What do you want to see in an iMac update?



  • Reply 41 of 51
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member

    Originally posted by oldmacfan

    And the prices would be?

    $1299, $1799, $2199 of course. :-)
  • Reply 42 of 51
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member

    Originally posted by JCG

    From Low End Mac:

    ... and the current G4 Power Mac is how old? Yes the "current" model was released in June 2003, however they started shipping 1.25 Ghz G4 PowerMacs in August 2002. So the main system is going on 2 years old, with an updated case. To me that just shows how poorely priced the current G4 PowerMac is, not how "competatively" priced the iMac 20" is.

    You're absolutely right, of course. But the average buyer doesn't have your level of knowledge.
  • Reply 43 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    I think the fact that new iMacs were not released today surely means that Apple are waiting on the 90nm 970FX chips from IBM for the update. There is no other reason IMO why Apple would not release 1.5ghz G4 iMacs today.
  • Reply 44 of 51

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    I think the fact that new iMacs were not released today surely means that Apple are waiting on the 90nm 970FX chips from IBM for the update. There is no other reason IMO why Apple would not release 1.5ghz G4 iMacs today.

    Unless they announce some big iPod thing tomorrow...
  • Reply 45 of 51

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    I think the fact that new iMacs were not released today surely means that Apple are waiting on the 90nm 970FX chips from IBM for the update. There is no other reason IMO why Apple would not release 1.5ghz G4 iMacs today.

    This is iTunes/iPod week, no iMac will steal Steve's thunder this week.
  • Reply 46 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Must have missed the iPod/tunes thing, will go off to investigate, Whats happening exactly?
  • Reply 47 of 51

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    I think the fact that new iMacs were not released today surely means that Apple are waiting on the 90nm 970FX chips from IBM for the update. There is no other reason IMO why Apple would not release 1.5ghz G4 iMacs today.

    I hope you are right but how long will we be waiting?

    There has hardly been any hints or rumours regarding the iMac.
  • Reply 48 of 51
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member

    Originally posted by Messiah

    You're absolutely right, of course. But the average buyer doesn't have your level of knowledge.

    Possibly, but worse for Apple is that the competition has low end computers at less than half the price with twice the clock frequency than the iMac or the PowerMac. Yea, yea, yea...I know the Mhz myth and all, but that doesn't make it to the sales floor at Best Buy or Comp USA so spare me the flame on it. The truth of the matter is that those numbers are used to sell computers. The customers possibly couldnt care less, but the sales person talks up the numbers steer the customer to the computer that they want to sell them.
  • Reply 49 of 51
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    We know that IBM has had problems with the production of the 90 nm chips and we'll know that those problems are solved when the PM gets a speed bump. Until then I do not see a new iMac.

    In general terms, I think that we will see a new generation iMac and that it will be a G5. There is simply no reason to engineer a new iMac design for the G4 chip.

    If history is any indication the new design will be something we cannot conceive today, it will wow us in terms of design, but we'll bitch about the price and a lot of people will come up with some technical enhancement that they feel should have been included. We'll also moan that the cost and missing pieces will kill the line - until it becomes clear that there is a huge backorder for the top of the line options and that we will have to wait 6 weeks before we can get ours.

    All we can do today is hope that IBM gets the production problems cleared up and starts pumping out the 90 nm G5s by the truck load.
  • Reply 50 of 51
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    I think the fact that new iMacs were not released today surely means that Apple are waiting on the 90nm 970FX chips from IBM for the update. There is no other reason IMO why Apple would not release 1.5ghz G4 iMacs today.

    Because Moto would NEED to supply a TON of 7447's (1.5G G4's) for the Powerbook (15/17) and the iMacs. So its possible that it could well be a CPU supply issue on the G4 side as well.

    Still its no excuse, they need to go 1.5G for ALL three models. The 15" is required to sell to SME customers (and the odd consumer - for choice).

    They also MUST reduce the pricing like the Powerbooks, apart from that this update is required ASAP.

    Just my 2 cents
  • Reply 51 of 51
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    It is clear that the iMac needs an overall power boost. More than that though, I think they need to decouple the monitor from the computer. Sell a headless iMac with a cool display. They could do that now. Let the post slide into the base then have a separate cable plug into the back of the base. This way in two or three years you could buy a new base and still use your monitor. Conversely, third parties could supply variations on the monitor (like one that rotates to portrait orientation).
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