[Merged] Apple's missing 17" LCD and the future iMac



  • Reply 21 of 106
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by BerberCarpet

    either you _need_ a 20" display, in which case you cough up the dough, or you don't, and so you can buy a 17" -- and Apple does not _need_ to chase that market, as some have said they do.

    I think it has less to do with competing against third party companies like Viewsonic or Samsung.

    Even if Apple offers an overpriced 17" display at $799, the millions (okay hundreds of thousands) of Mac heads will eat it up. No chasing required.

    And if it's profitable, what's so wrong with that?
  • Reply 22 of 106
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    you are 100% correct. its like Apple Doesnt want to grow its market ,doesnt want to sell to the consumer and wants to push people away from Mac. thats how i see it. its not like hey we got everything and anything you need from entry to professional. its more like you have to buy the has everything powermac with Gigantic display or buy 3 year old no performance iMac and if you dont like go elsewhere. marketing idiots. a 17" at $699 or even 799 would still be a big seller. how many users need a screen the size of a 19" TV in their face on a desk? thats what a 17" is.
  • Reply 23 of 106
    a10t2a10t2 Posts: 191member
  • Reply 24 of 106
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    Yeah your right they still sell a ugly wide bezel,no adjustment 17" from the days of the cube with the same styling and its still the same slow panel from the days of the cube. who wants one of those with a new powermac? not me. i guess they made a bunch of those and they have to get rid of em first. Lets just face it that panel cant touch the newer panels coming out of hitachi or samsung and they cost almost $200 less then Apples old thing? perhaps thats the real reason they are giving up on the 17" panel.
  • Reply 25 of 106
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by a10t2

    Um, Apple still sells the 17":

  • Reply 26 of 106
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    What I don't get, is what is Apple selling in their stores? First, they don't have any iMacs, so the low end is eMacs only. OK, iBooks and Powerbooks.

    Now let's suppose someone walks into an Apple Store and wants to buy a G5 tower. If he wants a 17" they're going to let him walk away without buying anything?! What kind of nut runs a retail operation that way?

    If anybody in Apple Retail has a brain cell in their head, they will have 3rd party monitors in stock.

    Maybe nobody at Apple knows how to run a retail operation. Key fact: You have to sell people what they want to buy. There is a huge difference between being a manufacturer and being a retailer. Hey Apple, if you can't figure it out, drop me a line.
  • Reply 27 of 106
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member

    Originally posted by cubist

    What I don't get, is what is Apple selling in their stores? First, they don't have any iMacs, so the low end is eMacs only. OK, iBooks and Powerbooks.

    Now let's suppose someone walks into an Apple Store and wants to buy a G5 tower. If he wants a 17" they're going to let him walk away without buying anything?! What kind of nut runs a retail operation that way?

    If anybody in Apple Retail has a brain cell in their head, they will have 3rd party monitors in stock.

    Maybe nobody at Apple knows how to run a retail operation. Key fact: You have to sell people what they want to buy. There is a huge difference between being a manufacturer and being a retailer. Hey Apple, if you can't figure it out, drop me a line.

    hey is this the same cubist from mac rumors? anyways i agree with you. the nuckle heads at Apple are looking for ways Not to sell machines. This is very obvious by looking at their product line up. you have top of the line Powermac with gigantic displays or pathetic Emac with nothing in between. Corporations can do some stupid stuff but Apple seems to make it a habit.
  • Reply 28 of 106

    Originally posted by cubist

    What I don't get, is what is Apple selling in their stores? First, they don't have any iMacs, so the low end is eMacs only. OK, iBooks and Powerbooks.

    Now let's suppose someone walks into an Apple Store and wants to buy a G5 tower. If he wants a 17" they're going to let him walk away without buying anything?! What kind of nut runs a retail operation that way?

    If anybody in Apple Retail has a brain cell in their head, they will have 3rd party monitors in stock.

    Maybe nobody at Apple knows how to run a retail operation. Key fact: You have to sell people what they want to buy. There is a huge difference between being a manufacturer and being a retailer. Hey Apple, if you can't figure it out, drop me a line.

    The whole point of selling is convincing the buyer to buy the product that you have for sell. You don't sell a buyer 'what they want to buy'. Most buyers don't know WHAT they want. They just have an idea. If you are a GOOD salesperson, you can take the knowledge you gain of what the customer wants and sell him on the 'bigger and better' for reasons that were unknowledgeable to buyer. You CONVINCE the buyer to spend more for the bigger and better. Sometimes you have to come down on the price, but usually those sales are to generate hype/attention to the product.

    Consider it that Apple holds itself to a higher standard.

