Technical Word processor with maths ?



  • Reply 81 of 131
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Commercial, and last updated a few years ago. It's basically abandonware at this point. (The only commercial web page I could find for it proudly announced it was System 7 compatible, if that gives you any idea...)
  • Reply 82 of 131
    kalikali Posts: 634member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Commercial, and last updated a few years ago. It's basically abandonware at this point. (The only commercial web page I could find for it proudly announced it was System 7 compatible, if that gives you any idea...)

    It's not abandonned at all. It was brough by another company which sells it as MathEQ. It's all OS X now.
  • Reply 83 of 131
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    A last example. Select this, paste it into TeXShop and compile. It works.

    %]|Expr|[#>`b___}),# b'4" *~: ;bP8&c55*I,]<2^1("2"!Symbol^:!k}}|

    %|<c" #)!# b'4$^: g_(!:!mn}}& b!( b"0 b#8 b$@ b%H b&P!WW}^;bP7W|

    %|_}<c!$1('$^;bP8G(!mn}^l: !$^:!G(!lk}^k: /0$^:!G(!mk}^l: !$^:!G|

    %|(!nl}(": !:!k}}}<b R(": /0g}_}!$^d_^4x,K<2^1("2:!k}}<c"$#('$^|

    %|: h_^:!m: !!<b R("/0g}_}!d$^:!s^m_}(": ;bP7.V:!W}_}}& b!( b"0 b#8 b$@ b%H b&P!WW}]|[

    $$I={1 \\over 2\\kappa }\\int_{\\Omega }^{}{g}^{\\mu \

    u }\\left({{\\Gamma }_{\\mu \

    u }^{\\lambda }\\,{\\Gamma }_{\\lambda \\kappa }^{\\kappa }-{\\Gamma }_{\\mu \\kappa }^{\\lambda }\\,{\\Gamma }_{\

    u \\lambda }^{\\,\\kappa }}\

    ight)\\sqrt {-g}\\,{d}^{4}x+{1 \\over 2\\kappa }\\oint\\limits_{\\partial \\Omega }^{}{h}^{\\mu }\\,\\,\\sqrt {-g}\\,d{\\sigma }_{\\mu }$$

    The commentaries aren't necessary for you, but it is important for Expressionist. It's a big integral with lots of tensors indices. Should be a pain to write in LaTeX and to edit. Fast with Expressionist (or MathEQ) because it's all WYSIWYG.
  • Reply 84 of 131
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Kali

    Should be a pain to write in LaTeX and to edit. Fast with Expressionist (or MathEQ) because it's all WYSIWYG.

    Yes, if you are not familiar with LaTeX explicit coding. Formulas like this are from the very simple ones I have encountered or deal with. Imagine succesive equalities or equations taking up a page or two or more after compilation. Then we have something to talk about...
  • Reply 85 of 131
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    How do you set a bold, non-italic, greek symbol in TeXShop ?
  • Reply 86 of 131
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Kali

    How do you set a bold, non-italic, greek symbol in TeXShop ?

    With \\usepackage{amsbsy} you can enable the command \\boldsymbol{argument}. The package \\usepackage{upgreek} gives you what it says, for example \\upgamma makes an upright gamma \\Upgamma makes an upright Gamma, etc. These fonts may be a little different from the normal ones. Combining the two you have what do you want. For example, $\\boldsymbol{\\Uptheta}$ will give an upright, bold Theta.
  • Reply 87 of 131
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    I need few other things :

    1- How to set up margins

    2- How to cross reference an equation

    3- How to put a figure between two paragraphs.

    About 2, there's some numeroted equation between two paragraphs. Far away in the text, I want to tell about that equation. How ?
  • Reply 88 of 131
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Kali

    I need few other things :

    1- How to set up margins

    With \\hsize and \\vsize you set up horizontal and vertical document size. With \\hoffset and \\voffset you set up horizontal and vertical offset. For example:

    \\hsize 17truecm

    \\vsize 25truecm

    \\voffset 0.5truecm

    \\hoffset 2.5truecm

    Offset can be negative. You declare these before the \\begin{document}.


    2- How to cross reference an equation

    You have first to markup the equation. For example,





    3- How to put a figure between two paragraphs.

    If it is an EPS file, you can use the package graphicx,


    Then you can say something like




    \\caption{This is a graphic}





    About 2, there's some numeroted equation between two paragraphs. Far away in the text, I want to tell about that equation. How ?

