Walmart fights to build store in minority neighborhood



  • Reply 41 of 46
    tmptmp Posts: 601member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Inglewood Crime

    Total Crime: \t177 \t

    Personal Crime: 236

    There you go again...

    Inglewood crime stats

    Santa Monica crime stats

    West Hollywood crime stats

    and for comparison:

    Compton crime stats


    Greater LA crime stats

    Hmm, what's just east of Inglewood? That would be Watts, South Central, and Compton.

    Inglewood is a middle class city. It does not have the resources of a city like Beverly Hills, which can afford a really heavy police presence, and still manages to have more burglaries and robberies than the national average.

    Clearly Santa Monica and West Hollywood are hell-holes.


    The Walmart is being built by the Forum. Are you telling me that there isn't the means to handle the traffic rountinely generated by the traffic at the Forum?

    The forum isn't used every day, and you obviously haven't been there. It's a traffic nightmare when it is having an event.


    This is all because this is the first super center and will sell groceries.

    This is also because Walmart has tried to do an end run around a city's zoning requirements and spent a fortune to do so. Too bad the gullible citizens of Inglewood voted it down nearly 2 to 1


    As for Ralphs, I use to rountinely go into these supermarkets, including Ralphs and complain to the managers about why I, as a teacher could buy 20 different brands of Malt Liquor, but couldn't find any school supplies to speak of, and yes they still charge more. They aren't as exploitive as say, the Korean grocery shop owners, but they are still more expensive.

    If you want school supplies, you should be going to Staples. There's a nice big one in yes, Inglewood.
  • Reply 42 of 46
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    They say the same thing about Home Depot, Microsoft, Dell, etc. That same article also mentioned dozens of companies that got their crap together as a result of Walmart as well.

    Imagine Apple trying to make a deal with Walmart. 30% margins, average retail price going up when the rest of the industry is going down, half the specs for twice the price, products arriving months late along with large numbers of warrenty debacles.

    Imagine Walmart forcing a company like that to shape up. That doesn't sound terrible at all to me.


    Actually, if Apple were obliged to use Walmart as a primary channel they would go out of business.

    Walmart would demand they lower their prices continuously, driving them to start to cut corners and surrender margains. (Walmart could extract these concessions because in this scenario it is the primary channel and to lose the Walmart deal would be to loose a huge chunk of sales). While shrinking prices might please Apple consumers in the short term, such a trend would be disasterous, since Apple doesn't compete so much on price as quality and innovation.

    As margains fell and profits shrank, there would enormous pressure to achieve new "efficiencies", i.e. cutting R&D, using cheaper materials, slowing the pace of innovation, and cutting manufacturing costs.

    Do you really think Apple could be Dell with a different OS and survive?
  • Reply 43 of 46
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by tmp

    [B]There you go again...

    Inglewood crime stats

    Santa Monica crime stats

    West Hollywood crime stats

    and for comparison:

    Compton crime stats


    Greater LA crime stats

    Hmm, what's just east of Inglewood? That would be Watts, South Central, and Compton.

    Inglewood is a middle class city. It does not have the resources of a city like Beverly Hills, which can afford a really heavy police presence, and still manages to have more burglaries and robberies than the national average.

    Clearly Santa Monica and West Hollywood are hell-holes.


    The forum isn't used every day, and you obviously haven't been there. It's a traffic nightmare when it is having an event.


    This is also because Walmart has tried to do an end run around a city's zoning requirements and spent a fortune to do so. Too bad the gullible citizens of Inglewood voted it down nearly 2 to 1

    If you want school supplies, you should be going to Staples. There's a nice big one in yes, Inglewood.

    Two points. Yes I do consider Santa Monica a hell hole. Espcially all the rent controlled sections. I pretty much consider all of LA COUNTY a hell hole.

    Secondly, the Staples you pointed to was built right in the same area the Walmart was proposed. But I guess that was okay since they weren't trying to strong arm union concessions out of the with the city/state government or because Staples doesn't sell groceries.

