Yet another ex-admin says they wanted Iraq right at 911



  • Reply 261 of 385
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by giant

    But, hey, why not just let snopes explain it all:

    You see I also extensively researched the "Clinton Body Count" (which is up to around 85 now) along with numerous other Cli9nton/Arkansas/Mena/INSLAW/Rose Law Firm/Raidy/DER/ARKLA...bla, bla, bla, incestuous spider-web of shady dealings. So this is a subject that I know a lot about, so do not pull your "you need to educate yourself" stuff, please.

    Both Clinton's were far from innocent bystanders throughout all of that if you did any research you would know that. But that is way off subject and I really did not want to open that can of worms, so I'll drop it now.

    You see, I asked you that question because I knew you were going to quote a federal agency of the government you proclaim is so incompetent.

    Now I see why you do not want Clinton brought up. My bad.
  • Reply 262 of 385
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    This thread is too funny. Is there a way to save it for future generations??? This is priceless.

    Anyways, I have resisted posting anymore(until now)for obvious reasons. It's become "painful" to read.

    It feels like I'm watching a worse than bad Rocky type movie. A guy is royally getting his *ss kicked in the ring, face completely deformed, eyes completely shut, bloodied face, teeth missing...lying on the floor unable to get up...yet still mustering enough strength to mutter..."is that all you got? you hit like a girl! come here you ****y! you ain't got nothing on me...come here!"

    By the way, what's that "goofle" you're all talking about? It's not working for me.

    P.S I should clarify....painfully funny to read.

    Clinton was controlled by martians, Gilsch. Don't you know?
  • Reply 263 of 385
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    This thread is too funny. Is there a way to save it for future generations??? This is priceless.

    Anyways, I have resisted posting anymore(until now)for obvious reasons. It's become "painful" to read.

    It feels like I'm watching a worse than bad Rocky type movie. A guy is royally getting his *ss kicked in the ring, face completely deformed, eyes completely shut, bloodied face, teeth missing...lying on the floor unable to get up...yet still mustering enough strength to mutter..."is that all you got? you hit like a girl! come here you ****y! you ain't got nothing on me...come here!"

    By the way, what's that "goofle" you're all talking about? It's not working for me.

    P.S I should clarify....painfully funny to read.

    The "goofle" reference is google. I mistyped it once and liked the sound of it so i adopted goofle as a substitute for google.

    I was mocking everyone that thinks google is the end all be all when it comes to authoritative sourcing. That is all that is about. Don't get me wrong I think it is a great tool for getting info, but just that, one tool.
  • Reply 264 of 385
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    I haven't exactly fallen for it. It is much like watching a 3 stooges episode. It amuses me to no end. I know I should turn it off because it is childish humor but I can't.'re a better man than me, Gunga Din!
  • Reply 265 of 385

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    [B]You see I also extensively researched the "Clinton Body Count" (which is up to around 85 now) along with numerous other Cli9nton/Arkansas/Mena/INSLAW/Rose Law Firm/Raidy/DER/ARKLA...bla, bla, bla, incestuous spider-web of shady dealings. So this is a subject that I know a lot about, so do not pull your "you need to educate yourself" stuff, please.

    I'm amazed that you can say that despite the fact that name after name on the CBC list is debunked at the Snopes site (see the LINK above for reference). Apparently you didn't bother to follow the LINK referenced above that says what you say is completely wrong.

    Once again with the facts that we are supposed to believe because you say you know them to be true. Please dazzle us with some LINKS, o educated one...
  • Reply 266 of 385
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member's just that the pre 9/11 logic here is starting to take on glue-sniffing proportions---I'm getting visions of Lloyd Bridges in the control tower in AIRPLANE.
  • Reply 267 of 385
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    This thread is too funny. Is there a way to save it for future generations??? This is priceless.

    Anyways, I have resisted posting anymore(until now)for obvious reasons. It's become "painful" to read.

    It feels like I'm watching a worse than bad Rocky type movie. A guy is royally getting his *ss kicked in the ring, face completely deformed, eyes completely shut, bloodied face, teeth missing...lying on the floor unable to get up...yet still mustering enough strength to mutter..."is that all you got? you hit like a girl! come here you ****y! you ain't got nothing on me...come here!"

    By the way, what's that "goofle" you're all talking about? It's not working for me.

    P.S I should clarify....painfully funny to read.

    I find it funny how words are put into my mouth and thoughts into my head. And everyone here seems to have this psychic ability to know what I am all about and exactly why I post what I do and what party affiliation I have or don't have. The fact that they know better than me is cool too.

    For the first month or two that I read these posts I got mad, then after that I started really observing people and their reaction to certain things and now I am totally amazed at the pure humor doled out in overabundance here in AO.

    I will admit that I help it along sometimes for selfish reasons, namely entertainment.
  • Reply 268 of 385
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    OMG! Naples is right!
  • Reply 269 of 385

    Originally posted by dmz's just that the pre 9/11 logic here is starting to take on glue-sniffing proportions---I'm getting visions of Lloyd Bridges in the control tower in AIRPLANE.

    Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Funny stuff alright - hey, cool we agree on one thing!

    Make that two things... there is definitely some glue sniffing going on around here.
  • Reply 270 of 385
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by dmz

    First and formost I am not, a "dude".

    Quote:'re a better man than me, Gunga Din!

    Ok, make up your mind. Man or woman?
  • Reply 271 of 385
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    I'm amazed that you can say that despite the fact that name after name on the CBC list is debunked at the Snopes site (see the LINK above for reference). Apparently you didn't bother to follow the LINK referenced above that says what you say is completely wrong.

