Apple's in trouble...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple is in danger of going under if they dont roll out some new products. think about it: all imac and powermac sales surely have come to a near standstill, pending product updates, but there arent any. they want their quarterly results to look even better than last time's, but they cant do it with ipods alone. i've been patiently awaiting rev b pmac's, but this is getting absurd. obviously i'm not gonna go out and get a dual 2ghz right now, but i cant take this anymore: not necessarily the fact that i dont have a new g5, but because apple is shooting itself in the foot at such a great time in its history.

sigh.... ok i'm finished for now....


  • Reply 1 of 25
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Hmmmmm the silence is deafening. I want new Macs!!!!
  • Reply 2 of 25
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    So get a PC and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    wow... this is thought provoking...

    Apple has products, and they are gonna release 'em. They are a company that has been in business for 25+ years, so i think they are going to be fine and understand the importance of releasing new and fresh product updates in a timely manner. They still have a lot of stuff going for them on the Dual 2Ghz, it is a fine machine.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Yeah, Apple is about to go under. All because of the approximately 47 people who read the Mac rumor sites suspect there may be updates soon, and so aren't buying.

    Bye-bye Apple!
  • Reply 5 of 25
    I just am dissapointed too, I feel bad for people not getting what they want, I'm a softy I guess. Come on Apple, you offer awesome stuff right now but make it even better, I know I'll buy.

    The ONE thing that bugs me is the fact that we dont know about stuff pre-release like we used to. We used to get "spy photos" and real inside shit, now it seems like stuff only comes a day or two before the product release itself.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Yeah, Apple is about to go under. All because of the approximately 47 people who read the Mac rumor sites suspect there may be updates soon, and so aren't buying.

    Bye-bye Apple!

    don't forget about the two people each they tell who are interested in getting a Mac.
  • Reply 7 of 25
    Seems the anticipation is killing a few of us hmmm?

    Ok I admit it, Dual 2.6 G5's PLEASE!!!!

    I really want a Dual 2.6 Ghz G5, because our Folding Team Mac OS X #1971 really needs the firepower against those taunting Silent PC Review guys we are trying to beat.

    Nothing beats a G5 when it comes to protein folding.

    (If you don't know already check out this AI thread, the AI community is throwing it's weight in help defeat these PC slime)
  • Reply 8 of 25
    Agh. What a useless thread. I guess there's a lot of Paul Thurrott in some of the teenagers on this site. Too bad.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member

    No apples have 5GHZX!!!@!

    im bying a DELL

  • Reply 10 of 25
    Think Different is still working, I did read that Apple is still making a profit, so things can't be so bad. Listen, I waited a long time for the G5 to arrive, so what's a few months for even a faster G5. At that time then you can all can run out and buy the slower G5 dual 2 GHz box at a lower price.

    As for myself I couldn't wait, I'm happy with both my G4 dully and my G5 dully. Apple has a great product line.

    Go out and buy one already...
  • Reply 11 of 25
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    they want their quarterly results to look even better than last time's, but they cant do it with ipods alone.

    Actually...they HAVE been doing it with iPods alone. That's how much of a high-margin everybody-wants-one kind of product it is. You remove the iPod from the last quarterly results, and you probably have no better numbers than before.

    I think it's interesting how so many Mac users think that the only Mac worth using is the one that's about to be released. You don't hear me bitching that my Powerbook ONLY has a 1.25Ghz G4 in it. My God! How am I supposed to get anything done on this P.O.S. slow machine!?!?

    Sorry to be rude, but you flunkies need to pipe down and go back to being productive with what is available to you now. You're not getting much sympathy from the rest of us.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    It's Apple's own customers fault (you and me.. well not really, but some other people) When Apple changed the single 1.8 G5's to duals for example there was a huge amount of people pissed because they changed them so early. In fact, there were hundreds of posts on Apple's discussion board about how they were going to buy Macs again because of that. Ya, I know, people are stupid, you bought the fricken machine and that's what you wanted then but Apple doesn't like it when customers get mad.. so there.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    Very well put, I was just thinking about what I'm doing by complaining, I'm not doing anything! I just ordered iLife, that is definately more of a productive thing than replacing my "just fine" iMac 800 G4 with a $2500 G5 set-up. $40 dollars or $4000, hmm? Of course it'd be nice to have iLife on a new G5 too...8)
  • Reply 14 of 25

    Originally posted by Sailfish

    ... when it comes to protein folding.

    er ... what does protein folding mean?
  • Reply 15 of 25
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    What a goofy thread. Coming off the year that 2003 was (a KICK-ASS one, in case anyone is too much of a chucklehead to realize and needs to be reminded), to say that "Apple is in trouble...".

    BRussell is right: people basing their lives, more or less, on rumor sites and then having the audacity to - when something isn't released the way they've come to expect - start clanging the "doom and gloom" bells.

    Apple couldn't be "in trouble" if they TRIED. IMO, they're firing on all cylinders currently and it couldn't be more beautiful and exciting. They're the ONLY company that does what they do, and they're doing it better than all those other piss-ant, uninspiring, bandwagon-jumping wannabes from Round Rock, San Diego, Redmond, etc.

    The damn G5 updates will come soon enough. Relax. And you'll most likely have a thick, scotum-scorching PowerBook G5 this year as well, so start saving your money. You'll have a 60GB iPod, a 30" Drive-In Display, updates to the OS, the various iApps, an iSight Upskirt Edition, etc. Any number of things to drool over and ultimately bitch about because they somehow fall short of the average Spec Whore's expectations and demands.

    "In trouble" my ass.

  • Reply 16 of 25
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by MacUsers

    It's Apple's own customers fault (you and me.. well not really, but some other people) When Apple changed the single 1.8 G5's to duals for example there was a huge amount of people pissed because they changed them so early. In fact, there were hundreds of posts on Apple's discussion board about how they were going to buy Macs again because of that. Ya, I know, people are stupid, you bought the fricken machine and that's what you wanted then but Apple doesn't like it when customers get mad.. so there.

    Gawd people are weird. Yeah, Apple has decided not to release new computers because they're mad at their customers for complaining.
  • Reply 17 of 25

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    er ... what does protein folding mean?

    Invitation to AppleInsider for Folding@Home
  • Reply 18 of 25
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Wow, that was quite an angry-sounding response from me above, wasn't it?

    It just reads weird, but I'm not that nasty and mean!
  • Reply 19 of 25
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Wow, that was quite an angry-sounding response from me above, wasn't it?

    It just reads weird, but I'm not that nasty and mean!

    The original post deserved it. What a freakin' crock of shit. I'm not a mean, nasty person either, but I haven't heard such crap in a long time.
  • Reply 20 of 25

    [iThe damn G5 updates will come soon enough. Relax. And you'll most likely have a thick, scotum-scorching PowerBook G5 this year as well, so start saving your money. You'll have a 60GB iPod, a 30" Drive-In Display, updates to the OS, the various iApps, an iSight Upskirt Edition, etc. Any number of things to drool over and ultimately bitch about because they somehow fall short of the average Spec Whore's expectations and demands.

    "In trouble" my ass.[/B]

    The most unbelievably hillarious post I've ever read, LMFAO! Without a doubt, pscates is the high tech comedian, gotta love it. lol dude you are out of control! hahahaha.
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