Apple integrates online store into Mac OS X Tiger application

in macOS edited January 2014
Running out of ink? The Apple online store carries several varieties, as users of the company's next-generation operating system may soon find out.

If recent builds of Apple's Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger operating system are any indication, it appears that Apple Computer may start integrating its online store into Mac OS X applications.

According to sources, a refreshed version of the company's Printer Setup Utility (4.0) is being distributed with the latest builds of Tiger. In addition to sporting a streamlined aqua interface, the application presents the user with a handy function to quickly purchase printer supplies.

Screenshots: Buy Supplies; Printer Browser; Add Printer

The option, which is available only after a user has selected a printer, will launch the Safari web browser and search the company's online store for ink cartridges that are compatible with the selected printer.

It's unclear whether the final version of Tiger will ship with this Apple Store implementation. Last year, the company was reportedly experimenting with third party support for its Software Update mechanism, but eventually decided not to include the feature in current versions of Mac OS X.


  • Reply 1 of 19
    As long as this doesn't turn into some major in your face promotion I'm ok with it. Thankfully, taste usually wins over in your face advertising when it comes o Apple products. The big exception, IMHO, is quicktime with that stupid splash screen asking if you want to upgrade every time it is launched.
  • Reply 2 of 19
    Having an option that is out of the users face and allows them purchase more ink cartridges for your printer that is out of the way is a good idea.

    Subtle marketing of the Apple store I really don't care about. Especially if it actually helps the user.

  • Reply 3 of 19
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Yuck. Unprofessional.
  • Reply 4 of 19
    Unprofessional? For selling your product or service? Isn't that what professionals tend to do? It's not like they're preventing you from going to other sources for supplies.
  • Reply 5 of 19
    awesome. apple needs to do this more. if they can make money this way, it will mean that the price of the software will get cheaper as it drives sales to their online store.
  • Reply 6 of 19

    Originally posted by Scott

    Yuck. Unprofessional.

    I agree...if done wrong. Like with Quicktime's "purchase pro" dialog right in your face just about every time you launch it.

    But if it is actually out of the way and does provide a handy service such as like this one...purchasing a new ink cartridge. This is actually a nice feature. It saves the user time by having to find a place that specifically sells ink cartridges. And plus, this option will search the Apple store for cartridges that work with the user's printer.

  • Reply 7 of 19
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I'm ambivalent about this. On the one hand, it's convenient, and unobtrusive if it's done right. On the other hand, if all it does is take you right to the relevant company's official cartridges (with their generous margins built it) then it will just be a blow leveled against third party products at a time when Lexmark is throwing low blows their way already.


    If Apple has the stones to offer a variety of supplies that meet the customer's needs, that would be the best case. But that doesn't mean it'll happen.
  • Reply 8 of 19
    Integrated? The menu option opens a Safari window pointing to the Printers and accessories page on the Apple Store...I don't call that integrated.

    Integrated would be something like the iTunes Music Store.
  • Reply 9 of 19
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    if its anything like the 'buy fonts' option that was in from public beta, it won't actually ship
  • Reply 10 of 19

    Originally posted by MPMoriarty

    I agree...if done wrong. Like with Quicktime's "purchase pro" dialog right in your face just about every time you launch it.

    Just set you date a year forward, and run it once, dismiss the message and set your date back.

  • Reply 11 of 19
    Im hoping that this will be plug-in based... I'd never buy any 'supplies' from the Apple store due to the prices!
  • Reply 12 of 19
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Never fear, if intrusive, I'm sure some Terminal geek will provide the 3 easy steps to turn in off, or some one will find the plist file that needs amending.
  • Reply 13 of 19
    Kind of like the defunct "Buy Fonts" menu item, if you ask me... just a test from Apple to find out who is leaking screen shots.
  • Reply 14 of 19
    Hmm, this sounds like a good idea, but I would rather the facility offered a list of places to buy from. Had this been Microsoft offering a facility to buy cartridges from the MS Store then everyone would be up in arms, so why should it be any different for Apple?
  • Reply 15 of 19

    Had this been Microsoft offering a facility to buy cartridges from the MS Store then everyone would be up in arms, so why should it be any different for Apple? \t

    Really? And how do you suppose this? No one is forced to use the service at all. I think the only people that would be "up in arms" would be the MS haters that rant about everything MS does.
  • Reply 16 of 19
    davdav Posts: 119member
    as long as it doesn't turn into...

    "i notice my system is running sluggish lately, dave. i've retrieved your credit card information and purchased more ram. please have this installed within seven days, dave."
  • Reply 17 of 19
    this "feature" is in the current OS. Check out iChat, iMovie and iPhoto and you will find the buy option taking you to Apple Store.
  • Reply 18 of 19
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Really? And how do you suppose this? No one is forced to use the service at all. I think the only people that would be "up in arms" would be the MS haters that rant about everything MS does.

    Actually, everyone WAS up in arms with XP during the beta stage, because their photo buying service took you to MS's partners, not who you want to go to. Kodak was screaming up and down about it.

    There's actually no difference (give or take that whole 'implemented decently' vs. 'coddled together with duct tape' differences) between this kind of thing and what MS has done (and still does), but Apple people tend to give Apple the "whatever" attitude (well, except when it comes to building in .Mac hooks into the OS, then its all 'up-in-arms' from the 'you promised it would be free for life, so now I'm going to rant about it whenever you try to suck money out of us!' group that complain it).

    The main difference, however, is that since MS has been found to be a monopoly, they need to tread a lot lighter on all this stuff then smaller companies like apple.
  • Reply 19 of 19

    Originally posted by dav

    as long as it doesn't turn into...

    "i notice my system is running sluggish lately, dave. i've retrieved your credit card information and purchased more ram. please have this installed within seven days, dave."

    Internal Memo.

    from:Steve Jobs

    to :Apple OS team

    Who has leaked this feature ?

    By tomorrow at noon, there ought to be some resignation on my desk. If not, Stevie-boy will very very cranky.

    Do you want that ? huh !

    Do you feel lucky ?, huh, punk !!!

    best regards

    Steve jobs
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