What do you have and what do you want?



  • Reply 41 of 52
    [quote]Originally posted by The Mactivist:

    <strong>Alright - I'm wondering:

    1) what you are using right now (in terms of macs)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    '98 Powerbook G3 Series 266mHz

    384mb RAM

    12gb Toshiba HD

    Cardbus: USB (Macally), Firewire (Newer)


    2) what your ideal future system is after Jan 7 (like what would make you upgrade / what are you really hoping for?)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What I'll jump for: iMac / 15" LCD / 1gHz G4

    What I want: PMac / 15" LCD / any G5

    [quote]<strong>3) What you do for a living / what you use your mac for most of the time (when you're not responding to posts on AI - if there is in fact any time left...)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I write & do a lot of audio; investing.
  • Reply 42 of 52
  • Reply 43 of 52
    1A. studio machine = g4 dp450, 1gb ram, 3 big/fast hard drives

    1B. portable "sit on my ass upstairs and web browse" machine = iBook 600 combo, 384mb ram

    2. I'm looking for a Superdrive and will buy a cheap Superdrive (approx $1600) Powermac if they make one, or I'll buy a more expensive (approx $2500) machine with Superdrive if it's substantially faster than my G4 (like 1ghz+ and DDR ram and faster bus). I don't imagine buying an iMac probably as I want a bigger display, so unless the low-end Powermac has a Superdrive, my only option would be a substantially improved mid-level Powermac.

    3. Electronic musician who uses the Powermac as a multitrack digital audio recorder. Also a record label owner who uses the Mac for mastering of other musicians' material, and also for creating artwork and graphic design for the label's CD releases. Looking forward to starting to work with DV editing and creating DVDs, eventually to experiment with the idea of creating music DVDs for release to supplement audio CD releases.

    [ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: sizzle chest ]</p>
  • Reply 44 of 52
    1. PBG4 667/30/512/DVD/AP+Basestation. My first portable....love it!!

    2. Interesting to see what iMac they release at SF. Not really interested in buying anything. Just bought this PB 2 weeks ago.....no, I knew the combo was coming out....I was waiting for price protection on the DVD model. Don't like the internal burner principle....cant burn CD to CD.

    3. AppleCentre Manager......not telling where.
  • Reply 45 of 52
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    What I got:

    Powermac G4 400 (July 2000)

    512 MB ram

    20 GB HD

    Zip Drive

    H/K Soundsticks

    Epson 777i printer

    OS X 10.1.2

    OS 9.2.1

    What I want:

    Anxious to see what the new iMac will look like. Doubt I will get one though.

    A bump up to faster G4's on the towers won't cut it either.

    I am going to hold out for a 2 GHZ + G5, whenever that may be.

    I am going to wait and do it big. No incremental crap for me.

  • Reply 46 of 52
    What I have:

    PowerBook G4 Titanium 500Mhz/128MB/10GB

    What I want:

    iMac with 15.2" wide LCD, 1Ghz G4 and Combo Drive. Don't care much about RAM and HD as I can upgrade later.

    I think we will probably get a regular 15" LCD and slower G4 so I'll probably skip it and wait for an update to the PowerBook at MWT. I might be tempted by a G5 if they introduce a smaller (and cheaper) version of the Cinema Display along with it.
  • Reply 47 of 52
    I've got an old iMac. I'll buy any computer that they come up with that has a superdrive for under $2000.
  • Reply 48 of 52
    Now I've got:

    Work - 450 G4, 1gig RAM, Cinema.

    Mobile - iBook 500 CD

    To upgrade: G5, no question - I'd get the low end (unless hobbled by lack of cache or something in which case the mid range). Otherwise my 2 year old G4 will keep me quite happy until the G5 is ready. I'll upgrade the iBook to a low end PB G4 when it has the Apollo chip. I don't mind about video cards as I'm exclusively 2D: Photoshop, Illustrator, Golive for graphics and web design.

    Oh, and If the new iMac is really, really cool I'll just have to get one.
  • Reply 49 of 52
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>The first post seems to assume a sense of reality, however. My point is that the people who are posting that a 1.6 GHz+ G5 is going to be what it takes to make them upgrade is unfortunate.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    People upgrade for different reasons.

    1) When you are using your Mac for work, the economics dictates the upgrade:

    if (billing increase over delta t due to faster Mac &gt; cost of Mac) then buy Mac

    2) Another reason:

    if (frustration level due to slow Mac &gt; frustration limit) then buy Mac

    3) And finally what Apple knows and is the key to greater market penetration:

    if (new Mac is insanely great) then BUY.

    For those who say they will wait for the G5, it's the last case that is driving them. I'm case 2 - I'll get the mid-level (see post above). But I'm affected by case 3 (I think most of use here at AppleInsider are), so if the G5 is announced this summer, I might buy two Macs this year!
  • Reply 50 of 52
    My desktop rocket is an Umax C500 w G3 400 upgrade card; 15GB drive int and 9GB ext w 8 x CD and 8824 ext CDRW. So perhaps this could use some upgrading.

    I want (or may be willing to convince spouse) for new iMac w LCD w 1ghz G3 or G4

    I am a stockbroker type so my work provided beigness is CPQ P3 500ish running nt4
  • Reply 51 of 52
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    iMac at home, 800 dual w/ 17" LCD at work.


    Nice laptop for work. I've been in the market for a couple of months, but none of them have turned me on enough yet. iBook or PowerBook, either one will do. Hey, it's not my money.
  • Reply 52 of 52
    Don't laugh..

    (1. I got a StarMax 4000, 200mhz 604e, 80mb RAM, 17in KDS Visual Sensations

    (2. I want a re-introduction of the Cube at much lower price, more 'white-ish', w/ SuperDrive and 933mhz G4

    (3. Whats it to ya?
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