Prom 2004-Messiahtosh's Experience



  • Reply 81 of 93
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Gah. Get your shit together young man. This might be the first time your heart's been busted, but it most certainly won't be the last.

    Tell you up the backstabbing chick (yes, chester's right, she ratted you out) and ask her out (and she will go out with you, even if she's only playing 'double agent' for her friend). Say NOTHING about your prom chick even if she prys. Or maybe just mention that she wasn't interested in you and you're OK with that. Have FUN with this girl, and I guarantee your prom chick will be calling (even though I wouldn't go out with her again if I were you, but that's just my experience talking).

    Heck, maybe you'll like backstabbing chick.
  • Reply 82 of 93
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I thought we didn't like playing games

    Sprout some balls Messiahtosh. Be a man.
  • Reply 83 of 93

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    A bunch of complete strangers all over the planet are right behind you, if that's any help.


    Got a bit harsh in here pretty quick
  • Reply 84 of 93

    Originally posted by Scott

    I thought we didn't like playing games

    Sprout some balls Messiahtosh. Be a man.

    Actually, I'm with Scott.

    Playing games in this situation is just as likely to be utterly transparent and make you look foolish, or be counter-productive, as bring this Kristin girl to her (metaphorical) knees. If you will.

    Stay out of her way. Don't call her unless you can be yourself.

    Actually, ignore this and all advice. It all depends on what the two of you are like. I don't know.

    If you know that honesty's not going to get you what you want then do nothing at all.

    I do know that if you write poetry DO NOT SEND IT TO HER. Keep your dignity.
  • Reply 85 of 93
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member
    Keep your dignity.... riiiiiiight....


    First, collect a group of like-minded angst ridden teenage males. Second, purchase lots o liquor. Third, get video camera/stand. Forth, set up video camera/stand in room where drinking/driking games will be held. Fifth, collect prom pictures of all like minded angst ridden teenage males in the group. Sixth, start video camera. Seventh, begin drinking. Eighth, wake up with hangover, turn off camera, go back to bed. Nineth, edit film just as hang over is ending. Tenth, send film anonymously to all of the prom dates of the angst ridden teenage males who were present for the drinking.

    Sit back and laugh your ass off for the rest of your life...

    War's a bitch ain't it?
  • Reply 86 of 93
    crazychestercrazychester Posts: 1,339member
    Oh god. Where's Carol anyway? I'm torifile's personal relationship advisor. Everybody else is her responsibility. CAROL! GET OUT OF THE BATH NOW!

    Oh alright.....

    Messiahtosh, she obviously wasn't good enough for you. You can do better. Hell, you deserve better. So chin up old son, and go find yourself a nice girl worthy of a young man with your style, personality and charisma.

    (However, you should also repeat what Hassan said about not sending poetry a thousand times until it's burnt into your brain.)
  • Reply 87 of 93
    I've always felt that burning yourself alive while reading your poetry to a lover who has scorned you was much more dramatic than just having the postman deliver it in an envelope.

    Calling the backstabber to try to yodel in her valley of love is just flat out a bad idea. First of all, she isn't a back stabber. If she is friends with the chick you are giddy over to a much greater extent than you then it was predictable and not necessarily wrong of her to tell her friend that you were smitten. Second of all, while the idea of porking Miss Prom's friend may hold some appeal, for you to flip the script so quick and make a play for Friend Girl after you just told Friend Girl that you wanted to get it on with Miss Prom will make you seem like a manwhore. So she's unlikely to let you play Hide the Salami. Unless of course she's just a horny little girl looking to use you for your Willy Wonka bar. Which isn't the worst thing in the world really. But if that's the case then you don't really gain any leverage over Prom Girl emotionally. My advice would be to feel sickly in love for a while but recognize that you are just getting started and truth is you don't love her a bit. You just love the idea of getting a girl like that. Best thing to do in that situation is get some ass and then let the relationship happen where it will which it will once you've learned more emotionally while going through the process of getting ass. Alternatively, you could just pine and sulk for a while and then get nothing out of her or any other lady in the near term.
  • Reply 88 of 93
  • Reply 89 of 93
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    Oh god. Where's Carol anyway? I'm torifile's personal relationship advisor. Everybody else is her responsibility. CAROL! GET OUT OF THE BATH NOW!

