Forgive me Father.



  • Reply 21 of 62
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    You're relating Macintosh's stunt to a bomb threat in Time Square!?!? :eek:

    Okay. This board has sunk to a new low. You people need a serious dose of the CHILL PILL. Lighten up, will ya'?
  • Reply 22 of 62
    I had fun, you can eat my ass (if you want to).

    [ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: Macintosh ]</p>
  • Reply 23 of 62
    The name of this topic is poking fun at all of you "grab on to any shred of evidence and ride it till its legs break" type of people. Do you see my point is all I am asking?
  • Reply 24 of 62
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by CosmoNut:

    <strong>You're relating Macintosh's stunt to a bomb threat in Time Square!?!? :eek:

    Okay. This board has sunk to a new low. You people need a serious dose of the CHILL PILL. Lighten up, will ya'? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, that's much more serious. I'm simply saying that if he likes teaching people that they can't believe what people say, here's an opportinity for him to teach some others the same thing.

    Obvoiusly I'm not seriously suggesting he does this. It is much more serious & certainly not funny. I'm simply trying to make a point.
  • Reply 25 of 62
    Wow, peoples reactions are interesting, very,very interesting.
  • Reply 25 of 62
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:

    <strong>The name of this topic is poking fun at all of you "grab on to any shred of evidence and ride it till its legs break" type of people. Do you see my point is all I am asking?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Exactly! That's what this whole thing was about. You having fun at the expense of others. Not teaching people not to belive everything they hear. You were not doing a public service, rather just amusing yourself because you obviously have nothing better to do.

    Personally, I'm done wasting my time with you & this topic.
  • Reply 27 of 62
  • Reply 28 of 62
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    [quote]Originally posted by X704:


    No, that's much more serious. I'm simply saying that if he likes teaching people that they can't believe what people say, here's an opportinity for him to teach some others the same thing. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    O.....K. Um, I'd be willing to post a phony "fact" thread here, but you couldn't pay me enough to do a bomb threat anywhere.

    You're comparing apples to oranges. They're both fruit, but VERY different.
  • Reply 29 of 62
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    [quote]Originally posted by X704:


    Exactly! That's what this whole thing was about. You having fun at the expense of others. Not teaching people not to belive everything they hear. You were not doing a public service, rather just amusing yourself because you obviously have nothing better to do.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    So how do you propose he teaches an appropriate lesson next time?
  • Reply 30 of 62
    All Macintosh succeeded in doing was to reduce his credibility to zero.

    I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky is blue....

    Shalee done.

  • Reply 31 of 62
    in my opinion he did his job pretty well.

    how could he better teach us our lesson in criticism?

    of course it wasn't very nice but sometimes you just need a slap in the face

    remember this, next time you watch your holy u.s. president on cnn talking in the name of freedom ...
  • Reply 32 of 62
    [quote]Originally posted by zac4mac:

    <strong>I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky is blue....</strong><hr></blockquote>

    and neither you should anyone else posting here ... don't you get the point?

    man, take it easy <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> this whole rumors thing here is entertaining and not the meaning of life ...
  • Reply 33 of 62
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    It seems to me that the people who are upset are trying to blame Macintosh for their own gullibility.

    As a "community", it is nice to be able to take each other at face value and assume we are all telling the truth. As with any community, though, we have to be aware that some of the posts here are outright fabrications. Macintosh at least owned up to his. How many other bogus posts do you suppose have been made just so the author could laugh at everyone who takes it seriously (and never admitted to)? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    The bottom line is that we all need to keep our brains in gear. The whole point of this particular forum is gossip. The fun is in the speculation, as no one knows what's really coming. We need to process what we read and be sure it makes sense before we take it seriously - and even then, we shouldn't take it too seriously.

    Macintosh, I hold no hard feelings. You've done publicly what others have been doing privately for a long time. I agree with you that we need a reminder now and then to keep our credulity in check.

    However, we've now had our lesson - we don't need any more of this. If we get a bunch of juvenile smart-asses posting nonsense constantly, this whole forum will fall apart.
  • Reply 34 of 62
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Actually, I didn't even realize Macintosh existed until this post.

    Either it because any predictions I read are always taken with a grain of salt or Macintosh's posts were never interesting.

    I'm guessing it's the latter.
  • Reply 35 of 62
    What's up with the people calling Macintosh a liar? Would you call your parents liars because they told you Santa brought you gifts when you were little? Or because they told you the stork brought you to this world? Or any number of other little "white lies" that, when the time is right, are put right?

    Come on! No one got hurt, Macintosh owned up, there's now no reason for the gullible suckers to get sore and high and mighty.

    Macintosh, you hang in there. You did well on many counts, if I was grading you on your little experimental 'lesson' you'd get an A+. You had me, because of the iMac - almost! I wanted to believe but I've learn your lesson long ago. Keep it up, and as the saying goes 'don't let the b******s get you down!'
  • Reply 36 of 62
    majukimajuki Posts: 114member
    Heh... I'm not one to believe a lot of things said here. These forums have enough bs to start their own manure factory.
  • Reply 37 of 62


    Posts: 12

    \t posted 12-29-2001 05:45 PM Â*Â*Â* Â*Â* Â* Â* Â* Â*Â*


    What's up with the people calling Macintosh a liar? Would you call your parents liars because they told you Santa brought you gifts when you were little? Or because they told you the stork brought you to this world? Or any number of other little "white lies" that, when the time is right, are put right?

    Come on! No one got hurt, Macintosh owned up, there's now no reason for the gullible suckers to get sore and high and mighty.

    Macintosh, you hang in there. You did well on many counts, if I was grading you on your little experimental 'lesson' you'd get an A+. You had me, because of the iMac - almost! I wanted to believe but I've learn your lesson long ago. Keep it up, and as the saying goes 'don't let the b******s get you down!'

    That last part was funny. Thanks man.
  • Reply 38 of 62
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:


    My "little stunt" took some intelligence to pull off. I thought it was pretty creative.... </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, at least SOMEONE thought so.
  • Reply 39 of 62
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    What is this doing in Future Hardware and why does it have 38 replies? (um...39 :o )
  • Reply 40 of 62
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:


    Well, at least SOMEONE thought so.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    c'mon you're just mad at him because you were so stupid to believe what he said ...
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