Opposite of Negative



  • Reply 101 of 118
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    I've got yet another nice thing to say about an administration official:

    I'm glad that Flynt Leverett, in charge of the "Road Map," came forward and explained how Condi sabotaged it, leading Leverett to quit because once Abrams got involved, "I didn't want to stick around for a charade."
  • Reply 102 of 118
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    I know I'm not reading this wrong:


    Originally posted by Randycat99

    It wasn't how many good things could be said of Bush.


    Originally posted by NaplesX

    I would like us all to recap the last four years in respect to good things that this country and it's governing entities have done, including this president.

    Oh well.

    Still, most of what the government has done reflects back on the Bush administration and its: 1) executive offices such as the FDA, DOJ, Sec of Def, Sec of Edu, Sec of State, etc., 2) it's role in setting the agenda of the Republican-controlled legislative branch: think tax cuts, medicare, no child left behind, etc., 3) role in arguing in front of the supreme court for various cases. The last is probably the only branch that you can separate from the Bush administration-- despite effectively giving him the Presidency in a 5-4 decision four years ago. Checks and balances, I suppose, in some cases. In others-- not.
  • Reply 103 of 118
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member

    Originally posted by giant

    Really? So cheney, wolfowitz, perle, cambone, rumsfeld, feith, abrams, libby, rice,... all would have held the senior decision and policy making positions under Gore? I never knew that.

    ...that was a "no" on invading Iraq under Gore.

    -----> no
  • Reply 104 of 118
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by dmz

    ...that was a "no" on invading Iraq under Gore.

    -----> no

    Yeah, you made that clear the first time. Just like you made it clear that other than that a Gore admin would be the same as the Bush one. Which obviously it wouldn't. Which is why I pressed the little buttons that make lines and stuff that somehow magically convey the fact that none of the major decision and policy makers would have been in the Gore admin.

    I need a nap.
  • Reply 105 of 118
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member
    I thought we were talking about the war on terror, the political responses due a recession, and coping with the collapse of a major stock-market bubble. (Not that these would demand the bulk of any administration's attention.) Judges I'll give you, but tax policy would have been nearly identical to what we have today---there aren't too many other mainstream ways to respond. When the ECP talks---whether it's Baumol or Mankiw---Gore would have been a good boy and did what he was told. On the international scene, except maybe for Iraq, and pushing for Kyoto (at least until the big money whispered in his ear), same thing.

    Also, are trying to tell me Gore would have fought the war on terror with harsh language and transendental meditation?
  • Reply 106 of 118
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member
    People, people you seem to have drifted from the topic. This thread is another social experiment brought to us by Dr. NaplesX, so lets stick to the script.

    Hmmm lets see what else has the Bush administration brought us.... Oh I know meidcare reform. Always remember the program in its current state is NOT a handout to the drug and insurance industries.
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