Kerry Clark 04 ?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Place your bets..

Who will Kerry choose as a VP ?

I see Kerry Clark 04

I would almost put money on it.

If Clark is the choice I think it is all over for Bush and Co. Clark would appeal to middle of the road conservatives / moderates. Clark as VP would really create a heavyweight option to counter Bush in this war time.

It is true Clark did poorly in the primaries however as VP I think the ingredients would be just right for a victory in this presidential race.

Join in with your thoughts,



  • Reply 1 of 27
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    I really liked Clark. Too bad he didn't have enough time to "sound" like a politician. When is the VP announcement?

    I agree with you. It could turn out to be a very popular choice. I would love to vote for Clark.
  • Reply 2 of 27
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Clark has really relaxed since his campaign ended and did a great job delivering the Democratic Radio address last week as well as being on Meet the Press. From what I've heard, Clark is on Kerry's list but we won't know until Kerry makes the decision.
  • Reply 3 of 27
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Well now that there's this letter about Kerry's "qualifications" to be CIC, maybe Clark is more likely than he was before. Really all this guy has to offer Kerry is a strong record / experience on Defense matters and maybe some foreign policy matters. He doesn't really have much strength or experience in other areas.

    It would be great if Kerry could nab someone from the other party; how hilarious would it be if he asked McCain to run with him and McCain accepted. I know McCain has basically no faith in this administration and obviously has designs on campaign finance reform and other areas where government needs reworking.

    Could be a good ticket but I'm not sure what the rules are in that regard. Can a candidate pick a running mate from the other party? Does the VP choice have to announce a change in his party allegiance if he accepts? Etc...
  • Reply 4 of 27
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    i always like clark, wished he had started his campaign sooner...

    that being said, usually a VP is picked from an important state or region...not sure clark is southern enough or from an important enough state...time will tell

    i would easily vote for a kerry/clark ticket

    i would love to see a kerry/mccain ticket mostly because i hate how this country has become soooo hateful in its two party would be wonderful to have a cross party ticket (even if mccain is a bit insane) will never never never happen though...unless the repubs tick mccain off so much with talking about how it is ok to treat prisoners of war harshly...mccain wont like that much longer seeing his treatment in vietnam

  • Reply 5 of 27
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    1) McCain

    2) Clark


    17,248,923) Edwards
  • Reply 6 of 27
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    ha, i was waiting for kick to chime in

    dang that boy hates edwards

    edwards has about a 40% chance of being the vp choice

  • Reply 7 of 27
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    I know, that's the only reason I piped up.


    That would so *thoroughly* tick me off... but it'd figure. I always seem to back the loser.



    McCain in 2000.

    Clark in 2004.


    Wanna know who's going to win? WHOEVER I HATE THE MOST GAWDAMMIT!

    And while I'd vote for Kerry alone, you know... I mean you just *KNOW* that as soon as he selects Edwards for his VP, a bullet out there will have his name etched on it, and Edwards would take the big seat. Sheesh.
  • Reply 8 of 27
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    This story claims to have the 5 names on the short list:


    Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry is focusing on five potential running mates, including former party nomination rivals Senator John Edwards and retired General Wesley Clark, according to campaign and party officials familiar with the selection process.

    The others under consideration are Representative Richard Gephardt of St. Louis, Senator Bob Graham of Florida -- both of whom also made bids for the Democratic nomination -- and Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said. Kerry won't name his choice until next month, the officials said.

  • Reply 9 of 27
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    This is as good a list as any (CNN Veepstakes). I think Clark, Hillary Clinton, Richardson, and Edwards made the Final Four. I probably like Richardson or Edwards best as VP from those final matchups.
  • Reply 10 of 27
    existenceexistence Posts: 991member

    But I'm voting Nader anyway. Kerry is too conservative.
  • Reply 11 of 27
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    It's either Edwards or Clark. I think his best bet would be Edwards. Edwards' warm personality and positive approach makes him a nice balance for Kerry. There is a very remote chance that he'd pick Hillary, but I don't think the polling supports that choice.

    At this point, I'm thinking he'll go with Edwards. There is another possibility though, and that's Kerry not getting the nomination at the convention. I consider that very unlikely. However, what I hear is that there is concern with Kerry, because even after millions of dollars spent and no shortage of bad news (or dislike) for the President, he's still trailing...particularly in swing states. There is also a very serious lack of enthusiasm for Kerry. He's getting most of the anti-Bush vote, but not all of it with Nadar in the race. Ask yourself: Are you enthusiastic about Kerry, or just anti-Bush? I'm not telling you to change your vote, but Kerry cannot win if he doesn't energize his base in SUPPORT of himself.

