You can hate Microsoft all you want, but... I'm not even continuing this sentence
Looking at the history books, I don't see much M$ invention. We don't hear reports of them being 'loved' with devotees up in 400 long queues to get the latest OS Panther!
As for the PC brought to the masses by Bill Gates? First I heard of it was when Windows 95 was on the news. Checked it out. Turns out Apple had been there first ten years earlier...but due to having their heads up their ass...they BLEW it! OS 3.1 for Windows? Blurgh. That was horrible! I couldn't believe these guys beat Apple. I also spoke to a business guy... The reason his team didn't go Apple? No numeric keypad on the keyboard...
As far as computing for the masses? From my personal experience, The Commodore 64 brought it to me way back in late 83? It was a great time. Over ten million sold around then. Almost half the installed Mac base now. Shame Commodore went under. Though, it had to be said that we had a guy at school who proudly pontificated the Apple II as being almost twice as fast as the slow Commodore.
Xerox seemed to have the GUI by all accounts. Apple made it 'personal' to computers as we know them? And M$ ripped Apple off with...Apple's permission?
Yadda, yadda...I'm tired of this. Off for a cup of tea. Does it matter? Apple are better now for having IBM and M$ kick the crap out of them. They've learned something. Humility. Look at their products now. They've learned and are growing up.
If 95% of the market had gone Apple instead of M$? I don't think Apple would have been this good.
As the underdog, Apple will try harder to innovate. They have to stay alive.
And those of us in the know? We get the best software and hardware in the computing world.
Man, I will never understand why Mac users are so bitter and insecure.
As for predicating MS dying... yeah, ok, that just make you sound as knowledgeable as PC zealot predicting the death of Apple.
I'm neither Bitter or Insecure.....I use Windows every day.....I am just reflecting on the current state of play in the world of Open vs Closed systems..& hoping...Besides... with a name like KLinux you should now what I am taking about...
actually Jobs and Wozniak didn't create personal computing, Commadore did, that was the very first truly personal computer Apple put the GUI to practical use
If 95% of the market had gone Apple instead of M$? I don't think Apple would have been this good.
I think if Apple had won the desktop, things would be worse overall. Just look how much Apple tries to excercise control over it's niche. They only embraced OSS & open standards when marketshare fell to concerning levels.
actually Jobs and Wozniak didn't create personal computing, Commadore did, that was the very first truly personal computer Apple put the GUI to practical use
Apple almost became Commodore's property back in the late 70's . "Tramiel felt cautious about developing an entire system from scratch and offered to buy Apple. Steve Wozniak was tempted but felt Commodore had not offered enough for the company and wanted $15,000."
Picture a world where the Mac was never created and what do you see? Yea!
I always find it funny when clueless copy cats want to take credit for something they would NEVER have done weren't for someone's innovation showing them it could be done. And no, Apple having seen an idea of a GUI at Xerox does not count as it was Apple who actually used an idea that would otherwise have gone wasted and revolutionized the PC world with it.
To this day Apple is still the leader innovating the PC world into something better.
The bottom line is that it is incredibly difficult to take a discussion seriously with anyone who insists on spelling "MIcrosoft" in ways that include profanity or a dollar sign. You make it sound like by spelling it that way you're part of some large, important movement worldwide. Well, you're not. You come off as the pathetic moron represented in that comic. So do the PC users that say it too. I don't care if the Pope spells it "M$", it doesn't make it cool.
I think the problem with this thread is you guys are trying to isolate a single entity that was responsible for "inventing" the personal computer. The problem is that the definition of "personal computer" changed frequently over the years. Furthermore, it's not really fair to give credit to a single entity, as a whole host of individuals and companies were responsible for contributing to the "personal computer revolution". Apple didn't "invent" the personal computer or "personal computing". Neither did Microsoft. They both, however, contributed significantly to the way consumers interact with computers today.
