Sounds like you want a HIGH-end mini-headless. Don't hold your breath. If anything, Apple needs a LOW-end mini-headless to create an entry cost even lower than the eMac.
Oh I'm not so interested in a HIGH-end ... I'd be perfectly happy with a 1.8 or a 2.0 G5, I just don't want the front-side bus to be crippled. Single CPU is fine by me, though a dual-core version later would be cool I only need a single PCI-X slot for a video card upgrade, but put a low-end video on the mobo, just for trouble shooting, office users, etc
Suggestion: put the PowerMac on the floor
That's the problem Its so huge, I'll knock my knees on it. And the headphone,usb, firewire ports would be too low to the ground to be useful, in any ergonomic sense.
Anyway, the G5 iMacs's not for a DIY'er, but it's a great design at the right price. They'll sell a ton. The removable foot opens up tons of possibilities.
For the market they're chasing, the new iMac G5 is a ok machine I guess. My point is there is a nice large piece of us that are in-between product lines ... need more than an iMac, need less an a PowerMac. Those of us that like to tinker, have the money to spend, and most importantly, don't mind spending it
It just seems to me that if I could have a PowerMac chassis about 1/3 the size, sit it on my desk, be able to upgrade the video card, ram, or HD when I want, there would be a LOT of happy switchers like myself.
Something like this:
PowerMac G5 mini-tower (approx 1/3 the size of current box)
512Mb RAM (expandable to 2G, maybe 4G if there's room)
200Gb SATA drive (with room for another one)
8x Superdrive
Onboard nVidia FX5200 (64Mb)
Single 1.8 or 2.0Ghz G5 (Dual core in a later model)
Single PCI-X slot for video upgrades
The usual ports: USB 2.0, Firewire 400 (maybe Firewire 800 at some point), etc
Personally, I would happily pay $1599 for that .. and I provide my own monitor, or buy a new 23" seperately, either way
The thing is, this config would meet my space requirements, horsepower requirements, and my flexibility requirements ... sad as it is to say this, just like my Shuttle does now although I'm forced to use Windows
With the onboard video and the expansion option, I'd also get an appealing business-class machine as well. IT departments love to keep machines around for a while, and upgrades help them extend the useful life of the box.
Well, Macbidouille in today's live coverage of Apple Expo, say that the new design is a work of the iPod team. In particular, they say that just after the iMac's introduction, a presentation video has been projected, where Apple insisted that the design came from the creators of iPod. It could be a marketing trick, but it could easily be 100% true.
Well, Macbidouille in today's live coverage of Apple Expo, say that the new design is a work of the iPod team. In particular, they say that just after the iMac's introduction, a presentation video has been projected, where Apple insisted that the design came from the creators of iPod. It could be a marketing trick, but it could easily be 100% true.
You can watch the Expo, including that video with Ives, here:
Yes, the current iMac is a fine machine - today. Yes, Apple will sell them as fast as they can make them. But when OS X 10.4 comes out with all those cool 3D effects I suspect people are going to really start whining about how inadequate the 5200 GPU is.
- Jasen.
What cool 3D effects??? Like the little ripples on Dashboard? I'd like to know what crazy effects you think Tiger will have.
On another note... MACS ARE NOT FOR GAMES! Sure, they have games out for them, but anyone even remotely considering playing a lot of computer games should not look at a Mac. That is not the purpose of these computers. The incredibly compact design will let families put the computer where a big, ugly PC case would not be able to go (ie. kitchen, bookshelf, bathroom(?)) Anyway, people do not buy a iMac because it has the latest and greatest GPU or is packed full of RAM. They buy them to do exactly what has been said before: to view pictures, listen to music, and send e-mail. My parents use a 700Mhz eMac with 256MB of RAM and they could not ask for anything more.
What cool 3D effects??? Like the little ripples on Dashboard? I'd like to know what crazy effects you think Tiger will have.