    As for the vote, it was an amazingly low turn out and yes the people bought into the scare tactics. Oh well their loss. I said the same thing in Long Beach when they turned down the Disney project involving an entire theme park built around the Queen Mary. They wallowed in and suffered for that loss for years. Too bad for stupid people, they deserve what they get/vote.

  • Reply 44 of 46
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by addabox

    Actually, if Apple were obliged to use Walmart as a primary channel they would go out of business.

    Walmart would demand they lower their prices continuously, driving them to start to cut corners and surrender margains. (Walmart could extract these concessions because in this scenario it is the primary channel and to lose the Walmart deal would be to loose a huge chunk of sales). While shrinking prices might please Apple consumers in the short term, such a trend would be disasterous, since Apple doesn't compete so much on price as quality and innovation.

    As margains fell and profits shrank, there would enormous pressure to achieve new "efficiencies", i.e. cutting R&D, using cheaper materials, slowing the pace of innovation, and cutting manufacturing costs.

    Do you really think Apple could be Dell with a different OS and survive?

    Apple already is going out of business. This coming from the guy who has owned them sinec 1991. They marketshare continues to shrink year after year. They treat major developers like crap. Their dealer network is suing them. The iPod is a home-run carrying them for a while, but the margins on that product are shrinking whether it is sold at Walmart or not. It is the nature of consumer electronics. Apple is bucking the trend. If they were selling DVD players, they would off a $400,$500 and $600 model and have 2% marketshare. Worse still they would subcontract the making of their DVD players to Apex, and then reap the 30% profit margin, buy Steve a jet a give him millions in stock options, while sinking the company ever deeper with another round of non-improvement.

    That is exactly what is happening. Only Steve's marketing and location/politics cover it up.

  • Reply 45 of 46
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Apple already is going out of business. This coming from the guy who has owned them sinec 1991. They marketshare continues to shrink year after year. They treat major developers like crap. Their dealer network is suing them. The iPod is a home-run carrying them for a while, but the margins on that product are shrinking whether it is sold at Walmart or not. It is the nature of consumer electronics. Apple is bucking the trend. If they were selling DVD players, they would off a $400,$500 and $600 model and have 2% marketshare. Worse still they would subcontract the making of their DVD players to Apex, and then reap the 30% profit margin, buy Steve a jet a give him millions in stock options, while sinking the company ever deeper with another round of non-improvement.

    That is exactly what is happening. Only Steve's marketing and location/politics cover it up.


    Why don't you post this theory in the general discussion portion of AI. Just remember that outisde of AO they aren't very happy with angry ideologues.
  • Reply 46 of 46
    tmptmp Posts: 601member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Two points. Yes I do consider Santa Monica a hell hole. Espcially all the rent controlled sections. I pretty much consider all of LA COUNTY a hell hole.

    Secondly, the Staples you pointed to was built right in the same area the Walmart was proposed. But I guess that was okay since they weren't trying to strong arm union concessions out of the with the city/state government or because Staples doesn't sell groceries.

    1)Your opinion of Santa Monica is your opionion. Thousands of others hold a different one. I won't diss your backyard, don't diss mine.

    All of Santa Monica is the "rent-controlled" section, it's a city wide ordinanace.

    On behalf of all of LA County, you are welcome to stay home.

    2)Saying the Staples I pointed out is near where the Wal-Mart would be built is pointless. That's the area zoned for business. It's not like Inglewood is that big.

    I can't build a big department store in my neighborhood on the business-zoned blocks of Beverly even though there's a three around the corner on Wilshire. It's not zoned anything over a certain size, which is why there's no Bloomingdales and no 12-screen cinema, and if the residents have their way, no 8 story hotel.

    It's called trying to strong arm their way into a community that didn't want them. It's called throwing over a million dollars around to try to circumvent what the people of the community want in terms of zoning and traffic. They lost. Get over it.
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