    Oh alright.....

    Messiahtosh, she obviously wasn't good enough for you. You can do better. Hell, you deserve better. So chin up old son, and go find yourself a nice girl worthy of a young man with your style, personality and charisma.

    (However, you should also repeat what Hassan said about not sending poetry a thousand times until it's burnt into your brain.)

    I actually sent Chris a PM hours ago, but I haven't heard from him. Maybe he's been hanging out with friends this evening. I hope so. I think he needs to spend some time with a few other girls to get his mind off Kristin.

    Of course, there is something to be said for 'truly' suffering for awhile - and 'then' letting it go. I have written some pretty good songs while in emotional states; though I have to say, the ones I wrote while 'devastated by love' really sucked. The good songs were usually about love, lust, passion - filled with positive energy - as opposed to my gloomy, sucky, morose ones.

    I think Chris needs some time away from this board. We all mean well; but his feelings are pretty raw and painful right now and can't stand much abrasion.

    I haven't actually taken a bath yet tonight, but now that you mention it, I think I will. I have some new citrus bubbles I want to try.

    You're torifile's relationship guru? But...isn't he a psychologist???? You get torifile, and I get everybody else? Hmmm. Don't those numbers seem a tad askew? 'Course, math never was my strong suit.
  • Reply 90 of 93
    crazychestercrazychester Posts: 1,339member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    You're torifile's relationship guru? But...isn't he a psychologist???? You get torifile, and I get everybody else? Hmmm. Don't those numbers seem a tad askew? 'Course, math never was my strong suit.

    Yeah but that's because, as clearly evidenced by this thread, I lack your sensitivity in dealing with these matters.

    Besides my advice to torifile is always the same:

    Give in

    Don't argue

    Buy her something really expensive
  • Reply 91 of 93
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    Besides my advice to torifile is always the same:

    Give in

    Don't argue

    Buy her something really expensive

  • Reply 92 of 93
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by 709

    Gah. Get your shit together young man. This might be the first time your heart's been busted, but it most certainly won't be the last.

    Tell you up the backstabbing chick (yes, chester's right, she ratted you out) and ask her out (and she will go out with you, even if she's only playing 'double agent' for her friend). Say NOTHING about your prom chick even if she prys. Or maybe just mention that she wasn't interested in you and you're OK with that. Have FUN with this girl, and I guarantee your prom chick will be calling (even though I wouldn't go out with her again if I were you, but that's just my experience talking).

    Heck, maybe you'll like backstabbing chick.

    Hear Hear!
  • Reply 93 of 93
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    I do know that if you write poetry DO NOT SEND IT TO HER. Keep your dignity.

    I'm going to take this time to sponsor a new approach I've been using. As you may know, I have 3 weeks of college left. (getting close to 2 weeks) For the past month or so I have been utilizing the "drunken email shotgun approach," and I must say that it ain't so bad.

    Basically, every girl I run into who I think is cute will get the drunken email. Every now and then you get a reply, but really it's more about the entertainment value of reading your sent box when you're sober. Second, I'm convinced that many girls actually like the attention.

    Anyway, my personal best was about a week ago when I ran into some chick named "Emily." Now, I couldn't remember her last name, but I did remember that she was a sophomore, so I just send the damn email to every sophomore Emily. Too much fun.

    The next best one is purely on content. On Easter, we won the championship rugby game, and got good hammered. I stumbled into a friend's room, where a female friend of his was watching TV. We had a brief converstation. She was cool, and hot. An hour later came this gem:


    Subject: [her name]!

    I must say, you are [friend's] most eccentric and best looking friend. Other than myself of course, in the sunburned, shirtless ensemble especially. If you're moving to Florida or not next year, drop me a line.

    Um. Apologies for the email if it's offensive. We just won ivies today and I've had one too many beers to make that judgement call.



    The "if you're moving to Florida or not," is gold.

    Anyway, there's something to be said for the matter-of-fact "you're hot" salutation. I ran into her the other day, and at the very least she knows EXACTLY who I am. Plus, it's just so damn fun.
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