Kerry-Edwards on 60 Minutes

in General Discussion edited January 2014
What can I say, but "what a fine example of the liberal media playing softball by conducting a meaningless bullshit interview"?

Read the account on No tough questions. Tranparent Bush attacks. Ridiculous answers and the horrifying Theresa Heinz-Kerry. Some choice quotes:


Now, it's the Republicans who are making the charge that John Edwards doesn't have enough experience.

When Stahl asked both candidates how Edwards measures up to Vice President Dick Cheney in terms of presidential experience, Edwards said he was "absolutely prepared to be president."

"I have a vision for this country which is consistent and completely compatible with John's [Kerry] vision," says Edwards.

"I've seen people be president. I've worked with presidents. I understand talent and ability," adds Kerry...

"I've seen people be President."


o how does Edwards plan to handle Cheney in a debate? He says he's going to be himself.

"For 51 years, I've been myself and it's worked pretty well," says Edwards, who adds that he's going to be polite and tough. "I'll be tough because there's so much at stake for this country. The voters of America need to know what the differences are between us."

Mr, Edwards, that tells me tat you're scared shitless of Cheney. And you should be.


he Republicans have done everything in their power to portray Kerry as a serial flip-flopper on issues. How damaging has that been to his candidacy?

"Well, it's just not true," says Kerry. "I mean, if you spend $85-90 million, then a few people may believe one thing or another."

Ummm...except that it is true. How about we look at your voting record. "I voted for the $87 Billion....before I voted against it."


But it was Kerry himself who handed Republicans their best ammunition for a TV ad when he talked about voting against the Iraq Reconstruction Bill. When asked about this issue, Edwards defended his running mate.

"No. 1, you've been president of the United States for four years. You've spent $80, 90, 100 million on television - almost all of it talking about your not-yet-nominated opponent? What does that say about your administration and its accomplishments," says Edwards.

Ummm..yeah. See here's the thing Mr Edwards...that's not an answer. Shame on you, Leslie Stahl for not having the journalistic integrity to make him ANSWER the goddamned question.

Another choice one on religion:


Edwards adds: "It is not the job of the president of the United States to decide what the religion of America is or what the religion of the world should be."

Now on to economics:


One of the Republican attack lines is that you all are all mega-millionaires who are running on economic populism," says Stahl to the candidates and their wives.

"Is this coming from millionaire George Bush? And millionaire Dick Cheney? And millionaire Rumsfeld? And all the rest," says Kerry. "This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life."

"Can I say something? First of all, those very same people never criticized my late husband for his money or his wealth. In fact, they used it - and his money was just dandy," says Teresa Heinz Kerry.

"Secondly, I find it un-American for people to criticize someone and say they're not deserved for any position whether because they have too much or too little, or because they're black or they're white. That's un-American."

"I just want to say one thing and this is that these two men voted against tax cuts that would have benefited them," adds Elizabeth Edwards.

"Isn't that what we want? A leader who looks at the greater good instead of what simply what benefits the people himself, or the people in his own class for their donors or whatever else you're looking at? These men did what was right for all Americans and it seems to me that's an enormous test of character -- whether you're willing to step out and do something against your own self interest."

Oh, where to begin. One, Stahl is a fucking hack. "One of the Republian attacks" happens to be completely accurate. Heinz-Kerry may be worth one BILLION dollars, and yet there out stumping for the little guy? Secondly, she didn't even answer the question...and again Stahl lets her get away with it.

But then it gets better: "Did what's right for all Americans"??? I suppose "all"Americans doesn't include me and my $40,000 income then, because if Kerry-Edwards had their way, I'd be paying $1,000 more per year in income tax. As if the tax increase or decrease has ANY impact on them, the smug rich fuckers that they are. Right thing my ass.

Then Leslie STRAW asks about Kerry's lack of charisma. Actually she asks how he takes "all the jokes about it"..(which of course delegitimizes the concept that he actually has NONE...I mean after all, they're just jokes. Bitch.)



"I don't worry about it very much. I don't really worry about it. You know, I remember when people wrote about John Kerry's charisma," says Kerry. "I mean, I got elected four times. I won the nomination. ? So there."



  • Reply 1 of 29

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    I suppose "all"Americans doesn't include me and my $40,000 income then, because if Kerry-Edwards had their way, I'd be paying $1,000 more per year in income tax.