On another note... MACS ARE NOT FOR GAMES! Sure, they have games out for them, but anyone even remotely considering playing a lot of computer games should not look at a Mac. That is not the purpose of these computers. The incredibly compact design will let families put the computer where a big, ugly PC case would not be able to go (ie. kitchen, bookshelf, bathroom(?)) Anyway, people do not buy a iMac because it has the latest and greatest GPU or is packed full of RAM. They buy them to do exactly what has been said before: to view pictures, listen to music, and send e-mail. My parents use a 700Mhz eMac with 256MB of RAM and they could not ask for anything more.
I hear YE! Its funny how most people can't get it through their thick skulls that MACs are not gaming machines . I bought my MAC solely for work purposes and at that it really excells . Oh the work that i do is graphic design which is what the mac was born to do
I'm convinced that consumers will love the iMac. Why? Because in many households the wife holds sway. Do you think it's chance that the iPod Mini has struck a chord with women with the colors and all. Women also seem to detest big bulky computers.
The wife holds sway? In some areas, most definitely, but in computer purchasing? Think again.
I'll give you that women don't like big bulky computers, but they don't like big bulky anythings because they're such a pain in the @$$ to move when they do the "Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall" room rearrangement. Other than that, my wife doesn't care what the computer looks like, as long as she can get her email and balance her checkbook.
Heck, with my tower + display, she doesn't even have to look at the bulky tower since it's tucked away under the desk.
i think this is the imac's final permutation in it's evolutionary design.
this is truly an all in one in a way the original imac was and the imac2 wasn't. the imac2 was an aio in name only but not by design.
the graphics card is it's achilles heal but the rest of the specs look fine with a nice path for growth.
with it's next upgrade, it will have a 2ghz g5 and a 128mb graphics card and the sooner that comes out the better for the imac.
at it's price points, specs, design and growth potential, i think it will be a full blown success.
this along with a 12" ibook, is the perfect switcher/ipod convert computer.
pc ipod users discovers a renewed appreciation for design so they investigate purchasing a mac for the first time and experiments with an inexpensive ibook purchase witch leads to and appreciation for osx so they upgrade their destops to the imac to compliment their ibook and for increased power.
the three peices of hardware above are distinct and within budget.
the ibook experience is important as they download music (most of it illegal to start) they don't get viruses which have plagued them with their pc's.
the above scenerio is what i have experienced among a half dozen pc user friends in the last 6 months. the explosion started with the mini craze.
they have not made desktop purchases but when they do i do not think they will be buying g5 towers. the imac is perfect.
I just got out of jury duty and immediately went to Apple's webpage to see the new iMac. Very impressed with the design and relative devcreases in price at the middle and high end from the previous models. Simplicity redefined.
Hope Apple gets a lot of switchers with this model, we'll see. Will I buy one to replace my aging 7500 w/ a G4 upgrade card, ATI Rage Pro, kind of doubt it. Looks like the low end tower will be for me.
[/b].The fastest-growing market in the consumer sector is the ever-so-expandable "portable" computer, including desknotes as well as laptops. So much for expandability as a major consumer selling point. [/B]
You won't give up your little world will you? Portable systems are portable this is what people buy them for. Desktops are not portable in the same way that a laptop is, therefore they require a different reason for people to want them.
Making a laptop that isn't portable doesn't work (yes even those 10 lb + P4 laptops are at least luggable, although I wouldn't suggest running a marathon w/ one strapped to your back).
So what do you suppose this reason is?
Style? (iMacs1,2, and 3 have this)
Performance? (iMac1 had a decent amount, 2 and 3 bleh)
Choice in models? (iMac1 had a decent amount, 2 and 3? not even close, you get 2 models w/ choice of 2 different displays on second model)
Expandability? (hmm nope none to speak of)
So the iMac3 has 1 good reason to buy it. Yep a good niche Mac but not gonna be putting up numbers like the iMac1.
The wife holds sway? In some areas, most definitely, but in computer purchasing? Think again.
Preach it brother. That's so funny, I thought the same thing when I read his post. My wife can care less if it was green, purple, fuzzy or whatever, of course on the full understanding she receives her email, gets her e-Bay on and doesn?t see my porn in her partition. I do however see the need for the AIO Apple; I myself was very excited about this iMac release because of the size. As posted early I live in an Apartment with limited space (lot of crap) and the iMac would have fit my space needs perfect, well plus my desire to have a G5. Due to my desire to game though, I?ve decided to wait till the next release and buy another Powerbook instead. Boo Ho, woe is me.
