iTunes Music Store in Australia.



  • Reply 21 of 22
    idunnoidunno Posts: 645member

    Originally posted by benjamin_r

    *joins jimzip in foetal position*

    please Apple...... enough of the crappy little EU countries!!!!!

    *insert apology to anyone from these places here*

    Australia needs iTMS!!!!!

    Considering that half the Australian popiulation is from the Eu... Apple owes it to them to get the iTMS down here.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member

    Originally posted by iDunno

    Considering that half the Australian popiulation is from the Eu... Apple owes it to them to get the iTMS down here.

    I think I'm just going to revert to the old rumours of having it here within the next few weeks.. :nod:

    That'll do it..

    *returns to foetal position*

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