When carrying your beloved laptop.....



  • Reply 21 of 31
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Is crumpler the only people who make not ugly bags? I've seen some other nice ones but non look as good. Brenthaven I'm sure makes quality bags but all black couldn't be cooler

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  • Reply 22 of 31
    meecesmeeces Posts: 160member
    On that whole sleeping the computer instead of shutting down. I tried that overnight on battery power, and it drained it down all the way. That didn't seem right, anyone else try that and had it work? I haven't tried since updating to 10.2.8, maybe that will help. It's a 17"pb by the way.
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  • Reply 23 of 31
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    Mine always sleeps overnight on battery power with no problems.

    The power level barely moves when I wake it in the morning.

    Just wondering if maybe you Energy Saver setting are set correctly when your PB is using the battery only.

    It definitely should not drain the battery entirely by simply sleeping overnight.
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  • Reply 24 of 31
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Meeces

    On that whole sleeping the computer instead of shutting down. I tried that overnight on battery power, and it drained it down all the way. That didn't seem right, anyone else try that and had it work? I haven't tried since updating to 10.2.8, maybe that will help. It's a 17"pb by the way.

    Are you sure it was asleep? That shouldn't happen. Did you have any USB peripherals plugged in that woke it up?
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  • Reply 25 of 31
    resres Posts: 711member
    I sleep my Powerbook overnight on batteries on occasion and it loses very little of its charge. Check your Energy Saver settings and also make sure it is really going to sleep when you close the lid.
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  • Reply 26 of 31
    Even when I'm traveling back and forth to college, the 2 hour trip, I still leave mine in sleep.

    Always gotta work on beating my record uptimes.
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  • Reply 27 of 31
    meecesmeeces Posts: 160member
    I need to try sleeping in again overnight with screen down. I left my screen up, so it's possibly it woke up and went back to sleep on it's own. I have it programmed to sleep after so many minutes, no matter screen postion. I didn't think that could make a difference. A kind of weird side affect I noticed this morning. I'm a substitute teacher for one my jobs, so the phone has to be loud so I can wake to it when they call in the morning to work. It's one of those old fashioned 80's clear see-through ones with an actual bell for a ring. It rang twice this morning and both times it woke my powerbook up. The phone is on the floor on one side of the bedroom, pb sitting on a desk on the other side. Very strange. I'm going out of town, so I will experiment lots with sleeping it. And the only items I had plugged in were phone line, speakers(creature speakers) that were turned off and printer turned off. Even off they would drain from it? Thanks.
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  • Reply 28 of 31
    I never shut down my PowerBook. I leave it alone and at night, I just close the lid and let it go to sleep. That's always sufficient. There really isn't a need to shut it down unless you're going to be away for a few days or one of them system updates that requires you to restart, in my opinion.
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  • Reply 29 of 31
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member

    Originally posted by Meeces

    It rang twice this morning and both times it woke my powerbook up. ...And the only items I had plugged in were phone line, speakers(creature speakers) that were turned off and printer turned off. Even off they would drain from it? Thanks.

    In Energy Saver under options uncheck the box next to Wake when the modem detects a ring.

    Either that or unplug the phone line.
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  • Reply 30 of 31
    meecesmeeces Posts: 160member
    That box under energy saver is already unchecked. Maybe harmonic vibration somehow? It doesn't really annoy me, just really weird.
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  • Reply 31 of 31
    ppl who leave PB's in sleep overnight, what do use for your powermanagement settings?
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