The wife holds sway? In some areas, most definitely, but in computer purchasing? Think again.
:P Consider yourself lucky. She abdicates tech stuff to you. Not all men are so lucky. Stuffing a bunch of stuff in a home office is one thing but once you enter the domain of the living room the femme fatales take over. The don't call it Wife Acceptance Factor(WAF) for nothing.
So the iMac3 has 1 good reason to buy it. Yep a good niche Mac but not gonna be putting up numbers like the iMac1.
Everyone seems to think there is some magical combination that will cause computer sales to spike like they did with the original iMac. Folks it isn't going to happen. The late 90's and early 2k had a Big Bang of sorts where there was a frenzy in computer buying. Apple could drop the new iMacs to $899 and it's unlikely that they'd hit those heady numbers. the average consumer is far more picky today and quite honestly has access to more equipment. I think Apple is doing the right thing by focusing on keeping the Mac sales from declining and moving into other lucrative areas(iPod).
The new iMac is worthy and I'll be glad to see one on my desk next year. There's nothing happening in the peecee land that has me excited anymore than this.
1) For all those, "I can build my own machine for ...". Just one question. Did you build your own car? No? How LAME is that. If you built your own car it would be much faster and cheaper. Losers.
2) I DO game on my iMac and I have an 800mhz G4 iMac lamp (512 RAM) with a GeForce 2 video card right now. I play mainly twitchy FPS games like Quake III Arene, Return to Woflenstein, NeverWinter Nights, etc., plus Tiger Wood's Golf. I bought over 10 games like those in the last year.
Gee - the new iMac is so lame. It's only twice as fast as my current iMac. How lame is that? lol
3) I also use GarageBand to make music, .Mac to a couple of websites (which I also use iPhoto for). And I make DVDs that WOW my 13 and 15 year old niece and nephew. And I use my digital video camera and iMove (along with iDVD) to make DVDs of my vacation trips.
4) Kids don't like Macs? Uh, check out #3. They were REALLY Pi$sed when their dad bought a Dell instead of a Mac. They have a PS/2 for games because the Dell is too lame for them. Their words, not mine.
5) Last and maybe not least. When my wife is hogging the iMac I use a G3 tower with 256 MB of RAM running Panther (10.3.5) to write articles, surf the web, and e-mail. I'd LOVE to see someone using the same period Dell (or whatever) with the current version of XP and enjoying it. I still enjoy my G3 tower.
I do however think that there are a lot of folks out there like my family, that kept putting off getting a new iMac because the features of the last version just never seemed right for the price. (Still have our iMac DVSE 400 that we bought as it was announced at the Keynote.) And besides the point it still works fine.
This new iMac is different. It has a great screen, is fast and the footprint is incredibly small! We just measured the space it will take up and finally we can put it directly in front of us in the kitchen at our desk area vs. off to the side on the adjacent countertop.
Plus, this version will cost me what the graphite version cost back then.
We ordered the 20" this morning. I bet the mid range will be the most popular however. We went for the bigger screen in anticipation of having this for another 5 years and kicking ourselves for getting the smaller version.
This new line of iMacs is going to get those 13, 14, and 15, year olds excited about getting a Mac, as well as those college bound teens who need a computer, but don't want a laptop for one reason or another. Also with the recent deal between Duke and Apple the future for total university Mac saturation is coming. Soon Schools will be using Xservs as servers and PowerMacs in their high end labs, and the new iMacs in their libraries. If teens and twenty-something?s buy this as their first Mac to compliment their iPod!!! Whoa they will never go back to the noisy dusty beige box again! The next few years should be big for apple, because they will be establishing the next generation of Mac users in a never before seen way.
What country are you writing from, what country are you writing about?
If any of the complainers here would compare the iMac to a PC AIO they would see that the iMac is perfectly prices and spec'ed to compete in its intended market.
That's it for me. Thread is all used up. Have a nice day.
Originally posted by nagromme
Sounds like you want a HIGH-end mini-headless. Don't hold your breath. If anything, Apple needs a LOW-end mini-headless to create an entry cost even lower than the eMac.
