Oh look, now we're doing TOO much. Boo-Hoo.



  • Reply 41 of 42

    Originally posted by billybobsky

    If you look at in in regard to what he was saying isreal does... Actually, I am not entirely sure I would want an isreali system working here. Civil liberties are a hallmark of the US,

    There never was any lynching in modern Israel ever since its founding in 1948, these were still going on in the USA when I first visited it in the early ninteen-sixties.


    and Isreal can tramp all over those of the palestinians because, well, they are a homogenous state to a large degree.

    I guess that by ?homogeneous? you mean most people there look quite similar, as is the case in small towns in Vermont or Kent.

    A small town in Israel is a homogeneous as NYC.

    As for trampling all over, countries under threat are known to do that, the USA has been at it more often since late 2001; the UK is quite known for doing on Irish?militancy? matters, the same goes for France in similar situations, etc.

    When thinking of it, were your enlightened hallmarks greeting card countries under the same kind of threats as Israel for more than fifty years, I'd be far from surprised they'd do away with such peccadillos as habeas corpus, due process, and regular elections altogether; and go for really strong iron-fist leadership.


    Originally posted by bunge

    I think most people in the states don't realize that they probably couldn't accurately pick out an average Israeli from an average Palestinian.

    It is becoming a difficult task for locals as well, given that both groups are varied (from the Dane-look to the Somalian-like) and the dress and general appearance are more and more subjected to similar influences.


    Originally posted by Anders

    El Al singles out anyone that doesn´t look like an orthodox jew.

    How would you know, ever traveled as an Orthodox Jew?


    Been there done that (twice). Nothing wrong with that. Next time I fly El Al I will keep my eyes on everyone with a black kippah and long beard all the way. I would be the easiest way for terrorists to do their "job" disguised that way.

    Hint, you're not profiled along the lines of what fashion you follow but along several criteria which are regularly updated.

    The safe bet would be not to look conspicouous (which a black kippah obviously does), but I'd advise against overdoing it as well.

    Of course, the unsafe bet would be to look like a stereotype (particularly the ?idiot hippy student pining for some war-tourism? look, most unadvisable this season).

    Reduced to your very first words, you might be accurate by saying ?El Al singles out anyone??.

    It must be said that a few years ago (before the 2001 attacks on the USA), an Israeli newpaper unveiled serious sceurity shortcomings at El Al and the Tel Aviv airport.

    Nevertheless, Israeli arilines are less prone to hijacks (which is why they went for less subtle means last time in Kenya), so while their method is far from flawless, it has a better record than most.

    Naturally feel free to wish to retain some precious purity while allowing more planes to be hijacked, if you're so inclined.
  • Reply 42 of 42
    You throw commonsense out the door and expect a software program to filter out suspects. How many glitches do we need to find / How many versions of the software do we need to beta test before we stop harassing innocent people? How many people are going to spend time in prison while we iron out bugs? We also assume that the system cannot be hacked; we also assume that the files that are transmitted by the airlines to the US cannot be tampered with.

    If all the physical airport security measures are useless and we are to rely only on the Fed's intelligence database to be cautious about flights, why don't we scrap the additional physical security checks introduced after 9/11? Again, what is preventing someone from using a false identity?

    We could go a step further and scrap all commercial flights to and from the US. Let the US military run charted flights that allow passengers to board the aircraft after US based background checks. That would be foolproof, wouldn't it?

    I am sure whatever policy Bush comes up with, 9/11 will provide enough justification. He is alienating the country from the rest of the planet under the guise of security.

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