How to connect to hotel ethernet
I have a iBook g4 10.3.5 airport
will be going on vacation to a marriot hotel that has ethernet
how do i connect if it's wired ( i assume they supply the cable)
If its a wireless connection, how do i do this as well
I don't want to mess up my present airport settings, so when i come home i don't have to reconfigure my iBook
too bad AI doens't have a solutions forum
will be going on vacation to a marriot hotel that has ethernet
how do i connect if it's wired ( i assume they supply the cable)
If its a wireless connection, how do i do this as well
I don't want to mess up my present airport settings, so when i come home i don't have to reconfigure my iBook
too bad AI doens't have a solutions forum
I think the rest is pretty obvious...
Locations appear in the Apple Menu for your convenience.
I have this oportunity, now more and more spots are either "hot" and hotels almost all now have ethernet
Originally posted by NOFEER
I have this oportunity, now more and more spots are either "hot" and hotels almost all now have ethernet
Yeah, it just works for me when I plug in the cable, but I've never been at a hotel that provided a cable. I always take my own.
Originally posted by NOFEER
too bad AI doens't have a solutions forum
You mean something much like the Genius Bar?
Moving there now...
Same for wireless. Just make sure Airport is on. It will sniff out the connection and ask you if you want to join it. Click yes.
some were plug and play, some you needed a password, some a cord, etc.
be ready for anything. if you know where your going call ahead.
Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar
and be ready to get internet explorer out of mothballs.
Huh? I travel every week. Safari all the way.
Have a great trip!
The only problem I've had has been using wireless at one or two hotels (out of about 100). I've heard that certain CISCO routers allow certain settings that don't work well with OS X.
What worked for me was to try to connect to a manual IP address and when that didn't work switch back to DHCP which then connects. If I put the PB to sleep I have to go through the same routine to connect again.
This is a very rare condition. But if you run into it try this.
Also, everyplace I've been to has a help line to call if you have trouble. I had to call one a few months ago (at a Marriott coincidentally). When I said I had a Mac the guy was surprised. He said that they rarely have trouble with Macs. He knew his way around OS X and didn't give me a hard time for using a Mac. The problem turned out to be that the cables were misconnected to the modem. I know of another case where the problem turned out to be a dead modem. The message is that if there is a problem don't blame your Mac first.
I concur with the others. Bring your own Ethernet cable.