Miserable Failure



  • Reply 21 of 31
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Some of you might have done this before but anyway:

    Type in

    " Weapons of mass destruction " and hit the

    " I am feeling lucky button "

    See what pops up
  • Reply 22 of 31
    If you key in my name "fellowshipchurch ibook" and click "feeling lucky" where does it take you guys?

    two words seperated by a space FELLOWSHIPCHURCH (space here) IBOOK

    I dare you.

    Fellowshipchurch ibook
  • Reply 23 of 31
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    If you key in my name "fellowshipchurch ibook" and click "feeling lucky" where does it take you guys?

    two words seperated by a space FELLOWSHIPCHURCH (space here) IBOOK

    I dare you.

    Fellowshipchurch ibook

    Oddly, it sent me to the OS X forum, I would've expected here!

    Funny that your mac.com page is the SECOND result if you don't hit IFL!

  • Reply 24 of 31

    Originally posted by Jeremiah Rich

    Does anyone know why this comes up though? Do they have control over that or, well, how is it that this comes up?

    Google's page ranking was fooled by a large number of webloggers posting the phrase "miserable failure" on pages that linked to the Bush bio.

    Full story
  • Reply 25 of 31
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    Okay, what would Gore have done in this situation? Sat with his fingers up his butt waiting to get attacked again while he went crying back to Clinton because he is worthless on his own. At least Bush went out and did something about everything that has been happening to America and the rest of the world. You may have a hundred reasons to disrespect him, and that is your right, but there are thousands why you should respect him.

    I can't speak for Al Gore and neither can you. But I can almost guarantee that he couldn't have screwed up this whole thing any worse than Bush has, even if he was paid to. Al Gore might have actually done something about the Saudi involvement in 9-11. The Saudis (not the Afghans or the Iraqis) were the main culprits in 9-11...(15 out of the 19 hijackers), but the business connections between the BushCorp oil barons and the Saudi royalty/big oil/big terror prevented an investigation into even the bin Laden family members in Americawho were flown out back to Saudi Arabia on the day of 9-11. And...what about those 24 censored pages pointing to Saudi involvement in 9-11? Al Gore and probable cabinet appointees wouldnt probably not have the business links to the nation that were the principle culprits in 9-11. perhaps if Gore had have been President, then Al Qaeda may have been more disabled, by aiming anti-terrorist efforts at the top guys (funding) rather than bombing the hell out of Afghanistan...which is now in just a bad a shape as when the Taliban were in power.
  • Reply 26 of 31
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    Okay, what would Gore have done in this situation? Sat with his fingers up his butt waiting to get attacked again while he went crying back to Clinton because he is worthless on his own. At least Bush went out and did something about everything that has been happening to America and the rest of the world. You may have a hundred reasons to disrespect him, and that is your right, but there are thousands why you should respect him.

    The fact you attribute any of it to Bush invalidates every single belief you have ever had about anything ever related to US foreign policy.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
  • Reply 28 of 31
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Good points sammi jo. Let's take this further... If Bill Clinton did any number of things that Bush has done in the past three years, there would have been, or should have been, several impeachment hearings running simultaneously.


    -Flight Suit / "Mission Accomplished"

    -no bid contracts

    -the exposing of a CIA agent and the CIA front company she worked through

    Other accomplishments:

    Biggest Government in History

    Biggest Deficit in History

    Jobless Recovery = Good Thing

    Saddam Who? Gone.

    Osama Bin Missing

    I'm no fan of either Clinton or Gore, but respect Bush for anything?


  • Reply 29 of 31

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    If you key in my name "fellowshipchurch ibook" and click "feeling lucky" where does it take you guys?

    two words seperated by a space FELLOWSHIPCHURCH (space here) IBOOK

    I dare you.

    Fellowshipchurch ibook

    weird. what the ?
  • Reply 30 of 31
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    as bill maher once said, people seem to think that gore would have appointed the cast from pee wee's playhouse as his cabinet. how hard is it to point at a map and say "bomb THAT"?

  • Reply 31 of 31

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    I'll admit that even though (barring some strange unforeseen occurrence within the next 11 months) I will be voting for George, sometimes I make the occasional poke at him. Sure, he's not a great public speaker, he is sometimes forgetful, and he does tend to make up words...but that doesn't take away from the fact that he has been an awesome president. He is definitely worthy of my next vote.

    DMBand, you are naive. I thought it was cute in the "pot smoking" thread, but here, it's just plain scary. You may choose to vote for Bush in '04, and that's your right, but at least open up your eyes to all the shit he's pulled in his less than 3 years in office before you decide.
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