How To Make A Video iPod



  • Reply 21 of 45
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I don't know anything about battery life or OLED's, but I do know that you can't think that the only video products on the market are movies.

    Sure no one will watch the Lord of the Rings on a 3" screen, but guess how many Gameboys are sold; how many Flash animations are being made; how many rock videos on MTV are sitting in their vaults not doing anything?!?!?!

    Open up a bit and realize that people will begin to spend time watching 10-minute clips on a handheld just fine and probably pay for the privaledge if the quality is good and access to content is iTunes-easy!

    Make the screen the size of the current iPod and that is an interesting product with many possible uses...

    Mapquest in your hand as you drive. Those aren't really big jpegs.

    Movie trailers as you decide what to go see in the car.

    Previewing Keynotes before you hook up to the projector

    It ain't hard to find real things that don't need an iBook or a keyboard.
  • Reply 22 of 45

    Originally posted by MacGregor

    Open up a bit and realize that people will begin to spend time watching 10-minute clips on a handheld just fine and probably pay for the privaledge if the quality is good and access to content is iTunes-easy!

    I think that's the point... The movies should be downloadabe in a low-resolution iPod (MPEG4) format. For a buck or two, you could get movies, music videos, even recorded tv shows... and movie trailers for free. That would bring a huge potential to the video iPod!
  • Reply 23 of 45

    Originally posted by Rolo

    Apple could use an OLED wide format screen on something the size of an iPod but square (4.1x4.1"). The screen would occupy the top half or so and the controls would be in the lower half. It could use something like an Hitachi 2.5" 40GB 5400 rpm drive that weighs 3.6 oz. which happens to be what the iPod mini weighs. Maybe it could even have a mini-trackpad.

    Oh, it's me again. Some more thoughts on that:

    1. The iPod AV should not be any larger or much heavier than the original iPod. You should be able to carry it easily in a pocket -- without being a well trained weight lifter... This is the only way to make sure that you can take your AV Pod just anywhere you go. And there has to be a clear difference to the iBook in size and weight.

    2. OLEDs consume much less power than TFTs since they do not need backlight. They are used in some Pioneer car audio equipment, in one Kodak digital camera and in some Samsung cell phones as exterior (standby) color displays. They are very fast and bright; the question will be whether the resolution will be okay, too.

    3. Steve said that there is no equivalent to a headphone for video iPods... Well actually, that's not true: There are those Sony Plasma glasses that offer "semi-affordable" large screen viewing, simulating a 52" screen viewed from approximately 6 feet away. If apple could find a way to make such "Plasma Glasses" (iGlasses?) really cheap or at least affordable, they could be sold as an option together with an AV iPod. Sonys Plasma glasses incorporate two TFTs with 180'000 pixels resolution each -- Apple might be able to make it cheaper with only one OLED display and some mirrors that makes the image visible for both eyes... Or they go and produce 3D glasses with one OLED for each eye... But that's only cool if the iPod could support 3D video data...
  • Reply 24 of 45
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    Ok, that last post went off into Sculleyville.
  • Reply 25 of 45
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    An iPod AV the same size as a 40GB iPod? That'd mean using a 1.8" HD which isn't quite up to the task of playing full-sized, high quality video to a TV. It'd be OK for small MPEG-4 movies but is there much of a market for personal video players?

    I think an iPod AV would need to be more versatile and be a cool component in a home entertainment system and double as a portable DVR. Anyway, I hope Apple comes up with something like this soon.
  • Reply 26 of 45
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    for pwr, why not put on a small solar pannel which constantly charges the battery, not much juice but it could extend the battery life from 3-5 hrs to 5-7 hrs, theoreticly
  • Reply 27 of 45

    Originally posted by Rolo

    An iPod AV the same size as a 40GB iPod? That'd mean using a 1.8" HD which isn't quite up to the task of playing full-sized, high quality video to a TV. It'd be OK for small MPEG-4 movies but is there much of a market for personal video players?

    I think an iPod AV would need to be more versatile and be a cool component in a home entertainment system and double as a portable DVR. Anyway, I hope Apple comes up with something like this soon.

    Harddisk speed might become an issue. But, I assume that Apple wants to follow its path and store video data as MPEG4 anyway (less data throughput necessary). Full size, medium quality MPEG4 with 128 kbps stereo MPEG4 audio (AAC) only comes to about 110 KB/sec, this shouldn't really be a problem for iPod's harddisk. The main problem with MPEG4 recording will probably be sufficient encoding speed...
  • Reply 28 of 45
    muahmuah Posts: 165member
    What type of things would you be doing *while* watching a video on-the-go? Music is a good mobile activity because your brain can rest while it is playing. You have to process video and understand plot lines etc. so it doesn't make for a good "while you are doing something else" activity.
  • Reply 29 of 45

    Originally posted by muah

    What type of things would you be doing *while* watching a video on-the-go? Music is a good mobile activity because your brain can rest while it is playing. You have to process video and understand plot lines etc. so it doesn't make for a good "while you are doing something else" activity.

    Well, travelling.. By bus, train, boat, plane... And in Starbucks... Waiting for your girlfriend to arrive...
  • Reply 30 of 45
    formatc2formatc2 Posts: 176member

    Originally posted by Carson O'Genic

    If the vidoePod works as a Tivo device

    I'll take your comment to the next level.