    The tiniest violin in America is playing somewhere, for you, right now.

    Why don't we see this kind of indignation from you, when the current administration sidesteps questions that are so 'soft' you'd be able to buy stocks in Nerf to supplement that missing $1000?
  • Reply 2 of 29
    kozchriskozchris Posts: 209member
    I'm from NC and edwards has not done jack for the people in this state. He is worthless.
  • Reply 3 of 29
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Another choice one on religion:


    Edwards adds: "It is not the job of the president of the United States to decide what the religion of America is or what the religion of the world should be."


    So SDW, you think the President should decide the religion of America, and the President should decide the religion of the world?

    You wouldn't happen to be a brainwashed, white, middle class, conservative, fundamental Christian Creationist by any chance?

    Taxes, oh!, AND, when do you plan on repaying your share of this debt?
  • Reply 4 of 29
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Gimme a break SDW. . . your cliches:

    "what a fine example of the liberal media playing softball by conducting a meaningless bullshit interview"?

    Thats funny.

    And this issue of voting for then voting against . . . you know that the issue changed, he was voting against a specific and different aspect of the bill except now it has become just another in the RIGHT-MEDIA'S echo-chamber lie that trickles out of everywhere . . . including, apparently your talking orifice. He phrased his reasons in a manner that did not 'sound-byte' well and all the Right licked it up like dogs licking vomit.

    Besides Edwards' answer was a pretty sharp come back IMO.

    ok, and let me see, you disagree with the statement about religion?

    and what is this idiotic typical response to Kerry's wife?! . . . if he becomes president, why do Right wing assholes seem to get paralytic about Democrat women and presidential wives? Dems don't attack Mrs Bush even though we could . . . are you 'traditionalists' afraid of married women with opinions?

    . . . yeah . . .audiopollution has it right . . . cry me a river

    which then leads to your last hysterical apoplectic paragraph . . . what the hell are you saying? you are actually getting mad at the interviewer because of what? She asked about the jokes being made with regards to Kerry's charisma . . . what an idiotic non-issue, a complete fabricated republican attack assasination: his 'charisma' . . . who cares?!?! he doesn't sing campfire songs for you and make smarmy smirking wise cracks that entertain twits . . . and you call her a bitch because you don't think he has 'charisma' while she mentioned the jokes . . like you hold some evident truth in mind . . you're sick buddy. Is this the deepest most penetrating kind of textual analysis you are capable of?!

    You are starting the Kerry bash allready, just like when we had Clinton and the Repubs did nothing but attack non-stop from day one.
  • Reply 5 of 29
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    Mr, Edwards, that tells me tat you're scared shitless of Cheney. And you should be.

    You moron do you honestly think he's afraid of a guy that could get his ass kicked by a bucket of KFC? All Edwards would have to do is say "I'm Lovin' It" and Dick would have a heart attack. And sure he has no military service but neither does the "Other Priorities" guy. And Kerry could kick Bush's ass clean back to Crawford.

    However you are right, Kerry really dodges questions. That rubs me the wrong way. He's a political alright. Sometimes on contentious issues he gets wishy-washy and talks for 10 minutes but ends up a few miles away from the question. Hey you know who that sounds like! Rumsfeld! (And the rest of Bushcorp) Except Rumsfeld is way better. Edwards doesn't do that.

    hy don't we see this kind of indignation from you, when the current administration sidesteps questions that are so 'soft' you'd be able to buy stocks in Nerf to supplement that missing $1000?

    Holy crap that's hilarious! Nerf or nothin' baby! LOL whatever happened to Nerf. They should come out with a new Anti-Terror Nerf Gun line or something. Maybe they could become the US Army supplier for non-lethal weapons to be used in Iraq? For Urban Combat and Crowd Control? Wait, can you picture soldiers abusing Iraqis with Nerf guns! OK I'm done!
  • Reply 6 of 29
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    What can I say, but "what a fine example of the liberal media playing softball by conducting a meaningless bullshit interview"?

    Read the account on No tough questions. Tranparent Bush attacks. Ridiculous answers and the horrifying Theresa Heinz-Kerry. Some choice quotes:

    "I've seen people be President."

    Mr, Edwards, that tells me tat you're scared shitless of Cheney. And you should be.

    Ummm...except that it is true. How about we look at your voting record. "I voted for the $87 Billion....before I voted against it."

