Public Bathrooms. Scourge of the Earth.



  • Reply 21 of 71
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Oh lord yes.

    Hospitals are one of the worst places for gathering nasty bugs. :P
  • Reply 22 of 71

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    "why have a key at all? are you afraid someone will steal the filth?"

  • Reply 23 of 71
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    "why have a key at all? are you afraid someone will steal the filth?"

    I know those guys doing the stealing too!
  • Reply 24 of 71

    Originally posted by Scott

    I work in a hospital so from time to time I will wash my hand before I take a leak.

    i do that sometimes
  • Reply 25 of 71
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    i make a point of never using a public toilet in any kind of intimate way. unless i've been without for a while, even then i'll try to resist the urge. with pissing, i don't really care about the bathroom, so long as i can get in and out before any stank hits me. my favorite rest rooms are the ritsy ones. there's this great steak joint around the east edge of union square. it has a bathroom attendant. he opens the door, whistles for me, hits the flusher on the urinal as i step away from it, turns on the sink, towles my hands, offers me mints and aftershave. and i throw him a little green for the trouble.

    the other day, a few friends and i were getting drunk at a little restaurant on st. mark's. two of them were feeling particularly incontinent. they ask everyone if they think the toilet will be shit friendly. i doubt it, as does everyone else. but, the first goes off. relieves himself, and returns without a hitch. the second is like "was it terrible in there?" "no, but i made sure to squat and not touch the bowl." so the second goes off to do his business. he returns with a bit of tale. he was new to the squatting deal, and had made a few mistakes. for one, the splash factor. due, his aim was off. tres, the terlet was backed up. "it made no effort to start flushing." i had a bladder's fill o' guinness, so i go to investigate the situation and relieve myself. a woman walks out and says "i think the toilet is backed up." i said, "lemme see." it was quite disgusting, i imagine the room wasn't much better looking before his episode. but, as i only have to pee, i try to get out before the smell can knock me out. unfortunately, my aim is a bit too good, and it disturbed some of the logs, thus exasperating the smell. i left in a hurry, no time to flush.

    another particular disgusting restroom incident that i experienced was in russia (i can't remember if it was st. petersburg or moscow). it cost a ruble or three to get in (at the time, it was like 8-10 rubles to the dollar, iirc). i step in, and on one side is a set of urinals and opposite that is a wall, with a trough (which is elevated on one side to allow the flow toward a drain) and several spouts at shin level pouring into it. dirty, dirty russians stood staring at the wall, not in any way aiming for the trough, but for the wall, thereby allowing deflected urine onto them and then bounce back to the trough. i went into one of the urinals. it wasn't terrible, some odd cyrillic graffitti (i imagine, "for a good time call natalya" or something). the toilet was a little different, you had to pull a chain that hung from a thing from above (closer to the fated toilet in the Godfather, than anything i've seen in america, though not exactly). as i left, one of my comrades entered and quickly turned around to leave. "what the hell were those doods looking at?" i say, "that was the pisser, man." "ew" "yeah"
  • Reply 26 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member
    Did anyone see the movie 'Trainspotting'?

    Didn't it have some really awful public-restroom toilet scenes, where Ewan McGregor supposedly dives in an unflushed toilet?

    I saw it years ago and don't really remember it too well. I do remember there was full-frontal nudity (male).

    I think that film got rave reviews. I must have missed something.
  • Reply 27 of 71
    I think he was trying to chase down some sort of opiate suppository.
  • Reply 28 of 71
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    it has a bathroom attendant. he opens the door, whistles for me, hits the flusher on the urinal as i step away from it, turns on the sink, towles my hands, offers me mints and aftershave. and i throw him a little green for the trouble.

    I find that sort of stuff obnoxiously intrusive, not helpful, plus I'm uncomfortable with the idea of such a thing being someone's job.

