Do you take vitamin pills, and do they work?



  • Reply 21 of 27
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by Ichiban_jay

    and if you take 1,500% of your daily value of Vitamin C, you'll have diarrhea

    Very true, and it's not that hard to do it, just drink a couple glasses of those "200% of your daily value of vitamin C" Juices, and pop a couple of those "400% of your daily value of vitamin C" Vitamin C pills.

    I think Vitamin C is not supposed to do *anything* once you go over the limit your body is capable of taking. I once drank 6 liters of regular orange juice in a 24 hour programming session (yes I slept in the middle). That amounted to 6000% recommended dosage. No ill effects.
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  • Reply 22 of 27
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    i take multivitamins. not every single day, but i try to remember to. so maybe 300 days a year.

    as i don't always eat so normal way .. the more wicked place i'm in, the more processed food is, the less hungry i am. so e.g. now with irish food .. the fruit and vegetables are not fresh, and i am not hungry with this food, so i have to force myself to eat _Something_.
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  • Reply 23 of 27
    jack02jack02 Posts: 1member
    As far as I can think there can be no supplements that can benefit us unless the body is ready to accept the same. This is one reason for which so many people who go for the supplements at the end notice that they are not being getting any notable differences. The best way always is to make the body habituate in a specific routine so that it stays fit and fine always.
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  • Reply 24 of 27
    Originally Posted by Playmaker View Post

    Does anyone have any recomindations for promoting better sleeping habits that is healthy?

    You're on the right track with the exercising.

    I sleep MUCH better when I exercise regularly. I run about 25 miles a week during the warmer months, but i generally take 3-4 months off in the winter because I just don't like being out in the cold. I see/feel a definite difference in my sleep during the summer... I get to sleep much quicker at night, and tend not to wake up during the night. When I stop running, I tend to have a harder time getting to sleep and seem to be more restless at night.

    But it doesn't bother me enough to make me want to go out and run in the cold
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  • Reply 25 of 27
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by Neø View Post


    I've tried it. The green drink powder actually tastes pretty good. I've even mixed it with just enough water to make a soft paste, and then ate it with a spoon.

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  • Reply 26 of 27
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by Gilsch View Post

    If you plan on taking vitamins, do not get the cheap crap available at the supermarket. Go to a healthfood store . . .

    Here is a good place to get high grade vitamins, and a good place to research what you might consider taking.

    If you balk at the membership fee, here is something not publicized. When it nears renewal time, you can add the renewal fee to your order and get some of your supplements free. Basically, you never need to pay a membership again, if you order supplements online.

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  • Reply 27 of 27
    alphonsoalphonso Posts: 1member

    In the body, vitamins and minerals carry out a number of vital functions. B vitamins are essential components of enzymes (molecules) that complete chemical reactions on the cellular level. Vitamin D helps form hormones essential for reproduction and proper metabolism. Potassium, sodium, or chloride are electrolytes (minerals) to maintain the body’s fluid and chemical balance.

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