Kate and Leopold G5 EDIT: It's TRUE (w/ macworld)



  • Reply 21 of 39
    That's a good question.

    Cause if it was one of us writing it, then it would just be an enthusiast. But what are the chances of the writer/director both agreeing that the G5 is something they can stick in the film and have people understand it, since it really doesn't exist yet?

    At the same time, perhaps it was put in there by a connection with Apple. Perhaps they wanted to put that there just to get it "known". If indeed it was meant to come out in Feburary, then maybe it was meant to come out afte the introduction of the G5 (which I don't think will come out in two weeks). But you never know.

    It's an interesting one.

  • Reply 22 of 39
    eat@meeat@me Posts: 321member
    [quote]Originally posted by amidala:

    <strong>Ok, I haven't seen it, but it comes out today. If anyone knows of the rumor that Kate (Meg Ryan) talks about the G5 in the movie, let us know, ok? Ok. Good. Merry Christmas.

    Happy New Year.

    Love Andrew

    [ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: amidala ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes, Andrew, this is true fact. I spoke with Steve Jobs who is a good buddy of mine and he said that although he hated the shit outta the movie he lent his new G5 for production.

    I also hang out with him and fly around the world in his $90 million lear jet. He only gets a $1 salary but $90 million lear jets and millions of stock options. I know Andrew, you feel sorry for him too.
  • Reply 23 of 39
    lucylucy Posts: 44member
    I saw the film.

    The plotholes weren't too big, if you thought about the right amount the time travel idea actually makes a decent amount of sense.


    Kate's old boyfriend tells her about Leopold and she doesn't believe him. Then the old boyfriend makes up a story about Leopold being in town for Macworld Expo at Javits.

    Later Kate visits the old boyfriend's appartment (right above her's) and she asks Leopold for some help with her PowerMac G5 running MacOS 9.6 and Leopold looks at her blankly, so she tells her old boyfriend that Leopold is obviously not in New York for Macworld Expo, and thats the extent of the plot that relates to this forum.

    **End Spoiler**

    So basicly this is totally made up because Mac OS X will be standard by MWNY '02 and MacOS 9.6 definately wouldn't be runnable as an independent operating system, prolly would be retitled classic version whatever. So it is just an idea added in by the fevered mind of a mac-loving script writer, and pretty meaningless.

    Apple has no reason to restrict them from mentioning a possible future product that they made up, so Apple probably was only involved in order to make sur that the movie could use the PowerMac trademark, and peripherally with its involvement with IDG's Macworld trademark.
  • Reply 24 of 39
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    I think a script writer is fooling with the mac community .
  • Reply 25 of 39
    That's weird... <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 26 of 39
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member
    There's nothing weird at all about that. All Meg's character was doing was testing whether Leopold actually knew about Macs to find out if he was in town for MacWorld. Plain and simple.

    It could have been any other product. Like if he was supposedly in town for the Detroit Auto Show, and she asked about the new BMW 8-Series (which doesn't exist....). If he said "there is no such thing," then he is really in town for the show, if he has no idea, then he's not. Blah blah blah. Calm down, all of you.

    - Pook
  • Reply 27 of 39
    [quote]Originally posted by Lucy:

    [QB]I saw the film.

    Later Kate visits the old boyfriend's appartment (right above her's) and she asks Leopold for some help with her PowerMac G5 running MacOS 9.6 and Leopold looks at her blankly, so she tells her old boyfriend that Leopold is obviously not in New York for Macworld Expo, and thats the extent of the plot that relates to this forum.


    A girl like Meg Ryan get's paid as much money for what comes out of her lips on-Camera as for what goes in off ... you don't get to play for free.

    Apple - having a long history of movie plugs (The Saint, J.B. etc) almost certainly paid a pretty penny to have it's product identified with yet-another-fiesty/independent-yet-fashionably-vulnerable icon for a monied demographic such as Meg. This was no accident.

    Having the movie come out so soon probably was.

    Once the film's been shot - and the money for the performance, or rather - your plug - has been paid - it's too late, you can't just get your money back because they decide to realease the thing too damn early - nor can you simply ask the star to come in and do a retake due to scheduling and money ... so, you get what you get ... and you leave the flawed bit you paid for in.

    Adding to the complexity of timely plugs is the shooting schedule ... that movie was probably shot 6 months ago ... so this is somebody at Apple's best guess of what hot products they'd have out for Mac World New York.

    Unfortunately, because of those facts, the best this tells us is this:

    About 6 months ago, somebody at Apple, thought - pretty strongly - that they'd release a PowerMac G5 sometime BEFORE MacWorld New York, and likley in and around the intended releas time for this movie.

    It ain't much, but it's something.
  • Reply 28 of 39
    I don't think Apple would be giving away top secret information to some Hollywood set crew 6 months before a product is released.

    G5 is the next obvious Powermac, so any script writer would use it as a new item for Macworld.

    OS 9.6? Obviously that's not a new product...there probably won't ever be a 9.6. OS X is what Apple would plug if they had paid for it, not OS 9.x! Even if Apple were sticking with OS 9, then 6 months ago we were at 9.1, so clearly 9.2 or 9.5 would have been estimated #s, not 9.6.