    At any rate, the worst "bathroom" I've ever had to use was at the Solipse Festival in Zambia. ("Solipse" because it was an event for viewing a total solar eclipse that also happened to be on the day of the summer solstice.)

    There were rows of crudely lashed-together thatch stalls covering big pits dug into the ground. The holes were covered by wooden boards spread apart to give you a space to aim through. Stinking fly-covered mounds of waste were at the bottoms of the pits. All I could think of was how awful it would be to, and how easily one could, accidentally fall in, especially a small child.

    I was quite happy to be male, and only needing to urinate, which I could do standing back from the pit at as safe a distance as the half-height door behind me allowed. I never could have gotten myself to squat and straddle one of those awful holes... I'd sooner have sneaked off into the woods somewhere if my need had been urgent.
  • Reply 29 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by shetline

    I find that sort of stuff obnoxiously intrusive, not helpful, plus I'm uncomfortable with the idea of such a thing being someone's job.

    At any rate, the worst "bathroom" I've ever had to use was at the Solipse Festival in Zambia. ("Solipse" because it was an event for viewing a total solar eclipse that also happened to be on the day of the summer solstice.)

    There were rows of crudely lashed-together thatch stalls covering big pits dug into the ground. The holes were covered by wooden boards spread apart to give you a space to aim through. Stinking fly-covered mounds of waste were at the bottoms of the pits. All I could think of was how awful it would be to, and how easily one could, accidentally fall in, especially a small child.

    I was quite happy to be male, and only needing to urinate, which I could do standing back from the pit at as safe a distance as the half-height door behind me allowed. I never could have gotten myself to squat and straddle one of those awful holes... I'd sooner have sneaked off into the woods somewhere if my need had been urgent.

    Well, Shetline, your worst thoughts actually occurred. I remember reading about some guy who had abducted and molested a little four-year-old girl in Denver years ago. I guess he didn't want to kill her, so instead he dropped her down into the pile of waste in an outdoor toilet at a national park up in the mountains. (It wasn't a chemical toilet.) Some lady using the women's side a day later thought she heard a voice. Turned out the little girl was down in the filth, singing a song quietly to herself to pass the time. Doesn't that story just break your heart? I don't know if they ever caught the guy. I think they did.
  • Reply 30 of 71
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I do apologize to any males in here, but I do flush with my feet whenever possible.
  • Reply 31 of 71
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Something I noticed in our department... many of the foreign students would wash their hands *before* using the toilet, but not afterwards.

    That's exactly what I do. Seriously, you want to grab yourself after touching all sorts of foul and/or filthy things during the day? And then wash your hands afterwards? I find that thinking totally backwards. You'd be better off flopping your dick in the sink as well. Of course, after a good shit I'll wash my hands, but to wash myself after touching my own *very* clean body seems absurd.

    And I would have to have shit oozing from my ears before I would even consider using a public restroom.
  • Reply 32 of 71
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    ...but, as i only have to pee, i try to get out before the smell can knock me out. unfortunately, my aim is a bit too good, and it disturbed some of the logs, thus exasperating the smell. i left in a hurry, no time to flush.

    I think we've all been there, but never have I seen it put so eloquently.
  • Reply 33 of 71
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Some people need to chill out. Pooing in foreign and/or strange places is good for your mental health.
  • Reply 34 of 71
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by 709

    And I would have to have shit oozing from my ears before I would even consider using a public restroom.

    What's your definition of "public"?
  • Reply 35 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by 709

    That's exactly what I do. Seriously, you want to grab yourself after touching all sorts of foul and/or filthy things during the day? And then wash your hands afterwards? I find that thinking totally backwards. You'd be better off flopping your dick in the sink as well. Of course, after a good shit I'll wash my hands, but to wash myself after touching my own *very* clean body seems absurd.

    And I would have to have shit oozing from my ears before I would even consider using a public restroom.

    Don't men's rooms have those dispensers in each stall with paper toilet seat covers?

