Apple ships first batch of liquid-cooled 2.5 GHz Power Mac G5s



  • Reply 21 of 31
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude

    Apple has just implemented PeopleSoft's CRM product. Something must've gotten borked with the upgrade.

    Oy. That would be bad. From what I read, only their Human Resources system (payroll, benefits, etc.) was switched to Peoplesoft.

  • Reply 22 of 31
    leonproleonpro Posts: 10member
    Any of the G5 reached the US shores already? Mine is still stuck in Shenzhen, China according to the FedEx tracking info as of today. Hmm.
  • Reply 23 of 31
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Originally posted by sCreeD

    Oy. That would be bad. From what I read, only their Human Resources system (payroll, benefits, etc.) was switched to Peoplesoft.


    Check out AI's article here: -->

    It talks about phone and retail support switching over to PeopleSoft. I don't know if that means the area where phone support looks up shipping dates ...
  • Reply 24 of 31
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Originally posted by sCreeD

    Oy. That would be bad. From what I read, only their Human Resources system (payroll, benefits, etc.) was switched to Peoplesoft.


    This screenshot was pulled from the Apple support website when I checked the status of a repair order today. Anyone familiar with PS 8.0 or later has seen this kind of menu before.

  • Reply 25 of 31
    keithwkeithw Posts: 146member

    Originally posted by leonpro

    Any of the G5 reached the US shores already? Mine is still stuck in Shenzhen, China according to the FedEx tracking info as of today. Hmm.

    Yep, it arrived today (Orlando, Florida) and I am typing this on it. SETI-AT-HOME runs like a scaled ape on this system.
  • Reply 26 of 31
    sirisiri Posts: 10member
    In Sydney Australia, I try to place a order for 2.5, but delaer want 10% deposit but cannot give me a delivery date. What kind of a customer care is this?


    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    Less than 24 hours after Apple Computer began informing customers that it would miss the July ship date for its 2.5 GHz liquid-cooled Power Mac G5s, the company did an about-face on its statement and is actively shipping the new computers.

    In an email to Power Mac G5 purchasers this morning Apple said: "Recently, we notified you of a delay with your order. We are very pleased to report that we have revised the shipping estimate for your order. We now anticipate shipping your G5 by Monday, August 2. This shipping estimate is based on our very latest information and supersedes all previous communications regarding the status of your order." Several hours later, the company began shipping customers the Power Mac systems, as predicted by AppleInsider earlier in the week.

    Yesterday afternoon, the very same group of customers were saddened when they received an email from the Apple Store, updating their July 30th Power Mac G5 ship estimates to August 20th. "The demand for this item has been incredible," Apple told customers. "We are shipping them as quickly as possible, but cannot meet the ship date we previously estimated for you."

    It's unclear what exactly caused yesterday's false alarm, but several customers were told that the Apple Store accidently fired off "delay messages" to more customers than it originally intended. Apple Store reps also suggested that customers who received e-mails this morning ignore any conflicting delivery status messages currently reflected on the Apple Store web site.

    Earlier this afternoon several AppleInsider Forums members began receiving confirmation from Apple that their 2.5 GHz Power Macs had shipped on July 30th, as originaly promised.

    "I wonder why the fire-drill yesterday," asked one reader. Apple Store representatives, admittedly, "didn't have all the answers."

    Apple first introduced the dual processor 2.5 GHz liquid-cooled Power Mac G5 on June 9th, promising availability in July.
    [ View this article at ]

  • Reply 27 of 31
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by keithw

    Yep, it arrived today (Orlando, Florida) and I am typing this on it. SETI-AT-HOME runs like a scaled ape on this system.

    More benchmarks plz...k, thx.

    What videocard do you have? Can you run game benchmarks like Unreal Tournament 2004 (demo) or whatever?

    Or download OpenMark or Chimera Engine from and post the scores.
  • Reply 28 of 31
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by keithw

    Yep, it arrived today (Orlando, Florida) and I am typing this on it. SETI-AT-HOME runs like a scaled ape on this system.

    i really want to know what a scaled-ape is...

  • Reply 29 of 31
    keithwkeithw Posts: 146member
    That was scalded ape- very fast.

    I didn't have time to run any benchmarks, sorry.

    (It's not my machine)
  • Reply 30 of 31
    I ordered a 2.5DPG5/1GB/2X250 on July 5th, it arrived yesterday, August 6th. I'm in West Virginia. When I started it up I didn't see an icon for my 2nd hard drive. I called support, they asked me to open it up and read the serial number off the machine since they couldn't find the serial number I was giving them from system profile. When I opened it up I saw the data cable for the second drive had not been connected. I guess they really were in a hurry to get these things out. I use MOTU's Digital Performer and with the speed of the G5, it's amazing!
  • Reply 31 of 31

    Originally posted by wvmusic

    I ordered a 2.5DPG5/1GB/2X250 on July 5th, it arrived yesterday, August 6th. I'm in West Virginia. When I started it up I didn't see an icon for my 2nd hard drive. I called support, they asked me to open it up and read the serial number off the machine since they couldn't find the serial number I was giving them from system profile. When I opened it up I saw the data cable for the second drive had not been connected. I guess they really were in a hurry to get these things out. I use MOTU's Digital Performer and with the speed of the G5, it's amazing!

    Apparently, almost all (if not ALL) the G5 2.5 shipping does not have an existing serial number in the Apple database. I also received mine yesterday and needed to have it serviced already due to the STUPID manufacturing - they incorrectly connected the thin wire of the AE card and the Apple Genius at my local Apple Retail store in SF said it may have snapped (either that or my logic board is defective, she said). So everything works except for the AE card (which I ordered together as a BTO). The problem is that I can't have it actually serviced or even registered, yet, because the serial number does not exist with them.
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