General Public's Perception of the New iMac...Ugly?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
First off I would like to say that I think the new iMac is the best looking mac to date.

I have showed it to many of my friends (well i've shown them pictures) and their reactions aren't as positive as i had expected. Reactions have ranged from "I liked the coloured ones better" to "Its ugly" and of course some of them just made fun of Apple and me for liking Apple, but the comments of those people are considered null and void. The comments that concerned me were the ones that came from your average joe somebody who doesn't know anything about computers and doesn't care if it has a superdrive, g4 or anything. All these people see is an object, and it was from these people that i received poor responses. These types of reactions are making believe that one of two things is possible:

a. My friends have really bad taste and i should ditch them and find some new friends with good taste.


b. My extremely bias opinion has blurred my perception and i can't make myself realize that the new imac isn't that nice to look at.

Has anyone gotten similar feelings from their friends, co-workers, etc? Try to think of people who aren't extremely knowledgeable when it comes to computers. Maybe people who don't appreciate the pictures will change their mind if they see it in person, hopefully i will have one to show off soon enough (knock on wood).

edit: reworded

[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Cosmo ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 23
    mokimoki Posts: 551member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cosmo:

    <strong>Has anyone gotten similar feelings from their friends, co-workers, etc? Maybe they will change their mind if they see it in person, hopefully i will have one soon enough (knock on wood).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The vast majority of "average folks" I've asked thought it was a wonderful looking computer.

    The only negative comment I've heard was a friend of mine who said she liked it, but still wanted "one of the older red ones"
  • Reply 2 of 23
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    I think the new iMac takes a while to settle in one's brain. When I first saw it on time my jaw dropped and I thought it was a fake. When I saw it on the keynote I drooled and lusted. Once you see it on the vid. or in person I think amny people will buy it. My freinds gut reaction was "Holy Sh*t, thats so cool!". Then I showed him the specs of the 1800 one, and he said "Well I know what my next computer is." My parents reaction was "Well, I might let you use my new iMac...". I think it is better than the egg shell, and alot cooler than the cube.
  • Reply 3 of 23
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I ordered my wife the superdrive one today. It will be a nice distraction for me until the new towers come out.
  • Reply 4 of 23
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    So far I've showed it to two PC using friends. One (a girl) said it was ugly and the CRT iMacs are much beeter and the other (a guy) said it was "madd hot" and that I should get it.
  • Reply 5 of 23
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    My dad's reaction was, "that looks good, I like the flat screen, can you show me how to buy it online?" This is coming from a guy who never likes buying computers and thought the old ones were "gay." We placed the order this morning.

    [ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: G4Dude ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 23
    At school I showed a load of people the iMac in Time magazine and they all thought it was "Hot" and people were swearing in amazement! I think the design is the coolest Apple has ever done. I have only had one comment about the iMac being ugly. My Mom said, "It looks too futuristic and I do not like futuristic."

    Apple won on this design already!
  • Reply 7 of 23
    Yah, my mom said, "You may turn me into a Mac person yet."

    We'll see.

    I am of the opinion that this new iMac will sell a whole lot.

    The numbers Jobs gave in the Keynote, something like 40% of buyers at the Apple stores are first-time Mac buyers?

    This iMac will not hurt that at alllll.
  • Reply 8 of 23
    I forgot to mention that someone said to me, "All your talk is making me really consider the switch."

    Gotta love hearing that!
  • Reply 9 of 23
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    I'll say this till the end...

    I don't like the design either. It does border on ugly.

    I actually like the eMachines iMac rip-off better.
  • Reply 10 of 23
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    I showed it to my friend and we both pretty much drooled ourselves dry. Funny being that we are both mac fanatics yet neither of us actually owns a mac.

    A die-hard PC using (well so am I, I guess) friend of mine said "Color me unimpressed." Which is better than his ushuall "That is such worthless shit."

    Another PC 'enthusiast' friend thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread.