    Also, at my school, in the boys' restrooms the stalls don't have doors, but they do in the girls' restrooms. Why is that, I wonder? Is it to keep the boys from smoking dope in there, or what? Don't guys want privacy just as much as girls? It seems discriminatory to me not to have doors for the boys.
  • Reply 36 of 71
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Don't men's rooms have those dispensers in each stall with paper toilet seat covers?

    Sure. But sometimes they don't mean anything. Like my flight from Oklahoma City back home, when the ENTIRE AIRPORT had no running water. They actually had a couple of people standing in front of the restrooms warning people about the conditions of the loo.




    Hey Brits (I know it's late when I'm asking this) the plural of "loo," "loos"?
  • Reply 37 of 71
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    It's "looi"

    Which was misunderstood by drunken American frat boys on a European jaunt, which led to...

    "Louie Louie, ohhhh ohhhh, hey, I gotta go now.. yeah yeah yeah yeah..."
  • Reply 38 of 71
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Don't men's rooms have those dispensers in each stall with paper toilet seat covers?

    Also, at my school, in the boys' restrooms the stalls don't have doors, but they do in the girls' restrooms. Why is that, I wonder? Is it to keep the boys from smoking dope in there, or what? Don't guys want privacy just as much as girls? It seems discriminatory to me not to have doors for the boys.

    Some men's rooms do, many do not.

    I've been to some places like said boy's restroom, it freaked me out. I have never seen it anywhere but a school, I don't think you would see anything like this in any real public restroom, unless of course the door had been torn off for some reason. I think it's discriminatory that you think only boys smoke dope!!! I know a lot of girls that do too! And from my experiences in HS (I graduated in 03), guys like privacy more than the girls do. Girls never seemed to mind, but the guys never wanted to "see" each other.
  • Reply 39 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    Some men's rooms do, many do not.

    I've been to some places like said boy's restroom, it freaked me out. I have never seen it anywhere but a school, I don't think you would see anything like this in any real public restroom, unless of course the door had been torn off for some reason. I think it's discriminatory that you think only boys smoke dope!!! I know a lot of girls that do too! And from my experiences in HS (I graduated in 03), guys like privacy more than the girls do. Girls never seemed to mind, but the guys never wanted to "see" each other.

    Hi DMB -

    So are you saying the guys' restrooms in high schools have doors on the stalls, or not? If not, then why not? Why does no one have an answer for this? I can see having no doors if there's a problem with people shooting up drugs. But other than that, I don't see the point of having no doors. Certainly at my jr. high, no one would ever be shooting up, I can guarantee that.

    And, of course I know girls smoke dope. I was just trying to think of a reason for the no doors. That was the best I could come up with - at a jr. high level, anyway. And girls need to have doors, because they can't be in there changing tampons and stuff with no doors - even if doors do then provide them a chance to smoke dope or just plain cigarettes. There's no smoking for anyone on our campus. Even teachers have to go to the edge of the school property to smoke. Was it like that in your HS, DMB? Or was smoking allowed in designated areas?
  • Reply 40 of 71
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Hi DMB -

    So are you saying the guys' restrooms in high schools have doors on the stalls, or not? If not, then why not? Why does no one have an answer for this? I can see having no doors if there's a problem with people shooting up drugs. But other than that, I don't see the point of having no doors. Certainly at my jr. high, no one would ever be shooting up, I can guarantee that.


    Most guys restrooms do, but one or two that I've been to did not. Drugs were a problem in my HS (we had doors on the stalls) and I live in a pretty upscale suburb, so the drug problem might come as somewhat of a surprise to some. I see your point about the girls having doors...I guess guys just don't think about the "feminine hygiene" stuff Smoking is illegal on all k-12 school campuses in Illinois, but it still happened. Like I said, my school had somewhat of a drug did quite a few of the jr. high schools in the area too, but the doors were never taken off the stalls...I don't really see the point of that.
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