Next iTunes To Have Mixing Capability?



  • Reply 41 of 47
    malokatamalokata Posts: 197member
    Man, this thread is going downhill. The screenshots are fake (does anyone have them?), this is nothing but speculation building on speculation, this argument's pointless.

    For the record, though, Barto won.
  • Reply 42 of 47
    keshkesh Posts: 621member

    Originally posted by scavanger

    Apple wouldn't get a big name DJ to endorse any computer based mixing Technology outside of the Stanton Final Scratch which still requires Turntables. Most good DJ's are hardcore Vinyl addicts. CD Decks are having a hard time even getting endorse but larger names.

    Not quite. BT was featured in the video when the new 17" Powerbooks debuted, and went nuts over them. He was also shown in a recent issue of MacAddict at an event, 'mixing' songs off a pair of iPods.


    Also, not everyone should be a DJ. If you can't beatmix by your ear, you shouldn't get a computer program to do it. DJ'ing is just as much of a musical skill as playing the guitar.

    ... and people sometimes learn to play guitar rather well from books, sheet music and the occasional video/recording. This could be a fun toy for amateurs, and a starting point for people who have the talent, but no exposure to the 'scene' yet.
  • Reply 43 of 47
    mlnjrmlnjr Posts: 230member
    "The lack of people yelling and screaming for DJ tools doesn't mean there isn't a market. You still prove nothing."

    Pay attention, Barto. Let me walk you through this slowly. Again. I never said there wasn't a market for it, because I know there definitely is one. I said the demand for it wasn't as significant as the demand for other technologies that are definitely more mainstream: e-mail, instant messaging videoconferencing, digital photography, digital video, etc. My own opinion is that the discussed DJ features aren't ready for prime time yet. I'm betting Apple won't add them to iTunes.

    The lack of iTMS support right now for countries other than the US doesn't mean there isn't a market for that either, but look where Apple went first. Same with iPhoto's print ordering service, I believe. And I'd wager that there are a lot more non-Americans hoping Apple will open up iTMS etc. to them than there are people all over the world who want the specific feature of DJing/mixing built into iTunes.
  • Reply 44 of 47
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    All I know is I want 10.4 to come with a build in fussion reactor.

    Look at Google. If they put in radio station in iTunes at least they could cator for this more urgent need.
  • Reply 45 of 47
    In all fairness... the market for digital mixing for amatures is over saturated. I think.
  • Reply 46 of 47
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by mlnjr

    Pay attention, Barto. Let me walk you through this slowly. Again. I never said there wasn't a market for it, because I know there definitely is one. I said the demand for it wasn't as significant as the demand for other technologies that are definitely more mainstream: e-mail, instant messaging videoconferencing, digital photography, digital video, etc.

    Jesus christ, I leave out an implied adjective and the world ends!!!

    Hey, if the market for two-track mixing was one percent the market for e-mail, I'm SURE Apple would include it.

    This is insane. Or inane. One or the other.

  • Reply 47 of 47
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member
    Remember, with the DJ feature all it would be is one more sales gimmick Apple can use to sell Macs. A person may never use the DJ feature the entire time she owns a Mac but she might buy a Mac hoping to use the DJ feature (at the party she never gets around to having).

    It's not like Apple would actually try to get DJs to use iTunes DJ besides Apple Store demos and for promotional videos.

    Plus, what else can Apple add to iTunes? Isn't it perfect already?
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