    As for McCain, well...say it with me:

    "Never Gonna Happen".
  • Reply 12 of 27
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    What about Na-dar McCain? That'd get him on all 50 ballots.

  • Reply 13 of 27
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    It's either Edwards or Clark. I think his best bet would be Edwards. Edwards' warm personality and positive approach makes him a nice balance for Kerry. There is a very remote chance that he'd pick Hillary, but I don't think the polling supports that choice.

    At this point, I'm thinking he'll go with Edwards. There is another possibility though, and that's Kerry not getting the nomination at the convention. I consider that very unlikely. However, what I hear is that there is concern with Kerry, because even after millions of dollars spent and no shortage of bad news (or dislike) for the President, he's still trailing...particularly in swing states. There is also a very serious lack of enthusiasm for Kerry. He's getting most of the anti-Bush vote, but not all of it with Nadar in the race. Ask yourself: Are you enthusiastic about Kerry, or just anti-Bush? I'm not telling you to change your vote, but Kerry cannot win if he doesn't energize his base in SUPPORT of himself.

    As for McCain, well...say it with me:

    "Never Gonna Happen".

    If you have links to those polls in the swing states, I would like to see them as the polls I've seen have Kerry and Bush running within the margin of error in all of them. Some have Kerry up by a point or two some have Bush up by a point or two. *Note this is not a demand for you to prove your assertions. I genuinely want to see these polls.

    The problem with Clark as a the VP is that he doesn't add much to the ticket in swing states and doesn't really bring in a lot of new money. Also adding Clark reenforces that this election is about the war, which doesn't look like an issue that Kerry can win on.

    The problem with Edwards is that again he doesn't add much for the swing states which are in the rust belt and not John Edwards' 'backyard', which he couldn't carry anyway. However, I have seen credible reports that Edwards' largest donors are withholding contributions unless Edwards is put on the ticket. That could mean upwards of $30 million that would get added to Kerry's campaign in a matter of weeks if not days. Edwards has another problem that could keep him from getting the nod. He suffers from the same problem that Clinton suffers from. As soon as he walks into the room, he sucks all the air right out. His speaking style and charm reenforces the notion that Kerry is stiff as a board.

    Look for Kerry to pick a running mate that comes from Missouri (Gephardt), Florida (Either of the two Senator), or a popular figure from another swing state. If Kerry's VP can pick off one state that Gore lost and Kerry keeps all the states that Gore won, the election is over.
  • Reply 14 of 27
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Gephardt would be an instant loose!!!!

    Clark would bring in a lot more than just the war minded . . . he is smart and circumspect in his thinking and has real experience with foriegn relations.
  • Reply 15 of 27
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    I'm hoping for Clark.
  • Reply 16 of 27
    kneelbeforezodkneelbeforezod Posts: 1,120member
    How about McCain as Defense Sec in a Kerry cabinet?

    (The article is about who Kerry would replace Rumsfeld with in the current cabinet...but the fact that McCain's name topped the list is interesting)
  • Reply 17 of 27
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Don't tease. I've been up all night, and am a little edgy.

    Crap like that will convince me I'm hallucinating.
  • Reply 18 of 27
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member

    Originally posted by kneelbeforezod

    How about McCain as Defense Sec in a Kerry cabinet?

    (The article is about who Kerry would replace Rumsfeld with in the current cabinet...but the fact that McCain's name topped the list is interesting)

    i have thought about that too...but when do you announce that and how??

    to do it after the election wouldn't help during the election...doing it during the election would be people name cabinet positions during elections? and how would mccain handle the repug out cry??

  • Reply 19 of 27
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    i have thought about that too...but when do you announce that and how??

    to do it after the election wouldn't help during the election...doing it during the election would be people name cabinet positions during elections? and how would mccain handle the repug out cry??


    Leak it just like Bush leaked that Powel would be the SoS in the summer of 2000. This all assumes that McCain would go along with it.

    I should add that I doubt that any SoD could make a dent in the Pentagon. It is such a closed and inbred culture that any outsider is immediately discounted.
  • Reply 20 of 27
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    What about kucinich or sharpton?

    Seriously... McCain would be the BEST choice... he should NOT switch his party either...

    then all we need is an assassination after the kerry/McCain ticket spanks Bush & Co...

    not that I would ever support such a horrid thing... but it would be interesting... A republican president in '05... that isn't tied to big oil...
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