    For the example above, if you say



    in the place you want, you will obtain in the output the equation number automatically attributed by LaTeX to your equation. Taking correctly the numbers may require two or three successive compilations (with the first one normally you will see some warnings). You can do the same thing with the graphics labels (see above, my_graphic).
  • Reply 89 of 131
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    Thanks a LOT for your help. This is really appreciated.

    It is likely (but the probability is still low) that I adopt LaTeX for my futur documents. I'll have to experiment again with various other things before it will be it. But like I said before, I find this system very archaic. There is too much things (codes, commands) to learn. It's not user-friendly at all and I don't feel any control on my documents.
  • Reply 90 of 131
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Commercial, and last updated a few years ago. It's basically abandonware at this point. (The only commercial web page I could find for it proudly announced it was System 7 compatible, if that gives you any idea...)

    Several years ago, Expressionist returned to Theorist Interactive, LLC, a company owned by the product's original developer. It has been renamed MathEQ. The product was introduced as a Mac-only application. Current versions run natively on MacOS 8/9, MacOS X 10.x, and Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP. Linux and Solaris versions are in development. You may download the most recent version of MathEQ for your computer at this web page.
  • Reply 91 of 131
    On the above mentioned examples, for the one with the matrices, you would want to enter it in a more readable fashion, say something like this:

    $$ \\eta \\Omega = \\begin{pmatrix}

    \t1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\\\

    \t0 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\\\

    \t0 & 0 & -1 & 0 \\\\

    \t0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \\end{pmatrix}



    \t0 & -g_x & -g_y & -g_z \\\\

    \tg_x & 1 & -\\omega_z & \\omega_y \\\\

    \tg_y & \\omega_z & 0 & -\\omega_z \\\\

    \tg_z & -\\omega_y & \\omega_x & 0 \\end{pmatrix}



    \t0 & -g_x & -g_y & -g_z \\\\

    \t-g_x & 0 & \\omega_z & -\\omega_y \\\\

    \t-g_y & -\\omega_z & 0 & \\omega_x \\\\

    \t-g_z & \\omega_y & -\\omega_x & 0 \\end{pmatrix} $$

    Then it is not so hard to find mistakes. I'm not a very good typist. It took me 3 minutes and 5 seconds to enter this. On your final example, the integral with the tensors, I entered that in 1 minute 55 seconds. I'm not sure how this compares with your times. The point is that once you've done it a while, you can just look at an equation and the translation into TeX happens on an almost subconscious level, in much the same way that you can look at a word and type it without really thinking about where each individual letter key is.

    I also tried the MathEQ trial version today for a little while. Unfortunately my efforts were thwarted by my inability to find most of the Greek letters, and the help system was not implemented. I must, however, admit that it is more flexible than I would have thought.
  • Reply 92 of 131
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by Mr. Me

    Several years ago, Expressionist returned to Theorist Interactive, LLC, a company owned by the product's original developer. It has been renamed MathEQ. The product was introduced as a Mac-only application. Current versions run natively on MacOS 8/9, MacOS X 10.x, and Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP. Linux and Solaris versions are in development. You may download the most recent version of MathEQ for your computer at this web page.

    Ah, this explains why I couldn't find a lick of information on Expressionist. Thanks for the clarification.
  • Reply 93 of 131
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by PB

    With \\hsize and \\vsize you set up horizontal and vertical document size. With \\hoffset and \\voffset you set up horizontal and vertical offset. For example:

    \\hsize 17truecm

    \\vsize 25truecm

    \\voffset 0.5truecm

    \\hoffset 2.5truecm

    Offset can be negative. You declare these before the \\begin{document}.

    Alternate method:

    \\textwidth = 6.5 in

    \\textheight = 9 in

    \\oddsidemargin = 0.0 in

    \\evensidemargin = 0.0 in

    \\topmargin = 0.0 in

    \\headheight = 0.0 in

    \\headsep = 0.0 in

    \\parskip = 0.2in

    \\parindent = 0.0in


    If it is an EPS file, you can use the package graphicx,


    Then you can say something like




    \\caption{This is a graphic}




    A better approach in my experience, due to PDF being so ubiquitous on MacOS X, is to use the follow snippet prior to /begin {document}:




    \\pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX


    \\pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX








    This sends the pdftex option to graphicx iff you are running pdflatex, and it lets you read in PDF files. Note that with this you do not need to give the .pdf file extension, and your code is portable to using files with .eps as well:


    \\centerline {



    \\caption{SPQR Tool Chain} \\label{spqrflow}


    With pdflatex, it'll grab SPQRFlow.pdf, but on systems not as PDF aware, it'll grab SPQRFlow.eps with no change to the document. Very handy, since pdf -> eps tools are easy to come by now.
  • Reply 94 of 131
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    Guys, how do you make a box around an equation in TeXShop ?

