14" iBook defies logic.



  • Reply 41 of 55
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by ZO:

    <strong>15.2, 14.1, 12.1... and 10.4. 10.4 is the only one that doesnt exist on a Mac portable... yet.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ZO: I noticed this too when they first posted the graphic upon introduction of the "MegaWide" Titanium PowerBook a year ago. For a short while, it raised my hopes. But then I realized that the 10.4" was simply targeted at the many users of Sony VAIO and other Wintel subnotebooks. I've resigned myself to the iBook's 12.1" screen.

    By the way, does anybody remember the PowerBook 1400's 11.3" screen?

  • Reply 42 of 55
    [quote]Originally posted by Escher:

    <strong>However, I have to admit that I have grown quite fond of the iBook's 12" 1028 screen and full-size keyboard.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's a great point.

    I have no problem with the fullsize keyboard or 14" screen, so long as:

    - Battery life is respectable (5 hours)

    - Weight is obscene (3.5 lbs)
  • Reply 43 of 55
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    i just saw the 14" ibook for the first time on thursday, and it was next to the 12" ibook, and it was as if it was an advertisement for the 12"! the 14" ibook is friggin HUGE! and you don't get more pixels, or bigger drive or faster or anything else. just heavier and easier on the eyes.

    seriously, i almost laughed out loud at how gi-normous the new ibook looked next to the 12" ibook and the tibook next to that. and just ask my wife, who carries her pismo all day long whether a few pounds makes a lot of difference.
  • Reply 44 of 55
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:

    <strong>i just saw the 14" ibook for the first time on thursday, and it was next to the 12" ibook, and it was as if it was an advertisement for the 12"! the 14" ibook is friggin HUGE! and you don't get more pixels, or bigger drive or faster or anything else. just heavier and easier on the eyes.

    seriously, i almost laughed out loud at how gi-normous the new ibook looked next to the 12" ibook and the tibook next to that. and just ask my wife, who carries her pismo all day long whether a few pounds makes a lot of difference. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    The combo drive is 8x as oppose to the 4x one in the 12.1 inch ones... trivial when the fact of the matter is you can get 16x external portable ones...
  • Reply 45 of 55
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:

    <strong>i just saw the 14" ibook for the first time on thursday, and it was next to the 12" ibook, and it was as if it was an advertisement for the 12"! the 14" ibook is friggin HUGE! and you don't get more pixels, or bigger drive or faster or anything else. just heavier and easier on the eyes.

    seriously, i almost laughed out loud at how gi-normous the new ibook looked next to the 12" ibook and the tibook next to that. and just ask my wife, who carries her pismo all day long whether a few pounds makes a lot of difference. </strong><hr></blockquote>


    1.) it offers a bigger display. 1024 x 768 is perfect for a 14 inch LCD and what the majority of consumers are looking for.

    2.) the 14.1 inch iBook comes with a faster combo drive

    3.) the 14.1 inch iBook comes with a bigger/stronger battery and carries a 6 hour battery life.

    those three are quite impressive IMO for the price. whether Fran wants to be believe it or not, the fact remains that the iBook is better than the high end Pismo from 14 months ago and nearly half the price.

    It's a welcome addition to the portable lineup and if it brings in a few new people who were stuck wanting a bigger screen but not paying 2300 than it has done its job.

    it's the first rev, expect to see improvements in design and also features (most notably GPU)
  • Reply 46 of 55
    evil edevil ed Posts: 106member
    [quote]Originally posted by Escher:

    <strong>By the way, does anybody remember the PowerBook 1400's 11.3" screen?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, I used to have a 1400c once upon a time. It had an 800 x 600 resolution and it wasn't a bad display for it's time (although there were a lot of dead pixels on it, unfortunately). I too hope for an Apple subnotebook, but I doubt it'll be produced considering Apple's current product matrix.

    applenut, I disagree that the 14.1" iBook is better than the PowerBook G3 2000: my main reason for this is the fact that the iBook only supports video mirroring. Other points which may be important for some people are the lack PC Card slot, lack of a 2nd Firwire Port (ok, that's very minor), lack of S-Video output and the pretty kewl hot-swappable expansion bays.