And despite how much you people might dislike Microsoft and love Apple, Microsoft has contributed positively. It may be tough for some of you kids to swallow that pill, but try. They really have.
Microsoft has contributed positively. It may be tough for some of you kids to swallow that pill, but try. They really have.
If you had paid ANY attention to the anti-trust trail in which M$ was found GUILTY, you would know that your statement is not true. Microshit has smothered promising technologies so that it could control standards in the industry.
"The bottom line is that it is incredibly difficult to take a discussion seriously with anyone who insists on spelling "MIcrosoft" in ways that include profanity or a dollar sign. You make it sound like by spelling it that way you're part of some large, important movement worldwide. Well, you're not. You come off as the pathetic moron represented in that comic. So do the PC users that say it too. I don't care if the Pope spells it "M$", it doesn't make it cool...................
And despite how much you people might dislike Microsoft and love Apple, Microsoft has contributed positively. It may be tough for some of you kids to swallow that pill, but try................"
At the risk of sounding like a broken record.....I don't have a grudge against M$...I acknowledge that if it wasn't for them H-appless would be dead by now..
What I do have an annoyance over is their unethical behaviour...& THAT goes for any company..whether it is M$. H-appless, Limpdux, etc etc...
It's about unethical corporate lies, using power to crush alternatives software contenders, coercion & the LAW....
but we're all grown-ups now. So I think we can refer to these companies by their rightful names. I can't even ****ing tell what you're talking about in the post anymore... what in the hell is H-apples and limpdux?
I mean, jesus christ people, this is right up there with typing out "r" instead of "are". I feel like I'm conversing with a twelve year old girl. Typing out M$ instead of MS doesn't serve any purpose other than to make you look like a total childish moron. You're not "fighting the man" or proving some point every time you spell it with a dollar sign or work in profanity. It's just dumb. I'm trying to help you people, I really am...
but we're all grown-ups now. So I think we can refer to these companies by their rightful names. I can't even ****ing tell what you're talking about in the post anymore... what in the hell is H-apples and limpdux?
I mean, jesus christ people, this is right up there with typing out "r" instead of "are". I feel like I'm conversing with a twelve year old girl. Typing out M$ instead of MS doesn't serve any purpose other than to make you look like a total childish moron. You're not "fighting the man" or proving some point every time you spell it with a dollar sign or work in profanity. It's just dumb. I'm trying to help you people, I really am...
Whoah, Ease up Big fella.
Your getting worked up over nothing.
I am sure there are other Ai'ers who would appreciate it if you didn't use " Jesus Christ " as a profanity.
You know, it doesn't help to win people over by resorting to personal attacks...
I must say that I am dissapointed Locash, I thought you were better than that \
but we're all grown-ups now. So I think we can refer to these companies by their rightful names. I can't even ****ing tell what you're talking about in the post anymore... what in the hell is H-apples and limpdux?
I mean, jesus christ people, this is right up there with typing out "r" instead of "are". I feel like I'm conversing with a twelve year old girl. Typing out M$ instead of MS doesn't serve any purpose other than to make you look like a total childish moron. You're not "fighting the man" or proving some point every time you spell it with a dollar sign or work in profanity. It's just dumb. I'm trying to help you people, I really am...
Easy man...
let it go...
Count to 10 and take a deep breath...
We type like that out of habit. The internet is full of places where you can pick up bad habits. It's not like we are e133t or something...
I must say that I am dissapointed Locash, I thought you were better than that \
And still you didn't answer his question.
What on earth does "H-apples" and "limpdux" mean? As you convolute the language more, you're just going to confuse more people and lose their support in the community.
What on earth does "H-apples" and "limpdux" mean? As you convolute the language more, you're just going to confuse more people and lose their support in the community.
Do I have to thread everything for you guys...I thought Mods & computer geeks had lateral thinking powers. Obviously not.
Pretty obvious really.