    And the only Mac user I really know thought it was completely awsome.

    I showed my mom the video (they need to make that first dancing part into a comercial!!!) and she was immediately smitted, here to crossing fingers to actually getting one .

    If it could do the honors I would marry it. Lets just leave it at that.

    [ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Falcon ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Falcon:

    <strong>I showed it to my friend and we both pretty much drooled ourselves dry. Funny being that we are both mac fanatics yet neither of us actually owns a mac.

    A die-hard PC using (well so am I, I guess) friend of mine said "Color me unimpressed." Which is better than his ushuall "That is such worthless shit."

    Another PC 'enthusiast' friend thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread.

    And the only Mac user I really know thought it was completely awsome.

    I showed my mom the video (they need to make that first dancing part into a comercial!!!) and she was immediately smitted, here to crossing fingers to actually getting one .

    If it could do the honors I would marry it. Lets just leave it at that.

    [ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Falcon ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Dude, get one!

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 12 of 23
    joe ojoe o Posts: 32member
    Friend of mine is one of the higher-ups at a high-tech company in one of the northern states (vague, ain't I?). He not only uses PCs with Windows 2000, XP, Server blah, blah, blah, but he's also an expert--a PC nerd if you will. In an email to him last night, I mentioned the new iMac had come out and that I really wanted one. In his reply to me this morning, he was excited and said that he will buy one to run a program he's now going to port to OS X, and put it in his kitchen. He's one of those guys that respects the other platforms, but when it comes down to it, he's still a "PC User." This iMac changed his mind. Man, does a heart good!

    Joe O
  • Reply 13 of 23
    I'm hearing more and more stories of knowledgable PC users (not the kind of Windows zealots who only talk down Macs because they think it's cool to have the most common & popular computer) deciding to buy a Mac in addition to their PC -- just to "try it out" or to use certain applications.

    Actually, that's how I started out myself. I went from buying a Performa just for one specific purpose, to using it so much I upgraded, to gradually turning into a big-time Mac fan who wastes way too much time reading Mac-related web sites and Forums!
  • Reply 14 of 23
    I'm a PC user too, and my jaw hit the floor. Most people find it very interesting, except my one friend says computers shouldn't look cute. Of course, he's a PC use and a control freak by nature.
  • Reply 15 of 23
    First of all, I love the new design. It is something new and different, yet the dome idea harkens back to the curves of the original just enough to keep it in the family.

    My mom's reaction was "that is a little too wierd for me" My sister however, needs to get a new computer probably this summer because she's heqading off to college next year. I will probably be the one who makes the final recomendation on what she buys. We were originally thinking iBook, but she loves the iLamp, so we'll see, it depends on exactly she wants as far as portability, I personally kinda hope she getys the iMac so I can play with one Heck, the specs are way better than the TiBook I bought last summer, it's a little depressing. I have two friends who had already been planning on switching over to macs from PC in the next 6 months, so I will definitely recommend the new machine. One of them is a real film buff, the SD model is probably perfect for him. Anyway, we'll have to see what all my friends think of it...
  • Reply 16 of 23
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    I'm getting one.
  • Reply 17 of 23
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    My first opinion-ugly as heck

    My second opinion-just wierd

    My third opinion-won't give one till I see it in person.

    I hate to beat a dead horse but a black model would be more appealing to many people. It should at least be an option for those who don't want a womens vanity mirror for a computer......................
  • Reply 18 of 23
    First opinion -- wow, that's cool, what a great design... too bad I can't really use an iMac

    Second opinion -- dang, I'm in love with that thing.... maybe I should get one anyway

    Latest opinion -- must.... resist......
  • Reply 19 of 23
    jerombajeromba Posts: 357member
    i can't resist too... too much pressure... two times a day i'll go to the apple store... next time i'll buy it... . i will find a way to sold my dual 533
  • Reply 20 of 23
    Get it! Boost the economy!
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