OK. You can bet I'll be checking it daily again when it comes back, though. It will suck not having it for two weeks, but my wife is letting me use her iBook while mine is away (yay?!).

    I guess pscates and others were wise to wait a bit.
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