Fox News Channel



  • Reply 41 of 81
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    This strikes me as a bit more condemning than just an innocent link posted FYI w/o any "expressed beliefs". I just wanted to restate your penchant to take liberties with contexts in your posts. Carry on... Did you really mean "admire Hitler" for everything he stood for or "admire Hitler" for a specific quality that united a nation? Really, your statement seems more along the lines of rejecting Schwarzenegger outright since he has any admiration over Hitler at all. If you meant otherwise, then you could have phrased it better...or better yet, not mention it at all since you allegedly have no opinion over it altogether. Of course, that doesn't add up now, does it? (rhetorical)

    Now that was just one sentence by you. Now we go back to the considerably longer post you have in this topic. Careful, people.

    Im not quite sure why you singled me out on this one. I don't know Mr. Schwarzenegger personally, but if there was *any* suspicion that a prominent American politician might have admired Hitler, or some quality of Hitler, that's enough reason to not to vote for him in my book. Hitler doesn't feature in my list of acceptable political influences. Imagine if someone running for election was found to admire Osama bin Laden or a quality of Osama bin Laden? Hmmmm.

    Just imagine what would have happened if, say, a Democrat running fro election was found to have admired some quality of a heavyduty leftwinger....such as Mao or Castro? There would be hell to pay, and the rest.
  • Reply 42 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    Im not quite sure why you singled me out on this one. I don't know Mr. Schwarzenegger personally, but if there was *any* suspicion that a prominent American politician might have admired Hitler, or some quality of Hitler, that's enough reason to not to vote for him in my book. Hitler doesn't feature in my list of acceptable political influences. Imagine if someone running for election was found to admire Osama bin Laden or a quality of Osama bin Laden? Hmmmm.

    Just imagine what would have happened if, say, a Democrat running fro election was found to have admired some quality of a heavyduty leftwinger....such as Mao or Castro? There would be hell to pay, and the rest.

    Not being able to understand that admiring a specific quality of someone infamous does not mean you like the policies or actions of said person is a sign of ignorance. I admire Hitler's oratory abilities. There is nothing wrong with that. Only a fool would condemn me for it.
  • Reply 43 of 81
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Keep it spinning dude! LA Times controlled by the DNC but Fox viewers are the real problem! Shut them down!

    No, people that make stupid-ass statements like this are the real problem.
  • Reply 44 of 81
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    Im not quite sure why you singled me out on this one. I don't know Mr. Schwarzenegger personally, but if there was *any* suspicion that a prominent American politician might have admired Hitler, or some quality of Hitler, that's enough reason to not to vote for him in my book. Hitler doesn't feature in my list of acceptable political influences. Imagine if someone running for election was found to admire Osama bin Laden or a quality of Osama bin Laden? Hmmmm.

    Just imagine what would have happened if, say, a Democrat running fro election was found to have admired some quality of a heavyduty leftwinger....such as Mao or Castro? There would be hell to pay, and the rest.

    Well first if you said something encouraging about Osama and negative about the U.S. you would be Bill Maher and lose your show over a free speech incident. Not exactly an encouraging sign of tolerance of free speech and ideas if you ask me.

    Also the premis is just bunk. I can appreciate and admire the wit and intelligence behind certain rap music for example without desiring to embrace or endorse the lifestyle much of it currently promotes.

    Could it be possible for example to appreciate a rapper's skills without hating women and homosexuals which many rappers seem to mistreat in their lyrics?

  • Reply 45 of 81
    I'm still stunned that people watch Fox. It's like waking up to see those cigarette commercials and yet people still smoke...
  • Reply 46 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Well first if you said something encouraging about Osama and negative about the U.S. you would be Bill Maher and lose your show over a free speech incident. Not exactly an encouraging sign of tolerance of free speech and ideas if you ask me.

    Also the premis is just bunk. I can appreciate and admire the wit and intelligence behind certain rap music for example without desiring to embrace or endorse the lifestyle much of it currently promotes.

    Could it be possible for example to appreciate a rapper's skills without hating women and homosexuals which many rappers seem to mistreat in their lyrics?


