PowerBook G5: No time soon.



  • Reply 41 of 54
    jadejade Posts: 379member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Yes and no. The FSB of the latest Pentium 4's is 200Mhz. A lot of laptops still use the 133Mhz IIRC. The fact that it's "Quad pumped" doesn't mean a whole lot for a laptop without a memory architecture that supports it.

    Centrino notebooks have 400mhz FSB

    Centrino specs

    Pentium 4-m's do too

    p4m specs

    Celeron Mobile 400 FSB

    Celeron m specs

    mobile celeron: all the recent ones have 400 mhz FSB

    mobile celeron

    Mobile Athalon 64 up to 1.6 FSB


    So even the cheapest Celeron laptops have 2.4x the FSB of our highend powerbooks.

    I don't believe it willl be a huge battery drain since average ACTUAL USE battey life on a Centrino is about 3.5h on a regular battery.
  • Reply 42 of 54

    Originally posted by jade

    Centrino notebooks have 400mhz FSB



    check out page 27

    the buses you mention are (all?) QDR buses. in other words, the centrino bus runs at 100MHz, and tries to read/write four times per clock.

    and for reference, the current implementation of the ppc970 'elastic' bus uses a 400/450/500MHz clock, "double pumped" to acheive 800/900/1000MHz effective rate.

    [edit] the "400MHz bus" is kind of marketing crap. yes the total theoretical throughput is four times higher than the same bus @ SDR, but the data feeding that bus has to come from elsewhere, either from main memory (333 DDR usually), or one of the many SDR devices/channels. quarter-cycle misses and many asyncronous buses can lead to much lower real throughput. also, identifying state/phase (proper quartercycle) is much tougher on QDR than DDR, and makes it much tougher to scale the base clock. IE, it'll be a while before you see centrinos with "800MHz FSB" (really only 200MHz). [/edit]
  • Reply 43 of 54
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member

    Originally posted by Neø

    i agree with that G5 is too hot to be inside a laptop...

    ...the used PowerBook G4 that i'm gonna get gets pretty hot then resting on my lap(i've used it a few times).....and freezes or locks up shortly after the temperatures get unbearable...and imagine a G5 powered one ...THE NEW G5 PowerToaster...


  • Reply 44 of 54

    Originally posted by concentricity


    check out page 27

    the buses you mention are (all?) QDR buses.

    The only one that is not QDR is the Athalon 64.It has a double pumped 800 mghz bus (thus the 1600 they claim) but it is only 16 bits wide,both directions.
  • Reply 45 of 54
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    I thought it was time for a little reality check. As a member here since speculation about Pismo was running rampant, I think it's time to chime in.

    The G5 Powerbook is not even close to being imminent. Do I have inside info? Nope. But, there is absolutely no reason to think that a G5 PowerBook is coming anytime before next January. I'm actually thinking next spring.


    1. The G5 is extremely hot. Shoving it into a laptop is not going to be easy, and is probably going to require liquid cooling. My Albook gets very warm, and it only has a 1.25GHZ G4 in it.

    2. The G5 is a power hog. Battery life is going to be an issue. Even with the current PB, battery life could be better.

    3. The current PB's are still selling well. They're also quite fast. I'd look for a speed bump with updated graphics cards sometime in late spring/early summer.

    4. Historical precendent shows it took over a year to get the G4 Powerbook to market after the G4 Desktop came to market. G5's didn't even really ship until what? September?

    I could be wrong, but I'd be very surprised if a G5 PB came out before next January. I'm all but certain it will not happen before the fall. With all the rumors circulating, you'd think the G5 PowerBook was ready to go. No way.

    hmmm as i hear that i agree against my hopes? just like the yankees going winless in a season but i could a slogan "Its, inaugeration day, a democrat is president again, why dont [I]you[/I get a fresh start, a fast start, a portable start? introducing the new G5 PowerBooks
  • Reply 46 of 54
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by PS5533

    hmmm as i hear that i agree against my hopes? just like the yankees going winless in a season but i could a slogan "Its, inaugeration day, a democrat is president again, why dont [I]you[/I get a fresh start, a fast start, a portable start? introducing the new G5 PowerBooks

    Uhm, shut up.
  • Reply 47 of 54
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member
    what part of my last post was that directed at?
  • Reply 48 of 54
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by PS5533

    what part of my last post was that directed at?

    Nevermind...however I do believe that this April we will see G5 PowerBooks.
  • Reply 49 of 54
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Nevermind...however I do believe that this April we will see G5 PowerBooks.

    i hope we will but i dont think we will sorry....not nocking on wood i'd acutally rather be wrong on this one
  • Reply 50 of 54
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Nevermind...however I do believe that this April we will see G5 PowerBooks.

    I'm beginning to like you quite a lot for your determination that this machine will appear soon.

    I would really like to see it come out before August....I will be able to work this summer AND will not be spending as much on school.....so, well....the thought of getting one is like an unbearably itchy itch.
  • Reply 51 of 54
    jadejade Posts: 379member
    At this point i would be excited if anything new came up...new mouse, keyboard...mousepad!
  • Reply 52 of 54
    mordakmordak Posts: 168member
    i only wish apple would say something about where they are--then i could plan a purchase of some sort
  • Reply 53 of 54
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    We're probably right on the cusp of a period with some good, long-awaited activity.

    That NAB event ("moving pictures, moving sound") is in a couple of weeks, then WWDC not too far after that. You've got the school buying season also. Combine all that with the fact that so much of their hardware line-up is practically gasping for a refresh/update of some sort...

    The G5s, iMacs, the laptops, displays and even the eMac are pretty much all candidates for a bump, redesign, update, etc.

    Add all the above together and I'd have to believe that it can't stay this quiet for too much longer.
  • Reply 54 of 54
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by pscates

    We're probably right on the cusp of a period with some good, long-awaited activity..

    yup, or if not that, then we are on the cusp of the cusp or the cusp of the cusp of the cusp.

    Go away ya bother me!

    Seriously though, apple has been quiet as a lame(sic) lately, something is up, It's been so long that really, anything is possible. Except new powerbooks, I think the current crop will last a while.
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