Is there a "perfect" CD burner?



  • Reply 21 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by Horned_Frog:

    <strong>well then why didn;t he just say that to begin with, be nice and say they are working on it, instead of giving me bullshit answers that I could find in the back of the instruction manual? Instead, he really treated me poorly.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Can't argue with that. If a company has a problem like this the best way they can avoid pissing customers off is just to say "Sorry, Apple hasn't made iTunes compatible with our drive yet but we're working with them to make it happen." I can imagine your frustration level would be very different if they had responded this way.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    I have the Lacie Firewire CDRW under OS 9 and it is rock solid via toast. It's the best drive I've ever used and a darned site cheaper than my first ever burner ( a JVC romMaker - Ah, those were the days)
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