    You are totally correct on this one. Sammi is just one of those people that take this political correctness WAY too far. Whether she likes it or not, she is ignorantly trampling the first amendment that she and her ilk love to bring up so much. Now, I love the first amendment too, but I love it enough not to fvck with it.

    Sammi Jo and people like her are no different than Ari Fleischer and people like him. They both have the same message:

  • Reply 47 of 81
    I propose a simple change. Replace the word 'news' with 'views'. (eg. Cable Views Network, Fox Views Channel, etc.)

    This would alleviate the problems that some people seem to have with discerning news from opinion. That goes for both sides.

    A pure news source is seemingly impossible to find.
  • Reply 48 of 81
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Also the premis is just bunk. I can appreciate and admire the wit and intelligence behind certain rap music for example without desiring to embrace or endorse the lifestyle much of it currently promotes.

    Could it be possible for example to appreciate a rapper's skills without hating women and homosexuals which many rappers seem to mistreat in their lyrics?


    OK. So you support politicians that admire hitler. Whatever you want.

    Personally, I would vote for a politician that expressed admiration for Dahmer. Sure, I don't necessarily like what he did, but you have to admire his creativity. Who would have thought to put a body in a barrel of acid? Pure genius, though I don't like what he did.

    And child molesters. It's so commendable that they hold romance above all else, even the law and human decency.

    Hey, trumptman, your planned parenthood thread misses you.
  • Reply 49 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by giant

    OK. So you support politicians that admire hitler. Whatever you want.

    Personally, I would vote for a politician that expressed admiration for Dahmer. Sure, I don't necessarily like what he did, but you have to admire his creativity. Who would have thought to put a body in a barrel of acid? Pure genius, though I don't like what he did.

    And child molesters. It's so commendable that they hold romance above all else, even the law and human decency.

    Hey, trumptman, your planned parenthood thread misses you.

    You are comparing admiring oratory skills to the creativity of putting a body in a barrel of acid. This is what we call a straw man...a bad, stupid, idiotic one at that.

    You are so fvcking intellectually dishonest.
  • Reply 50 of 81
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    Tricky one this.

    I happened to say to my Dad that I admired Leni Reifenstahl (Adolf's fave film maker) as you had to be impressed by what she did. That Nuremburg movie is so powerful.

    Had it pointed out to me that what she did was help persuade people do some of the darkest shit anyone ever did to anyone. That's what she was doing. On purpose.

    Same goes for yer man. Admire his oratory ... you're admiring his ability to make people do dark shit. On purpose. Had you been there, you'd be shaking your head: "Wow. What a ****ing speech" ... think you wouldn't and you're lying to yourself. But what made the oratory work, where it was plugged into, was Very Bad and ... how can you divide the two?
  • Reply 51 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    I can divide the two by being intellectually capable of holding two seemingly contradictory statements in my mind at the same time...a capacity that most people seem to lack.

    Hitler was a very good speaker. I admire that skill.

    Hitler was an evil rotten nasty person. I don't admire what he did with his oratory skills.

    See how easy it is to separate it?
  • Reply 52 of 81
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    You can separate them, but I have to wonder why, if asked who you admire, Hitler would pop into your mind first.

    He wasn't asked "who do you admire as a speaker?" And even then, there are plenty of other speakers that are at least as good as Hitler, MLK jr for example. So why think of one individual, who has perhaps one admirable trait, but everything else about him makes him universally considered to be one of the least admirable people in history?

    Sure you can separate speaking ability from other traits of the person, but anyone who doesn't think Arnold's answer was really, really dumb has got a screw loose and should be condemned to watching Hans and Franz reruns for eternity.
  • Reply 53 of 81
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by BR

    You are comparing admiring oratory skills to the creativity of putting a body in a barrel of acid. This is what we call a straw man...a bad, stupid, idiotic one at that.

    You are so fvcking intellectually dishonest.

    Apparently you missed the point.

    The point I was making (as opposed to the one you think I was making) is that Sammi Jo's statement, much as certain assholes like to abuse her, is 100% correct. Everyone is defending Schwarzenegger's statement, but if any Democrat said they admired any of popular culture's devils, they would get the shit for it like nobody's business, and certainly would not have been elected governor. And guess which group would be the ones slinging it? That's right, the folks who in this situation are Schwarzenegger apologists.