    I want some space around the equation inside the box, so it can "breath" a little. I mean, the edges of the box shouldn't be too close to the equation. The box purpose is to highlight the equation as an important one.

    Also, how do you control the space between two paragraphs ? In what I've done, sometimes LaTeX is puting an empty line between two paragraphs, and sometimes it doesn't. There's nothing special in my code. When there's an equation between two paragraphs, sometimes LaTeX put too much space around the equ, and sometimes the equ is too close from the paragraphs.
  • Reply 95 of 131
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    I have another question.

    In LaTeX, how do you place two (or more) equations on the same line ? I want one equation in the middle left, and a second one in the middle right. How do you do that ?
  • Reply 96 of 131
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Kali

    Guys, how do you make a box around an equation in TeXShop ?

    I want some space around the equation inside the box, so it can "breath" a little. I mean, the edges of the box shouldn't be too close to the equation. The box purpose is to highlight the equation as an important one.

    Documentation on boxes.

    You can try something like

    {\\setlength{\\fboxsep}{1cm}\\makebox[\\textwidth]{\\framebox{$your equation$}}}

    \\fboxsep is the space \\framebox will leave around the equation. In the example, 1cm may be a little too much. You can have variable values of \\fboxsep accross equations.


    Also, how do you control the space between two paragraphs ? In what I've done, sometimes LaTeX is puting an empty line between two paragraphs, and sometimes it doesn't.

    The first empty line you leave will tell LaTeX to create a paragraph space. After that, extra empty lines are simply ignored in LaTeX. You have to put something like




    (with the amount of spacing you want--negative spaces allowed), if you want for some reason more space.

    LaTeX specifies spacing between paragraphs and equations according to the needs of the page layout and the amount of equations in the page. When many equations are there, you may need to intervene manually by rearranging things or the equations, so they better fit in a narrow layout.
  • Reply 97 of 131
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Kali

    In LaTeX, how do you place two (or more) equations on the same line ? I want one equation in the middle left, and a second one in the middle right. How do you do that ?

    You can try this:


    a = b \\quad\\quad\\quad\\quad d = c


    This leaves 4 \\quad spaces. For more space use more \\quads, for less space use less of them. There is also a stronger version, \\qquad, with more space. Is that what you want to do? To fine tune your spacing, you can instead of \\quads use \\hspace{the amount of space in cm} (you can also define the space in inches (in) or points (pt)). For example,


    a = b \\hspace{5.32cm} d = c

  • Reply 98 of 131

    Originally posted by Kali

    My problems are these : there is no links between separate documents. I have this long Contents file and all the separate chapters and sections. I can't just click on a content and automatically go to the selected section. Also, there are many related sections between the files, but as soon as I change one, the other is broken and needs to be updated. This is a real pain in the a** to update. That's why I need to change my writing tools.


    Glad to see you're making headway with Texshop. For what it's worth, though, Framemaker handles the problems you've described very easily. Separate files can be bundled together into a book, with xrefs, pagination and so on automatically updating across files.

    I used to use Nisus myself, but I never really liked it. To my mind, Framemaker is vastly better than Nisus in every important respect. Download a demo and check it out!
  • Reply 99 of 131
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    At $800, it *better* be better than Nisus...

    Framemaker is the shibnitz. It's also pricey. If money is no object, then heck yeah, it's a stellar way to go.

    Being a grad student, I'll stick with TeXShop.
  • Reply 100 of 131
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by PB

    Documentation on boxes.

    You can try something like

    {\\setlength{\\fboxsep}{1cm}\\makebox[\\textwidth]{\\framebox{$your equation$}}}

    \\fboxsep is the space \\framebox will leave around the equation. In the example, 1cm may be a little too much. You can have variable values of \\fboxsep accross equations.

    You can also use the fancybox package, which defines the Beqnarray and Beqnarray* environments. eg:



    a &=& x^3



    That creates a box just big enough to hold the equations.
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