    Once again with the facts that we are supposed to believe because you say you know them to be true. Please dazzle us with some LINKS, o educated one...

    I don't want to dazzle you. And quite frankly, you will never be dazzled by anything that I show you, because you probably have your mind set against me because of your self-afflicted preconceptions of me. So why bother, this whole thread is left vs. right from it's inception. You being whatever and me being labeled right because I don't agree with the notion of the thread.

    Almost every time I or anyone posts a link, no matter how valid it is "debunked" by a flurry of "links", meanwhile no-one here is trying to get to the bottom of anything. I find that most people just want to argue and declare themselves being "right". Look at giant, has he ever been wrong, if he has I haven't seen it, of course I am fairly new to these parts. How about jimmac? I mean, is that possible?

    I am not an intellectual giant, nor do I want to be. But I know the smell of dogshit when I smell it and I know not to eat yellow snow. But neither matters here.
  • Reply 272 of 385
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    I'm amazed that you can say that despite the fact that name after name on the CBC list is debunked at the Snopes site (see the LINK above for reference). Apparently you didn't bother to follow the LINK referenced above that says what you say is completely wrong.

    I love how snopes puts it:


    We shouldn't have to tell anyone not to believe this claptrap, but we will anyway.

  • Reply 273 of 385
    Naples, why don't you just admit that you can't provide any credible links that are more than fringe conspiracy theory sites?

    You don't have to be an intellectual giant to Google. Look at the Google page of top hits - other than Snopes, I see nothing but fringe sites like,,

    here's a few real gems....

    So yeah, if you are going to put up links to sites like these, they will be debunked. If you've got anything more credible (and I would hope so, if you are going to call the Snopes site as wrong and as right), then post it.

    Most of us post links to support things we assert to be fact and you are free to try debunk them if you want. Your reason for not posting links sounds pretty shallow - if posters ganging up on you bothered you so much, you'd quit posting. I suspect that the real reason you don't post links to support your "facts", or to debunk the links of others, is that you simply... can't.
  • Reply 274 of 385
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    here's a few real gems....

    LMAO. Those sites are "cute". I think the people who own those sites must be disgruntled angry people that couldn't get a job at Weekly World News.


    So yeah, if you are going to put up links to sites like these, they will be debunked. If you've got anything more credible then post it.

    Hey! Don't spoil our fun. I love those Jerry Springer-ish/National Enquirer sites. That's entertainment baby!

    I suspect that the real reason you don't post links to support your "facts", or to debunk the links of others, is that you simply... can't.

    ding ding ding ding ding ding.
  • Reply 275 of 385
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member
    Hey, don't slander the national enquirer!!! Who do you think broke the Jessie Jackson story? Now there's a reputable rag.
  • Reply 276 of 385
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    Naples, why don't you just admit that you can't provide any credible links that are more than fringe conspiracy theory sites?

    You don't have to be an intellectual giant to Google. Look at the Google page of top hits - other than Snopes, I see nothing but fringe sites like,,

    here's a few real gems....

    So yeah, if you are going to put up links to sites like these, they will be debunked. If you've got anything more credible (and I would hope so, if you are going to call the Snopes site as wrong and as right), then post it.

    Most of us post links to support things we assert to be fact and you are free to try debunk them if you want. Your reason for not posting links sounds pretty shallow - if posters ganging up on you bothered you so much, you'd quit posting. I suspect that the real reason you don't post links to support your "facts", or to debunk the links of others, is that you simply... can't.

    Well like i said, it matters not what I post, it will be so-called "debunked" for one reason or another, no matter how trivial. You know it, I know it. So let's not fool ourselves here.

    I don't know about all of the sites that you quote except one. That would be It is the website of a Pittsburgh morning talk show. It has been around for a long while and I listened to it for 3 years when I lived in Pitt and I would not call it a conspiracy website. It is more along the lines of Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh and the host is pretty credible. So if that is how you judge sources, that just proves my point.

    As far as the CBC thing goes no self respecting person believes the things you guys have accused me of, but that really doesn't matter now that the AO experts have spoken. You know who i am talking about. The CBC is a very enlightening list and is worth looking at if only for information purposes. The whole Clinton/Arkansas Mafia/Mena/.... thing is also very eye opening and exposes the sheer and blatant corruption in Arkansas government during at last the last 30-40 years there. Clinton or his wife is at least indirectly connected to so many shady things that it would blow your mind. Many books have been written on it so why take it from me, I am just one of those alien conspiracy freaks.

    But that is a discussion for another time and no-one really cares about that now that a really bad guy is in office and he has to be ejected. That's OK go about your Bush bashing.
  • Reply 277 of 385
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Feast your eyes on the Bush Body Count
  • Reply 278 of 385
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    BTW, Salon has an interview with Clarke.

    Too tired to go through it for good parts right now.

    If you don't know about getting the Salon Premium' it is very easy, no e-mails and takes a few seconds then you can read the whole article.
  • Reply 279 of 385
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by addabox


    Feast your eyes on the Bush Body Count

    What is your point?

    This could just as easily be called "Congress Body Count" or "UN Failure Body Count".

    The best description would be "SH Body Count"

    But hey I don't want to post any "linkies" from a google search, so I have to be totally wrong in my thinking. That is the predominant think here right?
  • Reply 280 of 385
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by giant

    Yeah, talk about a double standard. The bush admin is infallible, but Clinton had death squads killing his own staff.

    Somehow missed this post.

    Where did I ever assert that Bush was infallible, or that clinton killed his own staff?

    I guess I did cause you say I did. I will have to look back.

    When did I say anything about death squads?

    My memory must be going.
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