North Korea Can't Stand



  • Reply 21 of 24
    and because of the incompetence of this bush administration it continues to be all our problems...
  • Reply 22 of 24
    North Korea would fall in six weeks without ANY kind of military intervention on our part if China would end all support for them. If this happened, however, refugees would come streaming across the border into China. They don't want that headache.

    The problem is, they also don't want a nuclear Japan. If China doesn't act, Japan will have every reason to seek to enhance its defense with nuclear weapons.
  • Reply 23 of 24
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by giant

    Well, my best friend growing up is the son of perhaps the leading US scholar of Chinese history. I've spent many, many evenings learning quite a bit about China and SE Asia from him. Its like being tutored for many years. And even with that, I know that I don't know enough about the history, forces or people involved to make at all of a meaningful proposal.

    Of course, it's clear that for some reason there are people that compelled to make uninformed statements about whatever is in the news at a particular time. For some reason these people seem to be the same ones that were wrong about Iraq. Not surprising.

    NK is a weird little country, the very existence of which at this point appears to rely on its isolation. My understanding is that the best solution is to begin integrating the country into the region and using that to push reforms.

    Beyond that, I don't know enough of the players involved. I don't know the names of the people in the top 3 tiers of the NK government. I don't know all of the significant changes in China over the past 2 years or so or all of the effects of the few major ones everyone knows about. I don't fully know japan's role or history in the conflict. I highly doubt you do either.

    So what do I think of human rights in NK? What kind of idiot question is that? The real issue is to get people into policy-making positions in the US that understand this is a complex and very dangerous situation that needs delicate and informed solutions, rather than people led by an ideology shaped by careless threats and violence.

    You've done an excellent job taking no position at all. While you and your ivory tower pals discuss endlessly how "complex" the issue is ... the people in North Korea are used up and disposed of. You may as well ponder the complexities of the lint you pull out of your navel. It will do as much good.
  • Reply 24 of 24
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    *jeopardy theme heard in the distance*

    Still waiting for an answer(s) Scott....

    Well let's see. Thursday night I was staying late at work to finish up the monthly QA on one of our machines at work then I waited until 12pm for Amtrak to get my wife to me. Friday I was busy "babysitting" a patient's chart and then I had a doctor's appointment, apartment shopping then drove back to Chicago. At that point in time I think we were in the Panther blackout. I'm just getting home now after driving back to Michigan and working a full day. SO please forgive me for not replying on your time scale.
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