A flattering photo.



  • Reply 21 of 25
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by Concord

    Clearly, visual aids are required here...


    Oh, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, thank you!!! Oh...breathe.
  • Reply 22 of 25
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member

    Originally posted by Jimzip

    Also, isn't that the 'Myriad' font? (I am so scared that I know that..)

    It probably is MS Trebuchet, Microsofts direct rip of Myriad since they didn't want to license it. But if isn't that its Myriad or some new variant of trebuceht.
  • Reply 23 of 25
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by Concord

    Clearly, visual aids are required here...


    What's wrong with that hat, anyway?
  • Reply 24 of 25
    That is indeed a variant of Myriad. It's not the disgusting Trebuchet because the lowercase i lacks Trebuchet's faux-serif. It's not Frutiger because the dot on the lowercase i is round, not square.

    It's also not the same variant of Myriad that Apple uses (the new Myriad Pro) though, because the stems of the uppercase M are vertical, unlike the much more graceful diagonal stems in Apple's Myriad. Also, the counter of the lowercase e overhangs its bottom stroke, unlike Myriad Pro.

    This is the one thing I'm good at. Let me enjoy it.
  • Reply 25 of 25
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member

    Originally posted by aimakesmeyawn

    ... unlike Myriad Pro.

    This is the one thing I'm good at. Let me enjoy it.

    I can see that.. And I shall not intervene, you know your fonts..

    Like my 2D teacher, he loves his fonts..

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