    When you were a kid, your mother told you to be confident. She told you to think the best about yourself, and to hold yourself to higher standards - and so in life other people held you to higher standards in the same means. Apple believes itself to be worth the price it asks - not the price you say Apple DEMANDS!

    If you were a top-notch graphic designer, would you going to work for $5.50 an hour so that more people can hire you? Hell no! You are going to charge upwards of $200 an hour, because your work is worth the asking price... TO THE BUYER!

    Supply and Demand 101. Yes, the cheaper it is, the more people that CAN buy it. But that doesn't mean that more people WILL buy it. So, you start high and get as much as you can, and step prices down to add more customers. Higher amounts of manufacturing cause lower prices that can be passed down to the customer. Demand drives Supply. Money doesn't drive Demand. Desire and appeal to a product drives Demand.

    If you want it, come up with the cash, man!

  • Reply 29 of 106
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by MacMorsel

    Supply and Demand 101. Yes, the cheaper it is, the more people that CAN buy it. But that doesn't mean that more people WILL buy it. So, you start high and get as much as you can, and step prices down to add more customers. Higher amounts of manufacturing cause lower prices that can be passed down to the customer. Demand drives Supply. Money doesn't drive Demand. Desire and appeal to a product drives Demand.

    If you want it, come up with the cash, man!


    This only holds true, if there is a perceived benefit or value of the higher priced item. Yes, Apple's products are better designed and drool worthy.

    But for any salesperson trying to convince the average consumer that spending $1299 for an Apple 20" display over even a $450 third party 17" display, borders on theft.
  • Reply 30 of 106
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    Macmorsel sounds like a car salesman The fact of the matter is Apple has decided to start their display line up at 20" and $1299 the other problem and Apple has ignored it is the big missing segment in the product line up. some genius at Apple has decided its all in ones or powermac and the all in ones are so outdated that it would take a car salesman to sell them. Consumers have by marketshare walked away from Apples dismal consumer lines. numbers prove it. I have stated before and will again Apple doesnt want to sell computers to the consumer nor the masses. This is why they have gone out of their way to make absolutely sure that they are performance dogs. Displays says to me as a consumer they dont want my business yet they want to sell millions of pods. so we have Pods and Pro Powermacs with nothing for hardworking everyday folks who make up 99% of this world. Stupid is as stupid does and Apples consumer desk tops are stupid. So Apple is going for over a month with nothing to sell to 99% of the world. yeah thats helps developers along with marketshare doesnt it. so according to macmorsel someone is going to walk into a Apple store wanting a under $1500 machine and the car salesman descend on them trying to get them to walk out with a powermac and display for $3000- $4000 bucks? I thought Steve didnt like sales guys.
  • Reply 31 of 106

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Macmorsel sounds like a car salesman The fact of the matter is Apple has decided to start their display line up at 20" and $1299 the other problem and Apple has ignored it is the big missing segment in the product line up. some genius at Apple has decided its all in ones or powermac and the all in ones are so outdated that it would take a car salesman to sell them. Consumers have by marketshare walked away from Apples dismal consumer lines. numbers prove it. I have stated before and will again Apple doesnt want to sell computers to the consumer nor the masses. This is why they have gone out of their way to make absolutely sure that they are performance dogs. Displays says to me as a consumer they dont want my business yet they want to sell millions of pods. so we have Pods and Pro Powermacs with nothing for hardworking everyday folks who make up 99% of this world. Stupid is as stupid does and Apples consumer desk tops are stupid. So Apple is going for over a month with nothing to sell to 99% of the world. yeah thats helps developers along with marketshare doesnt it. so according to macmorsel someone is going to walk into a Apple store wanting a under $1500 machine and the car salesman descend on them trying to get them to walk out with a powermac and display for $3000- $4000 bucks? I thought Steve didnt like sales guys.

    I'm no car salesman, although I have trained some in the past.

    Does anyone remember when Apple cut out the floppy drive? How many people griped and griped and griped and griped.. oh, shut up already! Floppy was so yesterday. But what about us poor people that can't afford to buy CD's? Tough shit.

    Apple is a whore on the street corner with some really good stuff between her thighs. You may not be able to afford an hour with her, but then if you can't you are not the one that she wants pounding on her golden palace.

    Apple has decided that the size for an entry display should be no smaller than 20". Sure, they have also raised the prices of the displays, but then the market that they are trying to appeal to is a richer market that can afford the LUXURY of a bad-ass, cool-looking, golden palace monitor.

    If you can not afford one, then go somewhere else and buy one for cheaper.

    Personally, I couldn't afford one if I sold myself on the street. I would love to have one, but it isn't within my budget. Yes, I have used Macs for the last 17 years, and own a bunch of Macs, and am the typical Mac PowerUser. I should be the one that Apple appeals to with its products. But, Apple doesn't sell enough computers for it to be worthwhile.