"H- APPLE-es
' ImpdnUX"
& as for my new custom title..."Can't speak english"
Oh the irony..
If you only knew who your really speaking to.
I've only had one major book published, but so far it has sold one & half million copies world wide & is still going strong. My second book is about to be published & the Oxford dictionary group just sent me an email confirming their intention to publish a new word that I coined.
And as for you cry-babies...Some nameless Mods are obviously pretty thin skinned hypocrites.
You know who you are! You overstep your own guidelines ,connive & conspire to punish someone else...yeah that's called summary justice...
If any of you actually went to the trouble to fully read my posts & not jump to conclusions, you would see where you erred BIG time....
But none of you are man enough to admit your errors..
Do I have to thread everything for you guys...I thought Mods & computer geeks had lateral thinking powers. Obviously not.
Pretty obvious really.
"H- APPLE-es
' ImpdnUX"
Followed a question with a series of periods. No space after the last period. Attempt to use computer jargon that nobody outside own mind knows of.
Originally posted by Aquafire
& as for my new custom title..."Can't speak english"
Oh the irony..
If you only knew who your really speaking to.
Began sentence with ampersand. Even if it were spelled out, beginning a sentence with "And" is typically discouraged, and poor grammar. Improper usage of "your". Should be, "you're" for "you are".
Obviously the work of a brilliant author.
The fact is that you whine around here entirely too much, and if anyone has thin skin it is you. I would think that surely a writer would understand the lack of integrity his words will carry if he is so childish as to spell a company's name with a dollar sign or profanity when that is clearly not the proper spelling.
We're done here. I encourage you not to revisit the topic in the Suggestions forum. Although, last I checked, odds are currently ten to one in favour of that happening.
"Mr. Gates, when did you first realize you were creating a monopoly?"
"Monopoly is just a game, senator, im trying to control the whole fvcking world"
You can hate Microsoft all you want, but... I'm not even continuing this sentence
Looking at the history books, I don't see much M$ invention. We don't hear reports of them being 'loved' with devotees up in 400 long queues to get the latest OS Panther!
As for the PC brought to the masses by Bill Gates? First I heard of it was when Windows 95 was on the news. Checked it out. Turns out Apple had been there first ten years earlier...but due to having their heads up their ass...they BLEW it! OS 3.1 for Windows? Blurgh. That was horrible! I couldn't believe these guys beat Apple. I also spoke to a business guy... The reason his team didn't go Apple? No numeric keypad on the keyboard...
As far as computing for the masses? From my personal experience, The Commodore 64 brought it to me way back in late 83? It was a great time. Over ten million sold around then. Almost half the installed Mac base now. Shame Commodore went under. Though, it had to be said that we had a guy at school who proudly pontificated the Apple II as being almost twice as fast as the slow Commodore.
Xerox seemed to have the GUI by all accounts. Apple made it 'personal' to computers as we know them? And M$ ripped Apple off with...Apple's permission?
Yadda, yadda...I'm tired of this. Off for a cup of tea. Does it matter? Apple are better now for having IBM and M$ kick the crap out of them. They've learned something. Humility. Look at their products now. They've learned and are growing up.
If 95% of the market had gone Apple instead of M$? I don't think Apple would have been this good.
As the underdog, Apple will try harder to innovate. They have to stay alive.
And those of us in the know? We get the best software and hardware in the computing world.
Amen. Tea!
Lemon Bon Bon
Originally posted by klinux
Man, I will never understand why Mac users are so bitter and insecure.
As for predicating MS dying... yeah, ok, that just make you sound as knowledgeable as PC zealot predicting the death of Apple.
I'm neither Bitter or Insecure.....I use Windows every day.....I am just reflecting on the current state of play in the world of Open vs Closed systems..& hoping...Besides... with a name like KLinux you should now what I am taking about...
Or is the "K" short for KILL~ LINUX...hehe
Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon
If 95% of the market had gone Apple instead of M$? I don't think Apple would have been this good.