    Ummm..yeah. See here's the thing Mr Edwards...that's not an answer. Shame on you, Leslie Stahl for not having the journalistic integrity to make him ANSWER the goddamned question.

    Another choice one on religion:

    Now on to economics:

    Oh, where to begin. One, Stahl is a fucking hack. "One of the Republian attacks" happens to be completely accurate. Heinz-Kerry may be worth one BILLION dollars, and yet there out stumping for the little guy? Secondly, she didn't even answer the question...and again Stahl lets her get away with it.

    But then it gets better: "Did what's right for all Americans"??? I suppose "all"Americans doesn't include me and my $40,000 income then, because if Kerry-Edwards had their way, I'd be paying $1,000 more per year in income tax. As if the tax increase or decrease has ANY impact on them, the smug rich fuckers that they are. Right thing my ass.

    Then Leslie STRAW asks about Kerry's lack of charisma. Actually she asks how he takes "all the jokes about it"..(which of course delegitimizes the concept that he actually has NONE...I mean after all, they're just jokes. Bitch.)


    Oh SDW you sound so out of gas these days.

    I realize you're down there at the bottom of the excuses barrel but is it really ok for you to be using those 4 letter expletives?
  • Reply 7 of 29
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    Oh SDW you sound so out of gas these days.

    I realize you're down there at the bottom of the excuses barrel but is it really ok for you to be using those 4 letter expletives?

    Jimmac, you've been telling everyone their out of gas for months now. Meanwhile it is the Democrats who have nominated an old money gold-digger, and a ambulance chasing lawyer as their "best" to put up against the Republicans.

  • Reply 8 of 29
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    So SDW, you think the President should decide the religion of America, and the President should decide the religion of the world?

    You wouldn't happen to be a brainwashed, white, middle class, conservative, fundamental Christian Creationist by any chance?

    Taxes, oh!, AND, when do you plan on repaying your share of this debt?

    Yes, I think the president should decide what the religion of the world should be and what the religion of this naton should be. SHUT UP.
  • Reply 9 of 29
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    You moron do you honestly think he's afraid of a guy that could get his ass kicked by a bucket of KFC? All Edwards would have to do is say "I'm Lovin' It" and Dick would have a heart attack. And sure he has no military service but neither does the "Other Priorities" guy. And Kerry could kick Bush's ass clean back to Crawford.

    However you are right, Kerry really dodges questions. That rubs me the wrong way. He's a political alright. Sometimes on contentious issues he gets wishy-washy and talks for 10 minutes but ends up a few miles away from the question. Hey you know who that sounds like! Rumsfeld! (And the rest of Bushcorp) Except Rumsfeld is way better. Edwards doesn't do that.

    Holy crap that's hilarious! Nerf or nothin' baby! LOL whatever happened to Nerf. They should come out with a new Anti-Terror Nerf Gun line or something. Maybe they could become the US Army supplier for non-lethal weapons to be used in Iraq? For Urban Combat and Crowd Control? Wait, can you picture soldiers abusing Iraqis with Nerf guns! OK I'm done!

    Well, fellow moron...I was talking about a DEBATE, not physical prowess.
  • Reply 10 of 29
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Only eight posts, and this thread is already derailing. I highly recommand to read the last comment written by Buon Rotto.

    And to add the life simplier here is the link
  • Reply 11 of 29
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    The tiniest violin in America is playing somewhere, for you, right now.

    Why don't we see this kind of indignation from you, when the current administration sidesteps questions that are so 'soft' you'd be able to buy stocks in Nerf to supplement that missing $1000?

    Well you know what, it should be. I am so sick of this "tax cuts only for the rich" line. It's simply not true.



    Oh SDW you sound so out of gas these days.

    I realize you're down there at the bottom of the excuses barrel but is it really ok for you to be using those 4 letter expletives?

    jimmac, the interview was bullshit. That's what I'm saying. Stahl asked weak questions with no follow ups. It was a love fes (which, I suppose is fine because apparently Kerry and Edwards are in love with each other).



    And this issue of voting for then voting against . . . you know that the issue changed, he was voting against a specific and different aspect of the bill except now it has become just another in the RIGHT-MEDIA'S echo-chamber lie that trickles out of everywhere . . . including, apparently your talking orifice. He phrased his reasons in a manner that did not 'sound-byte' well and all the Right licked it up like dogs licking vomit.

