wild speculations 2k+4
imac "polymer" or "mag"
15", 17", or 20" similar form factor, smaller base, 2+ghz gobi "G4",
imac "cubist"
17", 20", 23", 2+ ghz G5 120mn
power mac G5 90nm
G5 90nm 3u enclosure insanely fast bus
Ibook "oled"
12" 14" 15" 2+ghz gobi
dlp projector and computer in one. make any wall your display.
"panorama mac"
a home theatre, digital hub. massive screen 60"+, multiple dlp's, insane resolution, 3d capable, dual G5 base station with every-kind of input and output for legacy devices, extreme wireless connectivity, all controlled by...
a rethought keyboard, remote control, tablet all in one lap friendly, travel friendly form. control the "panorama mac" from the comfort of your lazy-boy or use the Imote anywhere around the house.
15", 17", or 20" similar form factor, smaller base, 2+ghz gobi "G4",
imac "cubist"
17", 20", 23", 2+ ghz G5 120mn
power mac G5 90nm
G5 90nm 3u enclosure insanely fast bus
Ibook "oled"
12" 14" 15" 2+ghz gobi
dlp projector and computer in one. make any wall your display.
"panorama mac"
a home theatre, digital hub. massive screen 60"+, multiple dlp's, insane resolution, 3d capable, dual G5 base station with every-kind of input and output for legacy devices, extreme wireless connectivity, all controlled by...
a rethought keyboard, remote control, tablet all in one lap friendly, travel friendly form. control the "panorama mac" from the comfort of your lazy-boy or use the Imote anywhere around the house.
the "ireality" the first big screen 3d panoramic immersive image visulation display, we needed to give those 3ghz G5s, the graphics chips, the massive ram, the unheard bandwith, something to do. now 3dvr simulations, scientific modeling, immersive gaming, are all within reach of the masses, and its washable for porn lovers to.
Originally posted by squareback
o.... and its washable for porn lovers to.
you're really crazy!
i have a girlfriend and there is nothing more better than to jerk off to some quality pr0n
Originally posted by murbot
Whew...and I bet it wasn't vomit. (or do you mean your throwing up over this thread...either way it goes it still probably fits this thread.)
This last thread just threw me over the edge.