I think if Apple had won the desktop, things would be worse overall. Just look how much Apple tries to excercise control over it's niche. They only embraced OSS & open standards when marketshare fell to concerning levels.
Originally posted by nickweiss
actually Jobs and Wozniak didn't create personal computing, Commadore did, that was the very first truly personal computer Apple put the GUI to practical use
Apple almost became Commodore's property back in the late 70's .
Picture a world where the Mac was never created and what do you see? Yea!
I always find it funny when clueless copy cats want to take credit for something they would NEVER have done weren't for someone's innovation showing them it could be done.
To this day Apple is still the leader innovating the PC world into something better.
The bottom line is that it is incredibly difficult to take a discussion seriously with anyone who insists on spelling "MIcrosoft" in ways that include profanity or a dollar sign. You make it sound like by spelling it that way you're part of some large, important movement worldwide. Well, you're not. You come off as the pathetic moron represented in that comic. So do the PC users that say it too. I don't care if the Pope spells it "M$", it doesn't make it cool.
I think the problem with this thread is you guys are trying to isolate a single entity that was responsible for "inventing" the personal computer. The problem is that the definition of "personal computer" changed frequently over the years. Furthermore, it's not really fair to give credit to a single entity, as a whole host of individuals and companies were responsible for contributing to the "personal computer revolution". Apple didn't "invent" the personal computer or "personal computing". Neither did Microsoft. They both, however, contributed significantly to the way consumers interact with computers today.
And despite how much you people might dislike Microsoft and love Apple, Microsoft has contributed positively. It may be tough for some of you kids to swallow that pill, but try. They really have.
Originally posted by LoCash
Microsoft has contributed positively. It may be tough for some of you kids to swallow that pill, but try. They really have.
If you had paid ANY attention to the anti-trust trail in which M$ was found GUILTY, you would know that your statement is not true. Microshit has smothered promising technologies so that it could control standards in the industry.
Originally posted by Furbog
You know, I really like nachos.
What do you call Cheese that isn't yours?
I'll get my coat
"The bottom line is that it is incredibly difficult to take a discussion seriously with anyone who insists on spelling "MIcrosoft" in ways that include profanity or a dollar sign. You make it sound like by spelling it that way you're part of some large, important movement worldwide. Well, you're not. You come off as the pathetic moron represented in that comic. So do the PC users that say it too. I don't care if the Pope spells it "M$", it doesn't make it cool...................
And despite how much you people might dislike Microsoft and love Apple, Microsoft has contributed positively. It may be tough for some of you kids to swallow that pill, but try................"
At the risk of sounding like a broken record.....I don't have a grudge against M$...I acknowledge that if it wasn't for them H-appless would be dead by now..
What I do have an annoyance over is their unethical behaviour...& THAT goes for any company..whether it is M$. H-appless, Limpdux, etc etc...
It's about unethical corporate lies, using power to crush alternatives software contenders, coercion & the LAW....
Try to sort the wheat from the chaff.....
I mean, jesus christ people, this is right up there with typing out "r" instead of "are". I feel like I'm conversing with a twelve year old girl. Typing out M$ instead of MS doesn't serve any purpose other than to make you look like a total childish moron. You're not "fighting the man" or proving some point every time you spell it with a dollar sign or work in profanity. It's just dumb. I'm trying to help you people, I really am...
Originally posted by LoCash
but we're all grown-ups now. So I think we can refer to these companies by their rightful names. I can't even ****ing tell what you're talking about in the post anymore... what in the hell is H-apples and limpdux?
I mean, jesus christ people, this is right up there with typing out "r" instead of "are". I feel like I'm conversing with a twelve year old girl. Typing out M$ instead of MS doesn't serve any purpose other than to make you look like a total childish moron. You're not "fighting the man" or proving some point every time you spell it with a dollar sign or work in profanity. It's just dumb. I'm trying to help you people, I really am...