    Kerry's statement was ridiculous in any context. He should have just addressed the issue directly, saying that he voted against it for "X, Y and Z". He didn't. He said: "I actually did vote for the $87B, before I voted against it". I mean come on...that's just stupid.


    ok, and let me see, you disagree with the statement about religion?

    You know, I have to now question my own notion of the liberal intelligenisa. I took issue with the statement because it's a plainly obvious notion that the President shouldn't "decide" the religion of the world. Give me one example of Bush ever doing that.


    and what is this idiotic typical response to Kerry's wife?! . . . if he becomes president, why do Right wing assholes seem to get paralytic about Democrat women and presidential wives? Dems don't attack Mrs Bush even though we could . . . are you 'traditionalists' afraid of married women with opinions?

    Theresa makes me sick. The way her name is pronounced makes me sick. Her speech makes me sick. It has nothing to do with's her personality. Edwards' wife seems fine to me.

    The charisma stuff was a goddamned strawman. The whole interview was strawman. Please.
  • Reply 12 of 29
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Jimmac, you've been telling everyone their out of gas for months now. Meanwhile it is the Democrats who have nominated an old money gold-digger, and a ambulance chasing lawyer as their "best" to put up against the Republicans.


    Meanwhile Bush & Co. become more unpopular by the day.....

    Also here's a little item about how things are going...

    I like this part :


    " A recent poll shows the president also has not convinced more than half the country that it should feel safer.

    The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll finds 55 percent of Americans feel less safe from terror because of the war in Iraq. The fear factor is now 22 percentage points higher than it was six months ago, when the same question was asked.

    The Democratic challenger also charged that Bush broke a trust with the American people with his decision to invade Iraq. "


  • Reply 13 of 29
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Theresa makes me sick. The way her name is pronounced makes me sick. Her speech makes me sick.

  • Reply 14 of 29
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I second that...
  • Reply 15 of 29
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Yes, I think the president should decide what the religion of the world should be and what the religion of this naton should be. SHUT UP.

    Yay, SDW doesn't rebuke the brainwashed charge, and convieniently ignores point 3
  • Reply 16 of 29
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Imagine how SDW would react if the left started taking shots at Laura? Really, think about it. The lashings from the right for even thinking about being critical of Laura would be relentless.

    These people know no bounds.

    The hypocrisy astounds.
  • Reply 17 of 29
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Well I don´t like Theresa either. Or the Bush wifes. Barbara especially. She has a "don´t have bread? Then why don´t they eat cake?"-touch over her.
  • Reply 18 of 29
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Imagine how SDW would react if the left started taking shots at Laura? Really, think about it. The lashings from the right for even thinking about being critical of Laura would be relentless.

    These people know no bounds.

    The hypocrisy astounds.

    The thing you have to remember is as the election draws closer the more outlandish their claims will be. At this point they will say anything to take a shot at the opposition.
  • Reply 19 of 29
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    Meanwhile Bush & Co. become more unpopular by the day.....

    Also here's a little item about how things are going...

    I like this part :


    " A recent poll shows the president also has not convinced more than half the country that it should feel safer.

    The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll finds 55 percent of Americans feel less safe from terror because of the war in Iraq. The fear factor is now 22 percentage points higher than it was six months ago, when the same question was asked.

    The Democratic challenger also charged that Bush broke a trust with the American people with his decision to invade Iraq. "


    You know, how about you make SOME attempt to stick to the topic? There aren't enough Bush threads out there?
  • Reply 20 of 29
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Yay, SDW doesn't rebuke the brainwashed charge, and convieniently ignores point 3

    I love it. I really do. In responding to the 15 people that are attacking me, I miss one of your "points", which has nothing to do with this thread. Of course, I "conveniently ignored" it. Because couldn't be that I didn't see it.

    But more to your "point:"

    One fault I've consistently pointed out is Bush's willingness to spend. This is why I disagree with things like the medicare bill. That being said, you act as if our national debt is the end of the world. I have news for's not. As a percentage of GDP it is not unmanageable. Servicing it within the Federal Budget is not unmanageable either. Don't get me wrong..I'd like to see us balance the budget and pay back the debt through severe government cutbacks. But, it's not the "sky is falling" issue you make it out to be.
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