    I agree that Apple could drop the price on everything and sales would probably skyrocket, but Apple holds way too high a standard and never will.

    Yes, Apple has gone over a month with nothing to sell. Apple knows what they are doing! They are being VERY, VERY smart about the way that they are setting themselves up, and you will see this over the next few months. Be patient and supportive.

  • Reply 32 of 106
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    1. 17 inch Alu Mac.

    2. Cheaper.

    3. G5.

    4. Fully featured ports.

    5. Non-upgradeable graphic?

    Run your PC tower off it? 17 Monitor for your PC.

    Ultimate Switcher 'box'?

    Okay. I made up the last bit...but(!) aren't the first 5 a given?

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 33 of 106
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    As for the Mac 'divisions' future direction...we'll know more come March next year.

    By then, the G5 roll-out will be nigh on complete?

    'Tiger' will have arrived.

    What then?

    More stores. Advertise.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 34 of 106
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member

    Originally posted by MacMorsel

    ... Yes, Apple has gone over a month with nothing to sell. Apple knows what they are doing! They are being VERY, VERY smart ...

    With 30+ retail locations and nothing to sell, I wouldn't call that "very, very smart". I wouldn't call it smart at all.

    FTM I'd be very surprised if each of those locations sells as many as ONE of those 20" LCDs per month. People do not walk into shopping malls and buy things like that. If, according to your analogy, that is all Apple wants to sell, we will see them closing all those retail locations pronto.

    Does Mercedes insist that all I can buy is the $75K+ S600? No! Does BMW insist that all I can buy is the $50K+ 740? No! The only marques that offer only high-end products are companies like Lamborghini. Do they open dealerships to sell one car a month or less? No! Why not? Because they're not stupid!

    If Apple's not stupid, they'd better do something to prove it pretty soon.
  • Reply 35 of 106
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    Ask yourself this:

    Where would Apple be if it werent for the ipod?

    Up shits creek, thats where.

    Apple has always been clueless about the need to increase market share.

    Jobs is a snob. And not as bright at business as Gates.

    Just sell a fucking 17 inch monitor and inexpensive tower. It isnt goddamn rocket science for Christ sakes.
  • Reply 36 of 106
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member

    Originally posted by steve666

    Ask yourself this:

    Where would Apple be if it werent for the ipod?

    Up shits creek, thats where.

    Apple has always been clueless about the need to increase market share.

    Jobs is a snob. And not as bright at business as Gates.

    Just sell a fucking 17 inch monitor and inexpensive tower. It isnt goddamn rocket science for Christ sakes.

    Man you said it, no mystery or nothing just common sense of selling to the customer instead of the millions of games Apple plays with product tier structure. They must have some overpaid idiots running the show trying to figure out how to loose market. it is amazing the games and crippling they play between lines. no wonder they have gone to #9 computer maker and 3% marketshare. ipod did save their behinds. they refused to make a computer for the masses with their all in one crap with outdated motherboards cpu's and stale video. Steve666 is 100% right on.
  • Reply 37 of 106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Oooooooooook. You guys are starting to sound a wee bit psycho here.
  • Reply 38 of 106
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Oooooooooook. You guys are starting to sound a wee bit psycho here.

    psycho is a major computer company like Apple not having a computer to sell for 99% of the world.(where is iMac?) now thats psycho. i still think Bozo the clown is running this company. like stated without walkmans to sell they would be lost and yeah im still waiting for my vaporware 2.5 to ship. yep Bozo is in charge.
  • Reply 39 of 106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Yeah well Bozo has not only brought Apple back to financial health but took Pixar from a company peddling $170 3D tools(Typestry) to one of the most influential companies of today. Game recognize game. You wouldn't understand brilliance because you are not brilliant yourself.

    ...on to your regularly scheduled program.
  • Reply 40 of 106
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member

    Ask yourself this:

    Where would Apple be if it werent for the ipod?

    Up shits creek, thats where.

    Apple has always been clueless about the need to increase market share.

    Jobs is a snob. And not as bright at business as Gates.

    Just sell a fucking 17 inch monitor and inexpensive tower. It isnt goddamn rocket science for Christ sakes.

    I kinda agree with that.

    But I wouldn't discount the many good things they're doing. However, Apple have clearly dropped the ball when it comes to the consumer desktop Mac. The iMac 2 and eMac have been poor performers.

    Hmmm. It can't be that hard to make a cheaper tower and a 17 inch monitor.

    £1400 before you get a headless Mac. Ouch.

    £999 before you get an Apple monitor. OUCH!

    That iMac 3G better be compelling.

    I'm still hoping for more 'headless' options myself... And a 17 inch alu to go with that? Sigh...

    Lemon Bon Bon
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