Whoah, Ease up Big fella.
Your getting worked up over nothing.
I am sure there are other Ai'ers who would appreciate it if you didn't use " Jesus Christ " as a profanity.
You know, it doesn't help to win people over by resorting to personal attacks...
I must say that I am dissapointed Locash, I thought you were better than that
Originally posted by LoCash
but we're all grown-ups now. So I think we can refer to these companies by their rightful names. I can't even ****ing tell what you're talking about in the post anymore... what in the hell is H-apples and limpdux?
I mean, jesus christ people, this is right up there with typing out "r" instead of "are". I feel like I'm conversing with a twelve year old girl. Typing out M$ instead of MS doesn't serve any purpose other than to make you look like a total childish moron. You're not "fighting the man" or proving some point every time you spell it with a dollar sign or work in profanity. It's just dumb. I'm trying to help you people, I really am...
Easy man...
let it go...
Count to 10 and take a deep breath...
We type like that out of habit. The internet is full of places where you can pick up bad habits. It's not like we are e133t or something...
Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes
Easy man...
let it go...
Count to 10 and take a deep breath...
We type like that out of habit. The internet is full of places where you can pick up bad habits. It's not like we are e133t or something...
Thanx 4D BAKup.
EnGrish iz a fluid commodity.
It's not "OWNED by any local " SOUPNAZI"
But 4 my own good..I will write out..
" I must not call Microsoft "M-$oft"
because that is a bad Name ".
" Everyone loves Microsoft"
" Microsoft is my friend "
" Microsoft is my hero"
" Bill Gates is a hunk "
All of the above statements are true..
Originally posted by Aquafire
I must say that I am dissapointed Locash, I thought you were better than that
And still you didn't answer his question.
What on earth does "H-apples" and "limpdux" mean? As you convolute the language more, you're just going to confuse more people and lose their support in the community.
Originally posted by Brad
And still you didn't answer his question.
What on earth does "H-apples" and "limpdux" mean? As you convolute the language more, you're just going to confuse more people and lose their support in the community.
Do I have to thread everything for you guys...I thought Mods & computer geeks had lateral thinking powers. Obviously not.
Pretty obvious really.
"H- APPLE-es
' ImpdnUX"
& as for my new custom title..."Can't speak english"
Oh the irony..
If you only knew who your really speaking to.
I've only had one major book published, but so far it has sold one & half million copies world wide & is still going strong. My second book is about to be published & the Oxford dictionary group just sent me an email confirming their intention to publish a new word that I coined.
And as for you cry-babies...Some nameless Mods are obviously pretty thin skinned hypocrites.
You know who you are! You overstep your own guidelines ,connive & conspire to punish someone else...yeah that's called summary justice...
If any of you actually went to the trouble to fully read my posts & not jump to conclusions, you would see where you erred BIG time....
But none of you are man enough to admit your errors..
Originally posted by Aquafire
Do I have to thread everything for you guys...I thought Mods & computer geeks had lateral thinking powers. Obviously not.
Pretty obvious really.
"H- APPLE-es
' ImpdnUX"
Followed a question with a series of periods. No space after the last period. Attempt to use computer jargon that nobody outside own mind knows of.
Originally posted by Aquafire
& as for my new custom title..."Can't speak english"
Oh the irony..
If you only knew who your really speaking to.
Began sentence with ampersand. Even if it were spelled out, beginning a sentence with "And" is typically discouraged, and poor grammar. Improper usage of "your". Should be, "you're" for "you are".
Obviously the work of a brilliant author.
The fact is that you whine around here entirely too much, and if anyone has thin skin it is you. I would think that surely a writer would understand the lack of integrity his words will carry if he is so childish as to spell a company's name with a dollar sign or profanity when that is clearly not the proper spelling.
We're done here. I encourage you not to revisit the topic in the Suggestions forum. Although, last I checked, odds are currently ten to one in favour of that happening.