Oh I'm not so interested in a HIGH-end ... I'd be perfectly happy with a 1.8 or a 2.0 G5, I just don't want the front-side bus to be crippled. Single CPU is fine by me, though a dual-core version later would be cool
Suggestion: put the PowerMac on the floor
That's the problem
Anyway, the G5 iMacs's not for a DIY'er, but it's a great design at the right price. They'll sell a ton. The removable foot opens up tons of possibilities.
For the market they're chasing, the new iMac G5 is a ok machine I guess. My point is there is a nice large piece of us that are in-between product lines ... need more than an iMac, need less an a PowerMac. Those of us that like to tinker, have the money to spend, and most importantly, don't mind spending it
It just seems to me that if I could have a PowerMac chassis about 1/3 the size, sit it on my desk, be able to upgrade the video card, ram, or HD when I want, there would be a LOT of happy switchers like myself.
Something like this:
PowerMac G5 mini-tower (approx 1/3 the size of current box)
512Mb RAM (expandable to 2G, maybe 4G if there's room)
200Gb SATA drive (with room for another one)
8x Superdrive
Onboard nVidia FX5200 (64Mb)
Single 1.8 or 2.0Ghz G5 (Dual core in a later model)
Single PCI-X slot for video upgrades
The usual ports: USB 2.0, Firewire 400 (maybe Firewire 800 at some point), etc
Personally, I would happily pay $1599 for that .. and I provide my own monitor, or buy a new 23" seperately, either way
The thing is, this config would meet my space requirements, horsepower requirements, and my flexibility requirements ... sad as it is to say this, just like my Shuttle does now although I'm forced to use Windows
With the onboard video and the expansion option, I'd also get an appealing business-class machine as well. IT departments love to keep machines around for a while, and upgrades help them extend the useful life of the box.
Just my $0.02 worth
Originally posted by PB
Well, Macbidouille in today's live coverage of Apple Expo, say that the new design is a work of the iPod team. In particular, they say that just after the iMac's introduction, a presentation video has been projected, where Apple insisted that the design came from the creators of iPod. It could be a marketing trick, but it could easily be 100% true.
Wake up Neo, the iPod era has begun.
Originally posted by PB
Well, Macbidouille in today's live coverage of Apple Expo, say that the new design is a work of the iPod team. In particular, they say that just after the iMac's introduction, a presentation video has been projected, where Apple insisted that the design came from the creators of iPod. It could be a marketing trick, but it could easily be 100% true.
You can watch the Expo, including that video with Ives, here:
Originally posted by jasenj1
Yes, the current iMac is a fine machine - today. Yes, Apple will sell them as fast as they can make them. But when OS X 10.4 comes out with all those cool 3D effects I suspect people are going to really start whining about how inadequate the 5200 GPU is.
- Jasen.
What cool 3D effects??? Like the little ripples on Dashboard? I'd like to know what crazy effects you think Tiger will have.
On another note... MACS ARE NOT FOR GAMES! Sure, they have games out for them, but anyone even remotely considering playing a lot of computer games should not look at a Mac. That is not the purpose of these computers. The incredibly compact design will let families put the computer where a big, ugly PC case would not be able to go (ie. kitchen, bookshelf, bathroom(?)) Anyway, people do not buy a iMac because it has the latest and greatest GPU or is packed full of RAM. They buy them to do exactly what has been said before: to view pictures, listen to music, and send e-mail. My parents use a 700Mhz eMac with 256MB of RAM and they could not ask for anything more.
Originally posted by turnerm5
What cool 3D effects??? Like the little ripples on Dashboard? I'd like to know what crazy effects you think Tiger will have.
On another note... MACS ARE NOT FOR GAMES! Sure, they have games out for them, but anyone even remotely considering playing a lot of computer games should not look at a Mac. That is not the purpose of these computers. The incredibly compact design will let families put the computer where a big, ugly PC case would not be able to go (ie. kitchen, bookshelf, bathroom(?)) Anyway, people do not buy a iMac because it has the latest and greatest GPU or is packed full of RAM. They buy them to do exactly what has been said before: to view pictures, listen to music, and send e-mail. My parents use a 700Mhz eMac with 256MB of RAM and they could not ask for anything more.