    I'd like the Video iPod to work in tandem with Tivo. Meaning sync with Tivo, to get shows to watch on the go.

    I'd like to watch during lunch the episode of American Choppers I missed last night, because I fell asleep.

    I guess this would be an extremely niche product...
  • Reply 31 of 45
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Originally posted by muah

    What type of things would you be doing *while* watching a video on-the-go? Music is a good mobile activity because your brain can rest while it is playing. You have to process video and understand plot lines etc. so it doesn't make for a good "while you are doing something else" activity.

    Do you know how many people are reading and watching TV while doing stairmasters at the local gym?!?!? They could follow video content.

    If you can't follow the plot line of a trailer or music video then maybe you should up your medication.

    Sorry, but why do so many people think that movies with plots are the point of an iPod AV anyway? Think 5 to 10 minute stuff....think Pixar animation shorts...think iChat AV type messages....think of Flash clips and future entertainment Keynote presentations...think of how many people watch little webstreams (Jobs keynotes)that are 3" diagonal on their 20" Cinema displays and don't think about how much screen they aren't using.....just think of NEW forms of video media!! With a "pause" button you could watch a longer program in stages as you can take it in.
  • Reply 32 of 45
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Hmm, something just occurred to me. An iPod AV about the same size as the existing 40GB iPod with a screen covering nearly the whole front surface. Flush controls along one side. Widescreen format. Imagine an iPod in landscape mode with controls on top edge.

    Here's an even wilder idea. Touch controls on screen surface. Touch the screen and controls appear.

    As MacGregor said, you could watch this thing lots of places. I'm thinking of a waiting room, on a plane, a gym, etc. You could have your iPhotos on it and pass it around at a family gathering, for example. You could have slideshows with music.

    If Apple could make this work with a 1.8" HD using MPEG-4, it'd be very cool. What if it had an onboard chip that could convert DV to MPEG-4 in real time. I guess that's asking too much.
  • Reply 33 of 45
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    Yeah, it might be cool for the interface to be all software, no more physical wheel or tracking wheel, like it is currently. Very futuristic, "Newtony" type stuff. I want one.
  • Reply 34 of 45
    beigeuserbeigeuser Posts: 371member
    Not that I would want anything like this, here's creative's idea of a vPod.
  • Reply 35 of 45
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Buy the song AND download the video from iTMS.
  • Reply 36 of 45
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
  • Reply 37 of 45
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Originally posted by BeigeUser

    Not that I would want anything like this, here's creative's idea of a vPod.

    Yeah...that one won't fly.
  • Reply 38 of 45
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Ok let's bring some sanity to this subject

    The iPod is popular because portable music players have always been popular.

    1. The typical song is only roughly 4 minutes which means there may be a lot of shuffling between tracks.

    2. Music can be listened to while you do other things. It doesn't require your full attention to reap the rewards.

    3. Music files are much smaller and require less processing power.

    4. The sheer amount of music available dwarfs just about any other type of media content.

    Now let's look at video in the same scenarios

    1. Unless you like commercials your typical video programming would be over 10 minutes. Not much of a benefit to shuffle these around.

    2. Video requires you to listen AND look. I can't exercise as comfortable while watching a small screen.

    3. Video is large even with today efficient compression technology. It requires more computing horsepower and Apple wouldn't be able to save battery power by loading video into ram.

    4. Just what are people going to watch on the road that they couldn't wait until later to do? Just in sheer presentation a typical 27" TV is going to present a much better experience than a small LCD color screen in a portable device.

    If Apple attempts to create a video iPod it will rival the Pippin for Apple disasters.

    How do I know it won't sell. Because most of the people asking for them don't have portable dvd players. They just seem to assume that the ipod is popular and therefore video would be the next logical step.

    Consumers are pretty clear about what they like with video.

    1. Timeshifting. Primetime diminishes with each passing year as consumer realize they don't have to be slaves to their TV. They can purchase DVRs or VCR and record the shows they are interested in for viewing later.

    2. Replacing commericals with desired content- Consumers watch roughly %25 commercials for every hour of programming. That's way too much and the ability to lessen the time it takes to watch a show means more time for more programming.

    3. Quality- Finally you can get large screens without going broke(unless you're talking HDTV). Consumers are really in no rush to go to miniscule screens when they have access to screen real estate of todays TV.

    I just don't see where a video iPod addresses a pent up demand in consumers.
  • Reply 39 of 45

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    2. Music can be listened to while you do other things. It doesn't require your full attention to reap the rewards.

    yeah, people said the exact same thing about television when it started to compete with the radio
  • Reply 40 of 45
    If Apple has glasses like Sony have with two litlle tft displays in it. We could plug it into the iPod and see MPEG 4 movies. This with a good price not like Sony's.

    As reported by MOSR, I think that Apple will release a digital hub with wireless communiation with the computer and an input for iPods. This digital hub could be connected to the HiFi stereo, TV, projector, etc.

    I think also that the Xserve G5 is delayed because they planned to release MacOS 10.3.3 at the same time. They are a little late with the Update. There is no problem with component delivery.
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