Pentagon: Climate Change a Greater Threat than Terrorism



  • Reply 21 of 77

    One of my employees shows all the symptoms of being exposed to nerve agent in Gulf War I, but Gulf War Syndrome "is still under review."

    Chemical sensitivity is generally treated with ignorance, inside or outside of the Pentagon.
  • Reply 22 of 77
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    John Young has the report online:
  • Reply 23 of 77
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by low-fi

    I was at a talk given by Hans Blix yesterday, which was very critical of the war. However, before he even started the whole 'How to stop and prevent the proliferation of WMDs' talk, he said that the largest threat to humanity is not terrorism or WMDs, but climate change.

    He then moved on to slamming Bush and Blair a little. Blix = total dude who got a standing ovation.


    Total dude?

    Dont you remember? He was that idiotic appeacer that couldn´t even find any WoMDs before the war.
  • Reply 24 of 77
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Total dude?

    Dont you remember? He was that idiotic appeacer that couldn´t even find any WoMDs before the war.

    Yep . . . he was ridiculed no end . . . and it turns out, as I had sort of suspected,that it is He who is the one with integrity . . . at least in this history book.
  • Reply 25 of 77

    Originally posted by Anders

    Total dude?

    Dont you remember? He was that idiotic appeacer that couldn´t even find any WoMDs before the war.

    I'd love to find a find a post made by Groverat (I think) that went something on the lines of 'the UN couldn't find WoMD if they were bent over a barrel of nerve agent while Tariq Aziz rogered Hans Blix'.

    Anyone remember?

    Ai me. At least we won the war and it was all over in about three weeks.

    Ai me.

    Sarcasm aside, the world's a safer place now.

    Ai me.
  • Reply 26 of 77
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    I'd love to find a find a post made by Groverat (I think) that went something on the lines of 'the UN couldn't find WoMD if they were bent over a barrel of nerve agent while Tariq Aziz rogered Hans Blix'.

    I think you are looking for threads like these:

    I once called groverat a right winged wacho but lately I have reread many of his posts and I have to say he is one of the best debaters here even if I disagree with him strongly on international relation issues (and unfortunetly a lot of people fall in the opposite category).

    This thread deals with Powells speech and to much surprise SJO is the one making most sense in hindsight.
  • Reply 27 of 77
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Man, check out those SDW posts.
  • Reply 28 of 77
    thoth2thoth2 Posts: 277member

    Originally posted by giant

    Man, check out those SDW posts.

    There seem to be a very large # of posts in that thread that

    are pretty self-righteous - on both sides. However, there are a lot more of the "liberals are naive" or "liberals are simply trying to discredit the president for political reasons" variety. I suspect no lesson will be learned from this, if my reading of other AO posts/threads is any indication. THere have been a lot that have simply parroted the President's new articulation of "why we went to war."

    Anyway, I think this Pentagon report was in Forbes last week - one of my cycling teammates sent it to me. I don't think it is only in the UK press.

  • Reply 29 of 77

    Originally posted by Anders

    I think you are looking for threads like these:

    I once called groverat a right winged wacho but lately I have reread many of his posts and I have to say he is one of the best debaters here even if I disagree with him strongly on international relation issues (and unfortunetly a lot of people fall in the opposite category).

    This thread deals with Powells speech and to much surprise SJO is the one making most sense in hindsight.

    I agree. Groverat thinks for himself and he doesn't care if it pisses you off. I think this is laudable.
  • Reply 30 of 77
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Thoth2

    There seem to be a very large # of posts in that thread that

    are pretty self-righteous - on both sides.

    Yep. I was pretty self-righteous for one (sorry BuonRotto, I did need to lighten up).

    Luckily, I was absolutely right on all points of fact.
  • Reply 31 of 77
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    Overpopulation and climate change are serious shit.

    Give the man a round of applause.

    Congrats you're in my sig!
  • Reply 32 of 77
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Originally posted by segovius

    But are they ? I don't want to raise the sectre of conspiracy theory but the article clearly says that the report was a secret one which was suppressed by defence chiefs.

    If this is the case (and it is quite an allegation) then perhaps it is still being 'suppressed'....

    Maybe I am not understanding the article correctly. I thought I specifically read a passage that stated they (the paper) *were in posession of* the report (or a copy of it at any rate)... so why not spill it?
  • Reply 33 of 77
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by giant

    Man, check out those SDW posts.

    This is one of the best SDW quotes:

    And yes, I think Bush is guided by God


    its fun to look back and see how everybody has changed . . . or not changed.

    also, I can see what a terrible writer I am when I am sloppy . . . . which is all th time
  • Reply 34 of 77
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    This is one of the best SDW quotes:


    its fun to look back and see how everybody has changed . . . or not changed.

    also, I can see what a terrible writer I am when I am sloppy . . . . which is all th time

    The only thing hilarious is that you guys think I'm the one who's extreme. Your views are not in anyway mainstream.

    As for your quote, I don't remember it....but it's out of context. Anyone who is a person of faith (not necessarily of "religion") is "guided by God" to an extent. So, I'm not sure why it's funny.

    Back to topic:

    That headline got my attention before it was posted here. It is certainly a scary thing. But, I do have some problems wit this story. First, where is this report? What is its nature? What is its context? Who wrote it? Why? It's all phrased like it's some sort of conclusive study....though that may not be the case. There are "reports" commissioned all the time by the government, and many are simply for contingency planning. It's like saying there's a plan to invade North Korea......well of course there is.

    Beyond all of that, I just have a little trouble with the claims of this report. It's a little alarmist, don;t you think? Please tell me you guys don't take this at face value without questining it. It's all a little too politically convenient.
  • Reply 35 of 77
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    It's all a little too politically convenient.

    I think YOU mean politically inconvenient....
  • Reply 36 of 77
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member

    Originally posted by bunge

    I think YOU mean politically inconvenient....
  • Reply 37 of 77
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    The only thing hilarious is that you guys think I'm the one who's extreme. Your views are not in anyway mainstream.

    Oh really?

    In the blue corner, SDW2001 and America.

    In the red corner, just about the rest of the planet.

    "Our" views ARE mainstream. We outnumber you. There are more people who share this POV then your POV. There's a greater headcount here then there.

    Et cetera.


    You're wrong.
  • Reply 38 of 77
    Factor in the other report where the administration is invalidating scientific panels, etc. Now the same pentagon is talking about environment. Isn't the Pentagon the bitch of the white house? If so, why do we care about what they are talking about? They twist scientific facts to suit their needs.

    Correct me if I am wrong in assuming that the Pentagon acts based on the directives of the ruling administration.
  • Reply 39 of 77
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member

    Originally posted by Harald

    Oh really?

    In the blue corner, SDW2001 and America.

    In the red corner, just about the rest of the planet.

    "Our" views ARE mainstream. We outnumber you. There are more people who share this POV then your POV. There's a greater headcount here then there.

    Et cetera.


    You're wrong.

    That's completely unsupported. It's amazing that you actually think this. Do you even know what my POV is? I don't think you do. You might outnumber me on this board, but not in most of America. How else do you explain the way the country is divided on Bush right now? You don't really mean to tell me that you believe you're in the majority do you? There is absolutely NOTHING that can support such a statement.
  • Reply 40 of 77
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    This is one of the best SDW quotes:

    different planet altogether.
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