    Of course, there's also a fine line between what Schwarzenegger said and stating that you 'admire the nazis for their organization and industrial development with the death camps, even though they were used to kill millions of people.' Go ahead and say you admire that, too, but that kind of industrialization (the industrialization of death) we can do without.


    a capacity that most people seem to lack.

    You better chill the **** out, BR, especially when you are the one who was unable to wrap your brain around what I was saying.

    Just to note: my understanding is that Schwarzenegger also said that Hitler was his hero as a child, so you are apparently being "fvcking intellectually dishonest."
  • Reply 54 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Oh, I understand what you are saying. It's the same type of drivel that SDW & Co. like to throw your way. You and him are really alike, you know?
  • Reply 55 of 81
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by BR

    Oh, I understand what you are saying. It's the same type of drivel that SDW & Co. like to throw your way. You and him are really alike, you know?

    That's right. Attack and retreat. Maybe you just shouldn't have started at all.
  • Reply 56 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    You can separate them, but I have to wonder why, if asked who you admire, Hitler would pop into your mind first.

    He wasn't asked "who do you admire as a speaker?" And even then, there are plenty of other speakers that are at least as good as Hitler, MLK jr for example. So why think of one individual, who has perhaps one admirable trait, but everything else about him makes him universally considered to be one of the least admirable people in history?

    Sure you can separate speaking ability from other traits of the person, but anyone who doesn't think Arnold's answer was really, really dumb has got a screw loose and should be condemned to watching Hans and Franz reruns for eternity.

    No, he doesn't come to mind first. Yes, it was stupid to bring up Hitler at all when most people are too retarded to understand that one can admire a trait and not a person's actions. I don't deny that.

    My problem lies solely with the people that call someone a nazi and say that someone should never be elected because that someone admires a specific trait of a nasty horrible person.

    Hey, I admire SDW & Giant's outspokenness. That doesn't make me an idiot any more than admiring Hitler's speaking ability makes me a Nazi.
  • Reply 57 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by giant

    That's right. Attack and retreat. Maybe you just shouldn't have started at all.

    Hmm. Let's see. You tell me that I don't understand. You bring up a shaky example with little relevance. You attack me personally.

    Gee, sounds like you were on the attack and retreat there. Don't blame me for not putting forth any effort to respond point by point to your drivel.

    By the way, the mobilization of industry through the use of concentration camps was intelligent. Sick, disgusting, never should have happened intelligence Intelligence nonetheless.
  • Reply 58 of 81
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by BR

    No, he doesn't come to mind first. Yes, it was stupid to bring up Hitler at all when most people are too retarded to understand that one can admire a trait and not a person's actions. I don't deny that.

    My problem lies solely with the people that call someone a nazi and say that someone should never be elected because that someone admires a specific trait of a nasty horrible person.

    Hey, I admire SDW & Giant's outspokenness. That doesn't make me an idiot any more than admiring Hitler's speaking ability makes me a Nazi.

    Good job at ignoring your theory being discredited.
  • Reply 59 of 81
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by giant

    Good job at ignoring your theory being discredited.

    Good job at making silly ignorant replies.
  • Reply 60 of 81
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by BR

    Good job at making silly ignorant replies.

    Apparently you need it posted again:


    Originally posted by giant

    The point I was making (as opposed to the one you think I was making) is that Sammi Jo's statement, much as certain assholes like to abuse her, is 100% correct. Everyone is defending Schwarzenegger's statement, but if any Democrat said they admired any of popular culture's devils, they would get the shit for it like nobody's business, and certainly would not have been elected governor. And guess which group would be the ones slinging it? That's right, the folks who in this situation are Schwarzenegger apologists.

    Of course, there's also a fine line between what Schwarzenegger said and stating that you 'admire the nazis for their organization and industrial development with the death camps, even though they were used to kill millions of people.' Go ahead and say you admire that, too, but that kind of industrialization (the industrialization of death) we can do without.

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