Alright. . . Time for opinions on Return of The King



  • Reply 61 of 84
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    As I remarked to my father after seeing it for the second time, normally, when a movie spends 30 minutes trying to make me cry, I'd be pissed off. But when a movie takes 3 years and 10 hours of viewing to do this, I'll go with it.
  • Reply 62 of 84
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    Return of the King? Pffft. It's got NOTHING on Leonary Nimoy singing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.
  • Reply 63 of 84

    Originally posted by groverat


    I'm looking at the list you have posted and any list that has Schindler's List at #7 should have RotK in the top 3.

    Schindler's List - 7

    The Pianist - 33

    Best movie lists are stupid.

    top 4 isnt good enough for you?
  • Reply 64 of 84
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    I saw the movie

    anybdy that knows me knows that I have many criticism of the other films even though I loved them (FoTR much more than TTT)

    But the Return was enjoyable and really did well

    I still think that it would be a better film for ME . . . if its pacing were slower and more of a stress placed on the abiding of the region

    Th ebattle scenes were great but could have been longer with more of a stress on the time taken in real sieges . . .and in the seeige of Minas Tirrith according to the books

    I have other crits . . . same stuff as I have said many times before (too much camera movement, too fast edits etc etc . ) bt generally it was good and made me want only to see more and more of the same

    . . . and since I guess many people felt that way we will see a host of wannabe epic fantasy saga type films that will all suck

    in the same way that Tolkien's great books spawned a whole genre of fantasy books that all suck
  • Reply 65 of 84
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    It's really interesting that Tolkein's great books spawned a whole following of books that aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

    It really shows how delicate fantasy is with regard to writing.

    The books are about elves and dwarves and little tiny humans and humans and wizards and a ring with magic power. Honestly, how the hell could that be worth reading?
  • Reply 66 of 84
    I really enjoyed the movie. Never read any of the books.

    I was somewhat disappointed with the way the destruction of the ring played out. I was expecting that Gollum would ultimately destroy the ring. That was no surprise. My wife (who has read the books many times) had hinted at this after we saw The Two Towers. However, I was expecting him to be more of a hero. It seemed to be where the story was heading. I liked Gollum. I thought he would be redeemed somehow. But then, instead of heroically tossing the ring (or even himself) into the fires, he accidentally falls in????

    No, I don't know how Tolkien could have made my expected ending work. Don't care either. It's just where I was expecting to be taken and there was a small moment of disappointment when it didn't happen.

    On the ending: any screenwriter will tell you that movies must end very quickly once the conflict ends. If you don't end as quickly as possible, it will feel like the movie is dragging-out. The fact that this movie is able to have such an incredibly long ending is, to me, amazing. Most (maybe all) critics I've read do mention how long the ending is, but for other movies, this long an ending would absolutely have killed the whole thing. Although, I guess if you take all three movies together as one, the ending isn't that long in comparison to the entire length of the story.
  • Reply 67 of 84

    Originally posted by Barto

    Return of the King? Pffft. It's got NOTHING on Leonary Nimoy singing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.

    I'm speechless. That's so messed up that it's beyond not being funny and is therefore funny even though it's so messed up that it's not funny. Was that a run-on sentence?
  • Reply 68 of 84
    Any LOTR ending is better than a Stephen King ending.

  • Reply 69 of 84
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by Whisper

    I'm speechless. That's so messed up that it's beyond not being funny and is therefore funny even though it's so messed up that it's not funny. Was that a run-on sentence?

    Like Ah-nold says, everything everyone did in the '70s should be forgiven
  • Reply 70 of 84
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member




    Just to revive this thread for a bit: in case anyone was wondering, I did a little snooping today and found out from someone "in the know" that we won't have to wait a year for the RotK DVDs.

    The standard edition / widescreen edition should be out on May 25, and I suspect the Extended Edition a few weeks after that. Maybe a concurrent release, hard to say.

    That is all... you may return now to your regular progamming.
  • Reply 71 of 84
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Ooooooo you could get SO spanked for this....except that's good info. I didn't doubt that the DVDs would emerge sooner than November this time around. There's no December movie to pimp, so there's no time like the present to produce that collection. Very cool.
  • Reply 72 of 84
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Originally posted by drewprops

    Ooooooo you could get SO spanked for this....

    By whom / for what? As long as Justin Timberlake isn't doing the spanking, I'll take my chances.

  • Reply 73 of 84
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    For the love of Middle Earth don't show us your nip-

    crap....too late.
  • Reply 74 of 84
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Janet's nipple ring thing alone could have brought Sauron to his knees.
  • Reply 75 of 84

    Originally posted by Moogs

    Janet's nipple ring thing alone could have brought Sauron to his knees.

    That reminds me of the easter egg on the FotR SEE DVD: The MTV version of the council of Elrond.
  • Reply 76 of 84
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

  • Reply 77 of 84

    Originally posted by Kickaha


    Disc 1

    Go to the Scene Selections menus, and highlight the horizontal picture of Chapter 27, the last chapter on Disc 1. Press down on your remote control?s direction pad to highlight a ring icon. Click on the ring icon to watch the MTV version of Elrond?s secret council.

    On TT, there's a similar easter egg at the same place.
  • Reply 78 of 84
    great film. best fantasy trilogy ever.

    not as good as the books, but close.

    with warnings for extremely bad language (sounds like a teenage reviewer to me)

    The funniest RotK review I've read once you get past the first paragraph or two
  • Reply 79 of 84
    resres Posts: 711member
    One thing that really bothered me about this movie was the death scene of the Witch-King of Angmar.

    In the book the only reason that Eowyn was able to slay the Witch-King was because Marry stabbed him behind the knee with a magic dagger taken form the barrow downs, shattering the Nazgul's protective spells. Without that dagger "forged many long years ago by the Men of Westernesse: they were foes of the Dark Lord" the Lord of the Nazgul would have killed Eowyn and the battle would have probably been lost.

    In the movie Marry used a normal weapon, and if a couple of schmucks with ordinary weapons could do in the Witch-King of Angmar, why was everyone making such a fuss over him?

    They really messed up on this one, it ruined the whole scene for me.
  • Reply 80 of 84
    The movie director had no business introducing the love scenes and deleting the little fight between gandorf and saruman.

    I liked the movie though. I personally would have made part 3 shorter and increased the story content in the second part.
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