It isn't that bad....



  • Reply 21 of 54
    I like 2000, xp is ok, My XP, box crashes all the time, blame it on cheaping out on components if you install the good stuff windows can run pretty good. Still my powerbook, theres something about os X that draws you in and makes you want to work. But it would be cool if it was possible to build your own mac heh. Then the experience would be "perfect" but right now its damn near close.
  • Reply 22 of 54
    I use XP everyday at my job. And I support 40 other people using XP/2000. Let me tell you which one I'd rather support.

    From a security standpoint windows is a nightmare. Its so nice to plug in a new Mac and not have to worry about it being insecure till you patch it. As it stands now you I have to copy the service pack and several patches to a CD and install them before I can put a new XP install on the network. Is it a "big" deal? No, but its a pain.

    True story. My boss just finished an XP install and it got Blaster in 3 minutes. Someone in another office that shares our LAN brought in their laptop from home and plugged it into the network. Yay for having something like 14 ports listening on a default XP install!

    OS X on the other hand has its base system open sourced. If people wanted to write malicious software for OS X they have the source right there in front of them. Contrast this to the recent availability of the Windows 2000 source code. There was an exploit right away.

    Then there is the DLL fun. Ok, ok, so the very latest software written in .Net doesn't have this problem. Sadly not every one runs this software. When you get rid of a program it asks if you want to keep a dll or throw it out. Uh why do I have to decide. How do I know what to keep and what to toss? Its just a bad system.

    If you keep a windows install clean things will work ok. Setup a separate partition for swap space, don't install many programs, especially don't install and then uninstall a bunch of programs, and don't install any IE helper apps. I've had a ton of trouble with people installing little helper bars for IE, and the whole system gets flaky.

    These are just my observations from working with and supporting windows at my job.
  • Reply 23 of 54

    Originally posted by torifile

    I don't get how people can feel ok using a computer that constantly tries to sell them this .net service or that MS product or pops up wizards in your face or has a "start" bar that takes up half the screen to show you every possible application on your computer.

    Uhh, no, it doesn't hake up half the screen...
  • Reply 24 of 54

    Originally posted by psgamer0921

    Uhh, no, it doesn't hake up half the screen...

    what the hell is that?
  • Reply 25 of 54
    thats windows xp, with a skin that makes the startbar look simmilar to macs and a program called object doc that looks like the mac dock.
  • Reply 26 of 54
    well its ugly.
  • Reply 27 of 54

    Originally posted by ExtremeODD

    thats windows xp, with a skin that makes the startbar look simmilar to macs and a program called object doc that looks like the mac dock.

    Actually, it isn't. Microsoft has written code to not allow themes that aren't signed my Microsoft. If you hack it, you can use any theme you want. That's what I did, and I don't have object dock. It's a program called Y'z Dock, which was so similar to the X dock, that the creator recieved a "Cease and Desist" order from Apple, claiming copyright infringment.
  • Reply 28 of 54
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by psgamer0921

    Actually, it isn't. Microsoft has written code to not allow themes that aren't signed my Microsoft. If you hack it, you can use any theme you want. That's what I did, and I don't have object dock. It's a program called Y'z Dock, which was so similar to the X dock, that the creator recieved a "Cease and Desist" order from Apple, claiming copyright infringment.

    First...why have the Dock program installed if the taskbar is so much better? Second...wonder why he got a cease and desist letter.

    Third...lets just get back to the old car analogy. PC's are your average car, the break down more often and are just cars, but cars that work fine most of the time for what people want to do. Macs are luxury cars. Not as much hassle, better looking, and there is attention to detailed when making them.
  • Reply 29 of 54
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I use XP Professional on a daily basis, and while it's not constantly falling down or anything, the stability and what user-friendliness there is is sort of like a thin crust over utter chaos. As long as the crust holds, you just have the usual extra hoops to jump and wizards to put up with. If it breaks, welcome to hell.

    Unfortunately, there are also more than a few holes in the crust, and baffling variations in behavior between identical machines, and all sorts of other mostly niggling things. Just enough to make everyone here feel like they're walking on eggshells.

    But when it works, no, it's not all that bad. It's not OS X, but it's not bad.
  • Reply 30 of 54
    jeez, would you people please stop pissing in torifile's chocolate milk?
  • Reply 31 of 54
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by LoCash

    jeez, would you people please stop pissing in torifile's chocolate milk?

  • Reply 32 of 54
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I have a friend who when he gets on the internet on his PC, it is fine for a while, then gives him an error something like "NT network...blah blah" and it starts counting down and then his computer restarts. He is running XP and said it does this 3-4 times a night.
  • Reply 33 of 54
    He's got blaster. Tell him to use this to get rid of it. Then he needs to patch his system.


    \tI have a friend who when he gets on the internet on his PC, it is fine for a while, then gives him an error something like "NT network...blah blah" and it starts counting down and then his computer restarts. He is running XP and said it does this 3-4 times a night.

  • Reply 34 of 54
    I have this problem where whenever Safari, or any web browser, downloads a file over 1MB, all TCP/IP services cease functioning. For no real reason. It ultimately leads to a reboot, I just don't get a countdown
  • Reply 35 of 54

    Originally posted by psgamer0921

    Actually, it isn't. Microsoft has written code to not allow themes that aren't signed my Microsoft. If you hack it, you can use any theme you want. That's what I did, and I don't have object dock. It's a program called Y'z Dock, which was so similar to the X dock, that the creator recieved a "Cease and Desist" order from Apple, claiming copyright infringment.

    acutally its called, windows blinds or style xp. and on the avarage car pc thing, an oem pc, such as a dell, would be the avarage, but a ststem that is self built with best stuff, and liquid/tec cooling would the the luxury car. If its self built and from a clean install of windows 98se, 2k and xp its pretty stable, the only reason ive crashed any is cuz of a prog had a corrupted file and sometimes locked up everything. The only thing ive had bad with macs is expirences with the schools e-macs and having all users being net booted (nothing is on the comp, all student accounts are on the servers) and it locks up loads, expically if u try to go into prefrences.
  • Reply 36 of 54
    Putting OS X-like themes on the XP putting a tuxedo on a turd.


  • Reply 37 of 54
    rara Posts: 623member
    I still can't find my IP address using Windows.
  • Reply 38 of 54

    I still can't find my IP address using Windows.

    I don't have a PC in front of me right now, but I think this should do it:

    Click on the Start menu and choose Run. Type "cmd" and press return to bring up the Command Prompt window. In the Command Prompt window type "ipconfig" and press return.

    Intuitive, isn't it?
  • Reply 39 of 54

    Originally posted by AirPurifier

    I don't have a PC in front of me right now, but I think this should do it:

    Click on the Start menu and choose Run. Type "cmd" and press return to bring up the Command Prompt window. In the Command Prompt window type "ipconfig" and press return.

    Intuitive, isn't it?


    One question solved, a billion more to go...
  • Reply 40 of 54
    Maybe XP isn't THAT bad but it still sucks... real bad...
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