    Ok, but I guess I'm biased seeing as I'm typing on a Pismo 500
  • Reply 47 of 55
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    1.) it offers a bigger display. 1024 x 768 is perfect for a 14 inch LCD and what the majority of consumers are looking for.

    2.) the 14.1 inch iBook comes with a faster combo drive

    3.) the 14.1 inch iBook comes with a bigger/stronger battery and carries a 6 hour battery life.


    okay, my bad - i did not notice the difference in optical drive speed or battery life. and yes, 1024x768 is more comfortable on the eyes than a 12.1" screen (essentially the same real-estate as my wife's pismo). and yes, it's half the price of what the pismo went for, but had we waited, my wife would have been without a laptop for her work for the past year (the consumer laptops were the indigo/graphite/key lime 800x600 ibooks, and the über-expensive tibooks had just come out, so the pismo hit the perfect sweet-spot of price vs. specs for what we needed -- remember, the primary rule of computer purchases: buy the best computer that you can afford to do what you need it to do immediately. chasing the promise of future phantom models and technology to do work (or play) that you MIGHT be doing in the future is a fool's game and will drive you to madness).

    and, hey, the pismo is STILL a damn good laptop, which is either a testament to either the great work put into it, or the lack of advances since then. i'm not sure which...

    but it still does not change my statement that the 14" ibook is friggin' huge, and therefore makes that 12" one look really, really sweet, IMNSHO.

    [ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
  • Reply 48 of 55
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by BerberCarpet:

    <strong>I have no problem with the fullsize keyboard or 14" screen, so long as:

    - Battery life is respectable (5 hours)

    - Weight is obscene (3.5 lbs)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I have yet to see a 14" iBook in person (and a new LCD iMac G4 as well), but I dug out the following comparison pictures between my trusty old PowerBook 2400c subnotebook (10.4" screen) and my new(er) iBook/500 with 12.1" screen.

    I wish we could see a series of pictures with a 2400c, iBook 12", TiBook and a new iBook 14" alongside one another.

  • Reply 49 of 55
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Evil Ed:


    applenut, I disagree that the 14.1" iBook is better than the PowerBook G3 2000: my main reason for this is the fact that the iBook only supports video mirroring. Other points which may be important for some people are the lack PC Card slot, lack of a 2nd Firwire Port (ok, that's very minor), lack of S-Video output and the pretty kewl hot-swappable expansion bays.

    Ok, but I guess I'm biased seeing as I'm typing on a Pismo 500 </strong><hr></blockquote>

    1.) video mirroring is what most need at the 1199 to 1799 price points. the iBook's main use of video out is presentations. dual display would be nice but they have to offer some incentives to owning a powerbook. unfortunate because the rage 128 chip does support it

    2.) PC Card slot is nearly never used. What do you use yours for? anything? the most popular use is for digital camera adapter cards and apple promotoes just using the usb interface for that

    3.) 2nd firewire, big deal. daisy chain

    4.) iBook has composite video out as the standard instead of the powerbook having s-video with a composite adapter. I've used the S-video and the composite out on my Powerbook and the difference is really unnoticable. I'd say its a draw for this point.

    5.) hot swappable bays.. big whoop. you get to spend a ton more money on an expnaison bat drive than you would if you just bought an external drive and you still have to carry it around as if it were an external drive
  • Reply 50 of 55
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    5.) hot swappable bays.. big whoop. you get to spend a ton more money on an expnaison bat drive than you would if you just bought an external drive and you still have to carry it around as if it were an external drive</strong><hr></blockquote>

    well, here again, the pismo still rocks (no pun intended), as, if you can deal with the extra weight, the pismo still has the best battery life around. with 6 hours sustained usage by using those bays to hold two batteries -- yeah, two batteries are supposed to do 8 hours, but you have to optimize and turn off so much, good luck getting work done) the current laptops are very respectable (especially compared to my ol' powerbook 180c's 2-hours-on-a-good-day battery life), but the pismo is a workhorse.

    pity our dvd player module has always sucked (i am 99% sure it's defective, but tech support won't believe it... sigh)

    [ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
  • Reply 51 of 55
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    it's the first rev, expect to see improvements in design and also features (most notably GPU)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hopefully there'll be design improvements. IMO, the 14" iBook is pretty damn ugly. The 12" iBook looks good, there's just too much space around the keyboard on the 14".
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