new mouse-trackpad?



  • Reply 21 of 27
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by emig647

    WOW what is the big deal about 2 button mice!? Just because macs ship with 1 button mice does NOT mean that devs follow that guideline. At the moment I can't think of one program that doesn't support the 2nd mouse button.

    And the Academy Award for Utterly Missing the Point goes to...

    Yeah, they support the 2nd button... no freaking duh. They support it because the frameworks *make it easy to*. That as *ZERO* to do with whether or not that functionality can be found elsewhere. ZERO. NADA. ZIP.

    Forget it, you're just not getting the point, either willfully or not, you're not getting it. This is going nowhere fast.


    Jesus... what is the big deal?!

    As evidenced by this.

    You want a second button, buy another mouse. It's just that simple. A BTO mouse option would be idiotic.
  • Reply 22 of 27
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    And the Academy Award for Utterly Missing the Point goes to...

    Yeah, they support the 2nd button... no freaking duh. They support it because the frameworks *make it easy to*. That as *ZERO* to do with whether or not that functionality can be found elsewhere. ZERO. NADA. ZIP.

    Forget it, you're just not getting the point, either willfully or not, you're not getting it. This is going nowhere fast.

    As evidenced by this.

    You want a second button, buy another mouse. It's just that simple. A BTO mouse option would be idiotic.

    I agree,

    Some apps list a 3 button mouse as pre-required for the application.

    Shake, and Maya are two of them, but there is no real reason to list one as a BTO option at the Apple store IMO.

    I don't even see why Apple should include one in a box with Shake. The only thing the user is going to do is buy the 3 button mouse they would prefer regardless. Which is just another reason why they don't need to waste any money on adding another button in the first place.

    The mouse Apple provides is perfect for it's purpose. It's up to date technology wise, and it's good enough for everyday regular computing use. Some professionals may require more functionality out of a mouse, but they can easily buy the one that suits them best from any computer store, or online.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    nevoznevoz Posts: 44member
    I think that the new apple mouse controlled with the finger will be something more and something different then 2/3 buttons mouse.
  • Reply 24 of 27
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I'm going to wait for Alex Chiu to invent the perfect pointing device and discussions like this one will be things of the past.
  • Reply 25 of 27
    @homenow@homenow Posts: 998member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    I must disagree with the pro's need more mouse buttons sentiment.

    They don't.

    Applications with really complex input need so many buttons that even multibutton mice are ruled out. They either use specialized keyboards, like all those FCP keyboards, or specialized control surfaces like those employed in music production, or even graphics tablets in the case of visual artists. If the one button mouse is a limitation, your next step up should be one of these, even something as simple as a shuttle pro.

    It's all about ergos and UI design, NOT idiot proofing, though a degree of idiot proofing comes about as a result.

    GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE MOUSE! It's bad both for you, and the way you think about your apps.

    Come on, I want a 10 button mouse!!!!!

    Honestly though, I have a 2 button mouse at home, and a one button at work. For all the graphic applications that I regularly use I keep at least 1 hand on the keyboard for short cuts. It's much faster to hit Control-K, tab to the field, enter the number and return than it is to right click, scroll down to the menu option, then still have to switch to the keyboard to enter info.

    I'm playing around with a tablet at work now, hoping that I can get used to it. The nice thing about that though is that the control panel let's the user set up how the extra "buttons" work, system wide or program specific, which makes more sense than having programer's who never really "Use" the program force the user to conform to the "team's" sometime misguided or poorly thought out template. (Programmers don't take offense, but look at how long it has taken Abobe to get their program teams to stick to a unified control key layout.)
  • Reply 26 of 27
    murkmurk Posts: 935member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    I'm going to wait for Alex Chiu to invent the perfect pointing device and discussions like this one will be things of the past.

    Are you suggesting that Alex Chiu is now workng at Apple?
  • Reply 27 of 27
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member

    [b]Originally posted by Mac Voyer [/\\bi]

    ... The solution is simple. Make a mouse with two button functionality. But design it so that it looks and feels like a one button mouse...

    I'm typing this now from a bluetooth Apple keyboard, and pointing with the Apple bluetooth mouse. I bought them with my New Powerbook and love the functionality and portability they give me with my ALBook.

    I like the feel of the Apple mouse (both corded and wireless) but like the functionality of two buttons, but what I miss most is a scroll wheel.

    I've suggested before that Apple add two button functionality without changing the form factor of the Pro mouse. Much like MacVoyer posted, a mouse that "back clicks" by rocking the mouse backwards for the second mouse click would be ideal. Adding a simple scroll wheel, or even iPod like round disk to scroll with would be great.
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