If you think your a geek...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Your wrong. This guy is a bigger geek than everyone at AI put together.



  • Reply 1 of 30
    That father has no idea the hell he hath brought upon himself. Just think of teen angst... with a name like that... OMG.

  • Reply 2 of 30
    Oh dear.


    I wanted to find something different to name him besides Jon Blake

    Does this guy really have no imagination? I'm sure if he tried hard enough he'd be able to come up with something .

  • Reply 3 of 30
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member
    Version bumping redefined?
  • Reply 4 of 30
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    teen angst 2.0, not geek.
  • Reply 5 of 30
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
  • Reply 6 of 30
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Malcom X

    forward thinking?
  • Reply 7 of 30
    haahah that's awesome!

    come on, if it bugs the kid he can just go by John Cusack the 2nd or something \
  • Reply 8 of 30
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
    Kickaha and Amorph couldn't moderate themselves out of a paper bag. Abdicate responsibility and succumb to idiocy. Two years of letting a member make personal attacks against others, then stepping aside when someone won't put up with it. Not only that but go ahead and shut down my posting priviledges but not the one making the attacks. Not even the common decency to abide by their warning (afer three days of absorbing personal attacks with no mods in sight), just shut my posting down and then say it might happen later if a certian line is crossed. Bullshit flag is flying, I won't abide by lying and coddling of liars who go off-site, create accounts differing in a single letter from my handle with the express purpose to decieve and then claim here that I did it. Everyone be warned, kim kap sol is a lying, deceitful poster.

    Now I guess they should have banned me rather than just shut off posting priviledges, because kickaha and Amorph definitely aren't going to like being called to task when they thought they had it all ignored *cough* *cough* I mean under control. Just a couple o' tools.

    Don't worry, as soon as my work resetting my posts is done I'll disappear forever.
  • Reply 9 of 30
    Hmm I am the third in my family with my name. I dont think I would have liked 3.0 though. Might have made it a little weird \ Of course when we have children in a few years or so and if we have a little dude, no way will he be the 4th... Poor kid...
  • Reply 10 of 30
    What I want to know though, is like, if whenever the kid has to have surgery... will they update his version number? It's the only logical thing to do.
  • Reply 11 of 30

    Originally posted by LoCash

    What I want to know though, is like, if whenever the kid has to have surgery... will they update his version number? It's the only logical thing to do.

  • Reply 12 of 30
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Is he 2.0 alpha until he hits puberty, and then 2.0 beta until he turns 18?
  • Reply 13 of 30
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by LoCash

    What I want to know though, is like, if whenever the kid has to have surgery... will they update his version number? It's the only logical thing to do.

    Does that mean he has to go back to 1.9 before he even leaves the hospital? His parents are from Holland, MI.

    (ie: very Christian + very Conservative = very Circumcised)
  • Reply 14 of 30

    Originally posted by Amorph

    Is he 2.0 alpha until he hits puberty, and then 2.0 beta until he turns 18?

  • Reply 15 of 30
    So getting the wisdom teeth out and appendix removed, etc. would be minor improvements, like removing the debug code, right ? By the time he loses all his baby teeth he should be v2.1. Actually, if he handles it smoothly, he could go open source with the ladies by the tenth grade.
  • Reply 16 of 30
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    Okay...I stand corrected, you guys might actually be a bigger geek than that guy. I can't believe ya'll are trying to figure out what version his kid will be once [insert life experience here] happens.
  • Reply 17 of 30
    Naming the kid version 2.0 also implies that he is an upgraded version of his predecessor: his father. What new features does the child posses?

    I'd say he is 2.0 during adolesence. Puberty is probably going to bring on a number of quick maintenance patches that will address recent bugs and security flaws. When he turns 18, I would imagine he would hit 2.1, and when he turns 21, we'll probably see a beta of 2.2. He'll be an unstable build until he graduates from college, if he graduates, and then maybe we'll see a major point release of 2.5.

    Then he's going to get married, hit 2.6, and we'll see another barrage of quick bug fixes and security patches throughout the 2.6 point release. Then, during his mid life crisis, he'll be up to 2.7 beta for a bit, until eventually settling down at 2.8 stable, and when he retires, a modest 2.9 stable.

    This paves the way for him to name his kid 3.0.
  • Reply 18 of 30
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member

    Originally posted by LoCash

    Naming the kid version 2.0 also implies that he is an upgraded version of his predecessor: his father. What new features does the child posses?

    i thought the new features in version 2.0 are from his mother? he must be coded with cum++ or something. in java it's not possible to create a new object which inherits from two super-classes (mother and father)...
  • Reply 19 of 30
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by Krassy

    i thought the new features in version 2.0 are from his mother? he must be coded with cum++ or something. in java it's not possible to create a new object which inherits from two super-classes (mother and father)...

    yep. the AIs are geekier than the guy who named his son 2.0 ...

    hey wait .. if his kid is a 2.0, are you sure he didn't make him using just command line?
  • Reply 20 of 30
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Well, the "Jr." nomer is just as depressing, in my opinion.
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