I hear YE! Its funny how most people can't get it through their thick skulls that MACs are not gaming machines . I bought my MAC solely for work purposes and at that it really excells . Oh the work that i do is graphic design which is what the mac was born to do
Originally posted by hmurchison
I'm convinced that consumers will love the iMac. Why? Because in many households the wife holds sway. Do you think it's chance that the iPod Mini has struck a chord with women with the colors and all. Women also seem to detest big bulky computers.
The wife holds sway? In some areas, most definitely, but in computer purchasing? Think again.
I'll give you that women don't like big bulky computers, but they don't like big bulky anythings because they're such a pain in the @$$ to move when they do the "Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall" room rearrangement. Other than that, my wife doesn't care what the computer looks like, as long as she can get her email and balance her checkbook.
Heck, with my tower + display, she doesn't even have to look at the bulky tower since it's tucked away under the desk.
i think this is the imac's final permutation in it's evolutionary design.
this is truly an all in one in a way the original imac was and the imac2 wasn't. the imac2 was an aio in name only but not by design.
the graphics card is it's achilles heal but the rest of the specs look fine with a nice path for growth.
with it's next upgrade, it will have a 2ghz g5 and a 128mb graphics card and the sooner that comes out the better for the imac.
at it's price points, specs, design and growth potential, i think it will be a full blown success.
this along with a 12" ibook, is the perfect switcher/ipod convert computer.
pc ipod users discovers a renewed appreciation for design so they investigate purchasing a mac for the first time and experiments with an inexpensive ibook purchase witch leads to and appreciation for osx so they upgrade their destops to the imac to compliment their ibook and for increased power.
the three peices of hardware above are distinct and within budget.
the ibook experience is important as they download music (most of it illegal to start) they don't get viruses which have plagued them with their pc's.
the above scenerio is what i have experienced among a half dozen pc user friends in the last 6 months. the explosion started with the mini craze.
they have not made desktop purchases but when they do i do not think they will be buying g5 towers. the imac is perfect.
Hope Apple gets a lot of switchers with this model, we'll see. Will I buy one to replace my aging 7500 w/ a G4 upgrade card, ATI Rage Pro, kind of doubt it. Looks like the low end tower will be for me.
Oh well good luck Apple
Originally posted by Amorph
[/b].The fastest-growing market in the consumer sector is the ever-so-expandable "portable" computer, including desknotes as well as laptops. So much for expandability as a major consumer selling point. [/B]
You won't give up your little world will you? Portable systems are portable this is what people buy them for. Desktops are not portable in the same way that a laptop is, therefore they require a different reason for people to want them.
Making a laptop that isn't portable doesn't work (yes even those 10 lb + P4 laptops are at least luggable, although I wouldn't suggest running a marathon w/ one strapped to your back).
So what do you suppose this reason is?
Style? (iMacs1,2, and 3 have this)
Performance? (iMac1 had a decent amount, 2 and 3 bleh)
Choice in models? (iMac1 had a decent amount, 2 and 3? not even close, you get 2 models w/ choice of 2 different displays on second model)
Expandability? (hmm nope none to speak of)
So the iMac3 has 1 good reason to buy it. Yep a good niche Mac but not gonna be putting up numbers like the iMac1.
Originally posted by PBG4 Dude
The wife holds sway? In some areas, most definitely, but in computer purchasing? Think again.
Preach it brother. That's so funny, I thought the same thing when I read his post. My wife can care less if it was green, purple, fuzzy or whatever, of course on the full understanding she receives her email, gets her e-Bay on and doesn?t see my porn in her partition. I do however see the need for the AIO Apple; I myself was very excited about this iMac release because of the size. As posted early I live in an Apartment with limited space (lot of crap) and the iMac would have fit my space needs perfect, well plus my desire to have a G5. Due to my desire to game though, I?ve decided to wait till the next release and buy another Powerbook instead. Boo Ho, woe is me.
The wife holds sway? In some areas, most definitely, but in computer purchasing? Think again.