    So no, this means absolutely nothing about new Macs. Apple probably did not pay for this plug. It is a script writer's idea, he's probably a Mac fan and worked it in the story for kicks. Nothing more.
  • Reply 29 of 39
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>I don't think Apple would be giving away top secret information to some Hollywood set crew 6 months before a product is released.


    well, they did for Mission: Impossible

    but this means nothing.
  • Reply 30 of 39
    [quote]I also hang out with him and fly around the world in his $90 million lear jet. He only gets a $1 salary but $90 million lear jets and millions of stock options. I know Andrew, you feel sorry for him too.<hr></blockquote>

    Actually, Steve Jobs has a Grumman Gulfstream V jet, NOT a lear jet. And it also didn't cost nearly $90 million, the Board of Directors gave him that to pay the taxes, etc. on the plane.
  • Reply 31 of 39
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:


    G5 is the next obvious Powermac, so any script writer would use it as a new item for Macworld.


    Yeah, a script writer could just-by-chance include a clear cut reference to a well known computer brand, with a reputation for spending big money on movie plugs; sneak it past the studio, and make the star say it gratis: and Osama B.L. is taking me to Disney Land next week ...

    Corporate brands get mentioned in Hollywood movies for one reason only, because somebody wrote a cheque - plugs like that aren't given away, least of all by some low-on-the-totem script writer with an Apple in their eye. It might be something they'd include in a first draft, just to give the powers that be something to reject and feel useful making a decision about - but beyond that, it ain't gonna happen.

    Nothing is certain in life, but cash is as certain as anything in Hollywood - Apple paid for that plug, pure and simple.

    Does any of this guarantee a G5 at MWSF? Sadly no ... I agree with you that it isn't really all that much to go on.

    But it is something ...

    It very likely means that about 6 months ago, or whenever they were shooting, somebody high up in Apple marketing - who gets paid a lot of money to do this kind of thing - thought it would be a good idea for Apple hitch a lift on a Meg Ryan Vehicle because 'Meg Sells' ...

    So Apple bought a ticket, and somebody in the know (since Apple probably spent a fair chunk of dough on that ticket) took their best guess at what would likely be out, hot or in need of brand awareness in February 2002 - I don't know about the "System 9.6" nonsense ... but the G5 schmoo was probably an educated guess, likely a highly educated guess, at the time.

    So, unless that guess way back whenever was totally off (who can really say?) it is rather likely, that by February - Apple had either planned on G5's already being out, or to have been announced as coming out soon.

    It means no less - but sadly - no more.
  • Reply 32 of 39
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    Now we'll find out what's real soon enough. Top me this indicated that the G5s could be delayed until the Summer...

    Now you can argue the finer points all you want, but you can't deny that this sounds like Product Placement to me. This time its just advanced product placement to drum up support for the new systems...
  • Reply 33 of 39
    OK, here is my take on it....the character in the movie is dubious about the guy's authenticity, so she baits him by intentionally saying things that would make no sense ot him if he *really* were a computer guy.

    Which suggests to me that both the G5 and OS 9.6 references were simply intentionally wrong, not any conspiracy hint of insider info....she could just as well have said "T4" instead of "G4", or OS 9.9....the point was to say things that *don't exist*, and see how the guy reacted.

    I doubt this has ANY meaning beyond that at all.


    [edit - I see that Pook has made essentially the same point already...gotta learn to read threads more carefully ]

    [ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: fishdoc ]</p>
  • Reply 34 of 39
    Well I can only agree with OverToasty.

    Product Placement is the most common in all movieproductions now-a-day. But to say whether it indicates something is much more difficult to say.

    I gues it depends on whether it is Apple or the scriptwriter that decides wath the carachter should say in the movie.
  • Reply 35 of 39
    There is no significance here unless Apple changes the name of OS X to 9.6 and brings out G5's at MW Tokyo.

    [ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: Macintosh ]</p>
  • Reply 36 of 39
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    I don't think its a coincidence that this movie, which mentions the G5, was released around the same time as this coming MWSF '02. I'm sure it was done intentionally. I think if the G5 was not ready, then I'm sure they would have dubbed over "G5" with "G4" like they do when a curse word is changed to a non-curse word for movies shown on television.

    Why would Apple want references about the G5 in movies that are out now? To increase sales of G4 powermacs? I don't think so. And, if the rumor sites are right about developers having G5 test units, I don't see how they could keep quiet about it for another 6 months. Info would leak out over time that would tend to slow G4 sales.

    Now I know the lastest "As the Apple turns" post says its NOT coming this Jan and I know they have been fairly accurate in the past with predictions but this time I think their source has incorrect information.

    - Mark
  • Reply 37 of 39
    My source here in Denmark (Steve Jobs lost neveu) has actually told me that Apple are planning to dump Mac OS X and instead put their money into Mac OS 9.x.

    As my source tell me Apple don't think there is any potentiel in OS X - and it's to ugly.
  • Reply 38 of 39
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    A: Go watch Lord of the Rings instead, not only is it the best fantasy movie to date, it is also guarateed 100% computer free.

    B: Maybe it was rendered on a G5 though, you never know...

  • Reply 39 of 39
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member

    [ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: G4Dude ]</p>
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