:P Consider yourself lucky. She abdicates tech stuff to you. Not all men are so lucky. Stuffing a bunch of stuff in a home office is one thing but once you enter the domain of the living room the femme fatales take over. The don't call it Wife Acceptance Factor(WAF) for nothing.
So the iMac3 has 1 good reason to buy it. Yep a good niche Mac but not gonna be putting up numbers like the iMac1.
Everyone seems to think there is some magical combination that will cause computer sales to spike like they did with the original iMac. Folks it isn't going to happen. The late 90's and early 2k had a Big Bang of sorts where there was a frenzy in computer buying. Apple could drop the new iMacs to $899 and it's unlikely that they'd hit those heady numbers. the average consumer is far more picky today and quite honestly has access to more equipment. I think Apple is doing the right thing by focusing on keeping the Mac sales from declining and moving into other lucrative areas(iPod).
The new iMac is worthy and I'll be glad to see one on my desk next year. There's nothing happening in the peecee land that has me excited anymore than this.
Originally posted by glen
You can watch the Expo, including that video with Ives, here:
It doesn't work for me at this moment. Perhaps the Apple servers are too much loaded right now. Anyway, what is the conclusion?
2) I DO game on my iMac and I have an 800mhz G4 iMac lamp (512 RAM) with a GeForce 2 video card right now. I play mainly twitchy FPS games like Quake III Arene, Return to Woflenstein, NeverWinter Nights, etc., plus Tiger Wood's Golf. I bought over 10 games like those in the last year.
Gee - the new iMac is so lame. It's only twice as fast as my current iMac. How lame is that? lol
3) I also use GarageBand to make music, .Mac to a couple of websites (which I also use iPhoto for). And I make DVDs that WOW my 13 and 15 year old niece and nephew. And I use my digital video camera and iMove (along with iDVD) to make DVDs of my vacation trips.
4) Kids don't like Macs? Uh, check out #3. They were REALLY Pi$sed when their dad bought a Dell instead of a Mac. They have a PS/2 for games because the Dell is too lame for them. Their words, not mine.
5) Last and maybe not least. When my wife is hogging the iMac I use a G3 tower with 256 MB of RAM running Panther (10.3.5) to write articles, surf the web, and e-mail. I'd LOVE to see someone using the same period Dell (or whatever) with the current version of XP and enjoying it. I still enjoy my G3 tower.
You can take off the foot, as has been mentioned and hang on the wall or attach to VESA standard articulating arms.
For me, I will just move/rotate the base and tilt if needed. I can't wait to receive mine. Let's see if the 3-4 wks holds true.
I do however think that there are a lot of folks out there like my family, that kept putting off getting a new iMac because the features of the last version just never seemed right for the price. (Still have our iMac DVSE 400 that we bought as it was announced at the Keynote.) And besides the point it still works fine.
This new iMac is different. It has a great screen, is fast and the footprint is incredibly small! We just measured the space it will take up and finally we can put it directly in front of us in the kitchen at our desk area vs. off to the side on the adjacent countertop.
Plus, this version will cost me what the graphite version cost back then.
We ordered the 20" this morning. I bet the mid range will be the most popular however. We went for the bigger screen in anticipation of having this for another 5 years and kicking ourselves for getting the smaller version.
Originally posted by PBG4 Dude
According to the iMac tech specs page (it would be nice if this was actually checked by more people
Thanks I have checked the specs, 25 Db is the max when the processor is not busy ...
However they said that the fans are huge and are just turning at some hundreds rpm : I feel more secured.
Originally posted by gunnerycox
This new line of iMacs is going to get those 13, 14, and 15, year olds excited about getting a Mac, as well as those college bound teens who need a computer, but don't want a laptop for one reason or another. Also with the recent deal between Duke and Apple the future for total university Mac saturation is coming. Soon Schools will be using Xservs as servers and PowerMacs in their high end labs, and the new iMacs in their libraries. If teens and twenty-something?s buy this as their first Mac to compliment their iPod!!! Whoa they will never go back to the noisy dusty beige box again! The next few years should be big for apple, because they will be establishing the next generation of Mac users in a never before seen way.
What country are you writing from, what country are you writing about?
That's it for me. Thread is all used up. Have a nice day.